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01-03-2006, 01:53 PM
Can someone describe this to me in a way that my teenage mind can comprehend? I heard it in "Hypnotize" by System of a Down, so I imagine it has something to do with badmouthing some vicious act we did a while ago. My friend told me it was about some Chinese kids that stood in front of a tank and got ran over. The section of the song says "why dont you ask the kids at Tienamen Square/ was fashion the reason why they were there?

01-03-2006, 02:05 PM
I was in tianamen square this summer, and it was pretty creepy. Lots of venders trying to sell you stuff that wouldnt leave you alone, old ladies fighting over pop bottles, people following you. But my dad told me that there was a large protest there, where people crammed into there, and stood in front of tanks. I cant remember the details of it though.

01-03-2006, 02:06 PM
lol...education thru system of the down...lmao

chinese citizens for reform had a large gathering at that location. the military was called in to send them packing. 1 fellow decided to stand in front of the tank and block its path creating a killer photo oppertunity. the tank did not run him down nor did it shoot him into little chinese checker bits:p

now if clinton and janet reno had control, the tank would have run him down and backed up then ran headlong into the crowd:devil:

01-03-2006, 02:10 PM
So nothing even happened?

01-03-2006, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
So nothing even happened?

at the time it was a big deal, but the communist government wasnt going to let a few thousand protesters have its way.

history may show that it did spark the begining of reform inside china, but its still a long long way off.

01-03-2006, 07:16 PM
Yeah, they're capitalistic socialists :confused: :blah: My boss just got back front a business trip there. They are building huge infrastructure (superhighways, communications, etc.) they are gearing up, but at this point the money sounds like its staying with the ruling class but look out in the future. It seems now that communism has failed. Money changes everything :devil:

01-03-2006, 07:46 PM
theres a picture of a guy standing infront of a tank, its very creepy. lets just say the guy didnt make it.

01-03-2006, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by 450r51
theres a picture of a guy standing infront of a tank, its very creepy. lets just say the guy didnt make it.

well you can say that, but he was not blown to bits. arrested im sure, but he wasnt killed by the tank:p that is the whole point to the picture.

01-03-2006, 08:01 PM
China seemed a little bit creepy when I was there this summer for about a week. We stayed in Beijing and saw all the sites. I had a good time, I just didnt feel all that safe there. In Hong Kong where we spent another week I felt completely safe. My parents had meetings every day, so I would just wander the city, play soccer with local kids, just hang out, and neither I nor my parents really worried about my safety there. I'm only 15, so its not like Im a grown man wandering the city by himself. The worst part about those trips was the time spent in a plane. It was pretty bad. I think it took us about 30 hours to get home.

01-04-2006, 04:41 AM
I went to Beijing last spring. I had lots of fun seeing the historic sites but I didn't get many good pics since the weather was EXTREMELY hazy. After about 3 days I got extremely tired of people following me around and/or staring like a crazed bafoon but I understand their curiosity since black people are a rarity in mainland China. There were more than 400,000 people in Tinnamen Square when I was there......WOW!!

Hazy pic of Tianamen Square.

01-04-2006, 04:42 AM
Great Wall of China near Beijing

01-04-2006, 04:44 AM
Entering the Forbidden City

01-04-2006, 04:56 AM
I must have been photographed 300 times while I was inside the Forbidden City. My friends were getting mad because people would not leave me alone. At the rear exit of the Foridden City people actually made a line to take pics with me after I took pics with a very friendly and polite Chinese family who were vacationing. I know how celebritries feel now. I have never gotten taxis so easy anywhere else in the world!

As you can tell by this pic I was extremely tired after getting ****ed for nearly 3 hours.

01-04-2006, 05:08 AM
lol...education thru system of the down...lmao

And you wonder what's wrong with public education.....:grr:

01-04-2006, 05:11 AM
I went to all of those places, and the size of some of the stuff was just amazing. I must have gone somewhere else for the great wall, because there wasnt a single section of it that wasnt stairs going up. It was 115 degrees out and I only made it 2/3 the way up the wall, and I quit. I saw some people that had passed out while on my way up.

01-04-2006, 05:28 AM
There were lots of stairs involved with my visit to the Great Wall. I had to stop many times because my friends got tired really easy...hahahaha.

My friend who lives in Beijing went to Shanghai on business a couple months later so I got another visa and hopped on a bird to Shanghai.

Pics from The Bund at night...

01-04-2006, 05:29 AM
My favorite pic

01-04-2006, 05:32 AM
This pic makes me laugh :D! The Colonel and his Chicken can be found almost anywhere in the world.

01-04-2006, 05:43 AM
People did stare at me every once in a while but at least they didn't point at me like the people in Beijing. The people in Shanghai were really cool. Most of the people I met just wanted to speak a little english to me since they knew I was american. They usually freaked out if I spoke some of my limited mandarin.

My most memorable moment is when I got my crew a VIP room in a very posh DIsco in Hong Kong Square. I didn't even ask for the room. After we paid the entry fee the girl in the front asked if I would like a VIP room. When I looked at here with amazement she said ... "Don't worry, it's on the house!". Me and my friends almost fainted when we entered the room because it has it's own tended bar, a dart machine, volume control for the outside music, Plasma TV and more. I guess the girl thought I was bigshot since my two male Chinese friends are huge mongolians (both are over 6'5") and my friend Ivy is very sexy. It looked like I had bodyguards and an enterpreteur. Oh yeah, I was amazed at the girl in the front because she spoke very proper english that did not have an american, british or chinese accent.

What are you lookin' at fool?......

01-04-2006, 06:25 AM
KFC, that's awesome...Great pics man. :)

01-04-2006, 06:47 AM


01-04-2006, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
lol...education thru system of the down...lmao

chinese citizens for reform had a large gathering at that location. the military was called in to send them packing. 1 fellow decided to stand in front of the tank and block its path creating a killer photo oppertunity. the tank did not run him down nor did it shoot him into little chinese checker bits:p

now if clinton and janet reno had control, the tank would have run him down and backed up then ran headlong into the crowd:devil:

im not a democrat or a republican....

i hope you arent bragging about the current administration.

01-04-2006, 07:58 AM
nope, just a reference to waco and ruby ridge and how they were handled:cool:

and im sure you would love to hear the positives of teh current adminstration but i take it you are not a fan..lol

01-04-2006, 08:05 AM
im not a fan of any of it.

as with any administration, in a few years when all the real stories come out, the bad's will outweigh the good's.

all polititions are so crooked, when they die, we are gonna have to screw them into the ground.:ermm:

01-04-2006, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by iceracer65

all politicians are so crooked when they die, we are gonna have to screw them into the ground.:ermm:

Thats good! :D :blah:

01-04-2006, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by infantry317
Yeah, they're capitalistic socialists :confused: :blah: My boss just got back front a business trip there. They are building huge infrastructure (superhighways, communications, etc.) they are gearing up, but at this point the money sounds like its staying with the ruling class but look out in the future. It seems now that communism has failed. Money changes everything :devil:

when hasn't communism failed.

01-04-2006, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by sickmojave


That's a great picture ... it still amazes me when I see it .

Just goes to show you that 1 person can make a difference . He had the nuts to stand up for his rights against a government and he won ......... although I'm sure he was sent off to jail for it ..... but for those few minutes he stopped an army/government all by himself . :eek2:

01-04-2006, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
That's a great picture ... it still amazes me when I see it .

Just goes to show you that 1 person can make a difference . He had the nuts to stand up for his rights against a government and he won ......... although I'm sure he was sent off to jail for it ..... but for those few minutes he stopped an army/government all by himself . :eek2:

I agree, one person can make a difference, but sometimes its just not worth it. Its sort of like a little skinny guy taking a swing at a football linebacker. He may stun the linebacker for a second, but the return blow would take him apart.

You may have noticed that there has not been one uprising against the chinese goverment since then. The revolters in Tiananmen Square paided dearly for thier actions.

Read this:Although the government declared martial law on May 20, the demonstrations continued. After deliberating among Communist party leaders, the use of military force to resolve the crisis was ordered, and Zhao Ziyang was ousted from political leadership as a result of his failure to prevent military action. The Communist Party then decided to stop the situation before it escalated further. Soldiers and tanks from the 27th and 28th Armies of the People's Liberation Army were sent to take control of the city. These forces were attacked by Chinese workers and students in the streets of Beijing and the ensuing violence resulted in both civilian and army deaths. The Chinese government acknowledged that a few hundred people died.

Estimates of civilian deaths vary greatly: the Central Intelligence Agency estimates that 400-800 died, while the Chinese Red Cross put the figure at 2,600. Student protestors claim that over 7,000 were killed. Following the violence, the government conducted widespread arrests to suppress the remaining supporters of the movement. It limited access for the foreign press and controlled coverage of the events in the mainland Chinese press. The suppression of the Tiananmen Square protest caused widespread condemnation by the United States and other Western Powers of the PRC government

Heres the full link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiananmen_Square_protests_of_1989

01-04-2006, 02:08 PM
You also have to understand how China is. In the last 75 years alone, millions have just "disappeared". If you spoke out against the goverment or even had a friend that did, you were drug out of your house at night and just were gone, easy as that. No trials, no nothing, just gone.
I watched a show one night on China on the history channel and they showed old black and white film footage. China had a bad opium problem in the first part of the 20th century.
Thousands of users, dealers and unfortunate innocent people in the bars and streets in citys all across China were rounded at night up by the goverment military and taken to fields outside of town.
The next morning they were forced to kneel down in rows and solders with pistols walked down the rows shooting them in the back of the head. I guess about 25-75 at a time in each field.
The family members were there watching and when the shooting was over, they went and got thier dead and buried them.
The old films did not block anything out, all was shown.
It really was disturbing to watch and I have never forgot it.

The revolters knew what they were facing when they went against the Chinese Goverment. Im sure all of the revolt leaders and that guy in front of the tank are long dead.

01-04-2006, 05:34 PM
propaganda... kids see things on tv and start to do or say it because they saw someone else do it. like on spongebob my little cuzin watches that everyday and he says all the stupid little thing he says and tries to walk like him...my opinion, dont hate me, spongebob should be shot for teaching all the little kids to be queers....no offense!

music is propaganda...bands try to make there songs better and they try to find ways to do it...like in hypnotize they talk about propoganda..which makes people want to hear it over and over and over again, not all people,...but its just what tv ,radio, music, pretty much everything we get is because of propaganda