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View Full Version : How the hell do you mount tires on hipers?

01-05-2006, 02:23 PM
I''ve been trying to mount my MXR4's on my hipers for a hour already,i can't get the stupid edge of the tire to get set on the rim bead....any tips,and i tried everything wd-40,soap with water,even cooking spray :rolleyes: .I feel like a stupid *** newb that can't mount tires,but these suck,lol

01-05-2006, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by JDiablo
I''ve been trying to mount my MXR4's on my hipers for a hour already,i can't get the stupid edge of the tire to get set on the rim bead....any tips,and i tried everything wd-40,soap with water,even cooking spray :rolleyes: .I feel like a stupid *** newb that can't mount tires,but these suck,lol

it should be very easy to get on, use screwdrivers or a tire iron if you have one, put the wheel on top of the tire and push 1 edge down into it, then pry with short gaps between screw drivers until the first side is on, then use the screw drivers to pull the tire over the outer ring of the rim, this part should be easy, then center the wheel, and put the rings in, bolt them down to 10-12 pounds per each bolt, and you should be good to go

01-05-2006, 03:58 PM
and for all this time i thought u knew something.:ermm: :devil:

01-05-2006, 04:04 PM
Ahhh i hate mounting tires,i sliced my finger open on the billet center hub part of the hiper :ermm: so ill just let someone else do it :D

01-05-2006, 04:46 PM
I got kenda mxers on mine. I hit the wd40 up a lil on the tire an a lil on the rim.Screw driver to help slip it over.Slid right over.Infact I had to unmount them right after b/c i put my tires on backwards.AFTER i put all the ring screws in.Sucked but I got it down pat.

01-05-2006, 05:19 PM
mounting is easy its tightening all the screws that sucks

01-05-2006, 06:44 PM
Take the valve core out when your trying get the inside bead of the front to pop on. And make sure your air regulater on your compressor is turned all the way up.

01-05-2006, 07:17 PM
Take them to someone that knows what they are doing, you will be surprised how much of a difference it will make. Monday in my vo-tech class we tryed mounting the tires on my front rims, we had me and 2 or 3 other people fighting with them for almost 2 hours and couldnt get the bead set. Today one of my friends that actualy knows what he was doing had then done in 10 minutes.:p

01-07-2006, 05:15 PM
have you taken off the beadlocks?:p It would be pretty darn hard to mount tires with the bead lock still in place.:macho

01-07-2006, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by balls2da-wall
have you taken off the beadlocks?:p It would be pretty darn hard to mount tires with the bead lock still in place.:macho

lmao :blah: