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View Full Version : NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT, any tips or help? ?

01-01-2006, 07:20 PM
For this new year i really want to lose some weight and get in better shape... Im 15 and im about 5'5 or 5'6 and weigh around 200lbs ... any help on an easy to do diet , and some routine exercise.. im really looking to lose my man boobs and big stomache... thanks for any help or tips

01-01-2006, 07:22 PM
well if i were u i would run run run run run run run. thats wat i did when i had to make weight for wrestling meets and tournaments.

01-01-2006, 07:22 PM
The southbeach diet. Its the best diet out there, no contest.

01-01-2006, 07:24 PM
hey man I was in the same situation as you... what you should do is start running, or even jump ropping. you can eat all the food u eat now cept the junk.... jus cut down all your portions into half, and eat instead of 3 big meals a day, eat 5 or even 6 smaller meals. and just ride and work out!

01-01-2006, 07:24 PM
atkins. meat,cheese,eggs repeat. ive just started it again.

01-01-2006, 07:28 PM
Well... about 10 years ago I hit 200 lbs at 5'8" and decided to lose weight. I lost 40 pounds over about 4-6 months. Eat healthier foods in sensible amounts. Drink LOTS of COLD water. Nothing to eat after 7pm, no snacks. I would eat some pretzels, but NOTHING after 7pm. Get some excercise. Lift weights, but lighter weight with more reps to tone you up. Aerobic type exercise is VERY important. Jogging, bicycling, walking in the woods, find something you enjoy and will stick with. Sticking to the program is key... losing weight isn't done with magic pills or through miracles... It takes work and motivation. ;) Good luck, let us know how you are doing. :cool:

01-01-2006, 07:31 PM
get in your after school football program. You dont have to play football, but doing the weight training after school will def get you into shape. It may turn you into an athlete.

01-01-2006, 07:32 PM
Run On that thing you use as a coatrack :p

Jk, Man, I need to Lose some weight too, Im like 5' 10" and like 210, id like to be at about 170-180, maybe i'll start runnin again, but man, its hard to keep gettin on that thing!

01-01-2006, 07:49 PM
try drinking water before you run like a lot of it and dont eat so much fatty food and stuff then youll just sweet off the water not all that other stuff it worked for my friend

01-01-2006, 07:51 PM
eat 3 sensible meals a day, and eat nothing but fruit, nuts and veggys inbetween. water or 100% juice only to drink

if i could foillow that advice id be too sexy for myself:D

Honda TRX250ex
01-01-2006, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
eat 3 sensible meals a day, and eat nothing but fruit, nuts and veggys inbetween. water or 100% juice only to drink

if i could foillow that advice id be too sexy for myself:D
along with some plastic suregry:p
but wouldent be as beautiful as me:chinese:

01-01-2006, 08:07 PM
lyposuction! lol j/k man but yea, do alot of work-outs and you should lose some calories, andd burn some fat

01-01-2006, 08:16 PM
pappy was right about the 3 meals a day

NEVER, EVER! skip a meal! it will only hurt you, and slow your metabolism (because your starving your body, it slows down to make up for it) and eventually, your bosy will store anything you eat as fat, since itthinks that you are in a survival state, low on food... thats why 3 meals a day is som important

also, if you get the chance, a snack in between breakfast and luch, and a snack in between lunch and dinner help some too (i mean like fruit, or salad. something light)

drink lots of water, especially if your going to be running alot with your program

3 liters a day is good if your gonna excercise heavily

running will really burn fat, but it will also decrease muscle, s lift some wieghts before you run

never do more than an hour of running, anymore an your only stressing your joints and internals

when you eat, eat healthy

if you can replace ground beef with ground turkey (special choice i think is the best brand, it tastes great, almost like venison)

replace white breads with wheat or dark grains (white bread is processed, therefor, there are alot of unhealthy additives in it)

get a good healthy cereal, no lucky charms, try some flavored total, or kelloggs kashi line like heart to heart or golean, they have the protein and vitamins you need, but a tiny amount of sugar (despite that, they still tast great)

just stay away from high fat thing, and thingswith alot of sugar, and you should be good

most of all, just stick to it man! everything and anything is possible when you put effort into it

dont expect it to go away within a week or so, its gonn take soem time, but you will feel 10 times better, knowing your doing it the healty, and proper way. a good 2 punds of weight loss a week, will set you on the right path, anymore, and you might be doing something wrong, either not eating enough, or the right kinds of foods. that or your overworking your self

if you want any more info, i know alot about fitness, so just pm me

(sorry bout the spelling, my keyboard battery is low nd it skips keys evryonce and a while)

01-01-2006, 08:31 PM
Hell you live in Paoli, go skiing....

01-01-2006, 08:46 PM
I'm joining a gym, my goal is to lose like 20-25 lbs of fat, build some muscles, I'd like to be able to bench 250 or more:D That'll take me a while to get to.

01-01-2006, 08:57 PM
I was all but 200 lbs. at 5'3 than I drank nothing but water and ate no junk food and ran everyother day and got to 135, started lifting and got to 160 now im trying to loose more weight and start lifting again

only way to loose fat- diet and exercise simple as that lol

01-01-2006, 11:32 PM
Do the South Beach Diet.

It works, a friend lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks on it.

Also, start lifting and running, if you have a gym you go to, schedule time with a trainer, it is well worth it.

Start out slow, you can get injured if you try to do too much at once.

The hardest part is gettin your lazy *** into the gym to begin with, if you can stick it out and go regularly for a couple of weeks it will start to become easier and you will start to feel guilty if you don't go.

You will be amazed once you start going, how much better you feel and begin to look.

Good Luck!

Oh, Quit smoking if you do! And cut back on alchohol. If you don't bring the junk food home from the grocery........then you wont snack on it at home.

01-02-2006, 08:24 AM
About month ago I got a Schwinn Force(like a Bowflex) and started eating right, whole wheat bread, fresh fruit, chicken, fish( not breaded of coarse), stuff like that. I've lost 20lbs and I feel great. I've got alot of energy now and can't sit still. I get bored real quick. lol
Exercise and eat right. It won't happen overnite. Stick with it.

01-02-2006, 08:56 AM
eat noodle foods.yummmmmmmmmmm

01-02-2006, 09:45 AM
If you do have trouble sticking with a particular diet (south beach, atkins, etc...), learn to eat in moderation. Sure, fruit and nuts are good for you but if you eat too much of them it can be just as bad.

Learn how to stop eating before you are "filled to capacity." Stop eating while you still feel hungary. After 15 or so minutes, you will no longer feel hungary. As a society, we think we need to eat until we are abotu to explode. That is why Americans are so fat!

Also, just because something is "diet" doesnt mean it is healthy for you. Diet pop, baked chips, etc... are not necessarily ok to eat all the time. They all contain hundreds of chemicals, sodium (anything ending in "um" will make you hold water weight. Alot of people overlook this), and carbohydrates. The best thing you can do is eat natural foods. Not stuff that is manmade and contains thousands of chemicals yoru body doesnt need.

01-02-2006, 10:29 AM
well im "pleasently plump"...i have a stomache on me but no matter how much i eat...inever gett bigger and as i gett taller i lose weight...plus riding that quad and my bike,and dirtbike, really helped me lose some weight.

run, jump, ride, and eat right...

01-02-2006, 10:51 AM
well i eat noodle things every day and dont work out and got a 8 pack. so i say eat the noodels.

01-02-2006, 08:12 PM
ok thanks for all the info.. and keep it comeing.... im trying to get a daily diet / exercise plan... so i was thinking like oats and toast (should i get a certain kind of bread for that ?) for breakfast, fruit or like granola bar for 1st snack, school salad bar for lunch, fruit or granola bar for another snack, then maybe another simular snack later then an early dinner in which i have no idea on what to have .. And for liquids i planned to mostly just drink Clear American flavored waters, they are caffeine free, calorie free, and sodium free, and they come in 1 liter bottles so about how many should i drink daily ?

and for the physical part i just plan to do sit ups before i go to bed at night, and prolly walk, run, or stationary bike and everyother day do a combination weight center thing and again sit ups before i go to bed...

so any ideas at all would help, i dont care if you think i should just change it all, anything that would help woluld be great.... I dont really wanna buy a big food set up , just get store bought foods.... so any more help would be great.. thanks alot.....

Oh and whats the deal with noodles ? is that true ? and what would i eat them with? just like ramen noodle one meal a day or what ?

01-02-2006, 08:18 PM
1 easy tip that will help out alot....Stay away from them big yellow arches "mcdonalds" and any other fastfood place.....

01-02-2006, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Honda
If you don't bring the junk food home from the grocery........then you wont snack on it at home.

ya, out of site out of mind. The foods you eat will play a big role

01-02-2006, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by r-exrider0003
ok thanks for all the info.. and keep it comeing.... im trying to get a daily diet / exercise plan... so i was thinking like oats and toast (should i get a certain kind of bread for that ?) for breakfast, fruit or like granola bar for 1st snack, school salad bar for lunch, fruit or granola bar for another snack, then maybe another simular snack later then an early dinner in which i have no idea on what to have .. And for liquids i planned to mostly just drink Clear American flavored waters, they are caffeine free, calorie free, and sodium free, and they come in 1 liter bottles so about how many should i drink daily ?

and for the physical part i just plan to do sit ups before i go to bed at night, and prolly walk, run, or stationary bike and everyother day do a combination weight center thing and again sit ups before i go to bed...

so any ideas at all would help, i dont care if you think i should just change it all, anything that would help woluld be great.... I dont really wanna buy a big food set up , just get store bought foods.... so any more help would be great.. thanks alot.....

Oh and whats the deal with noodles ? is that true ? and what would i eat them with? just like ramen noodle one meal a day or what ?

your breakfast sounds good, quaker oats are a really good brand, and stick with wheat bread for the toast, just make sure you get the right amount, breakfast is exactly what its name says, breaking your fast (a fast is a period without eating, hence, when you sleep) its important to get you body in a metabolic state again when you wake up, so dont skip on that meal

the first snack is great, just when you go for the granolla bars, watch for how much sugar they put in them, some can get out of hand (again, quaker makes low sugar, but the same taste, bars)
fruit is also a great choice

lunch is ok, i know how you feel, as nothing the school actually cooks is healthy for you, so when you get your salad, makesure you get some type of meat to put on it, to make sure your getting enough protein

2nd snack, look at what i typed above.

dinner, you can almost do anything, just remember to not over stuff it, also try to stay away from breaded things, and fatty meats (ground beef, cut steaks) turkey, venison, chicken, and fish are great

obviously, do not eat fryed things

things stirfryed in some healthy oil dont hurt though, actually, some vegi oil is good for you skin and hair (along with peanut oil, but its high in bad fats)

01-02-2006, 09:49 PM
i forgot to add to

when you do your cardio excercises, make it enjoyable

if your using a treadmill, park it in front of the tv, and pop in a movie or watch oyur favorite show when you do it, by the time your show or movie is over, your done running, it just makes time pass so much faster

if you get tired of being in one spot the whole time, go out for a run, especially if its a nice evening out, its great running and watching the sun go down, and you will have to outside noise to distract you from focusing on what your doing, so it will seem like you havent been running as long (just take a stop watch so you dont go to long)

i sometimes take a run through my quad trails, just to take in the scenery, and leave all the noisy city, and all that other stressful crap behind

you can also take a bike ride, provided you have a mountain bike (or bmx, whatever) its another great cardio workout, and its alot more fun the high impact running

01-02-2006, 09:57 PM
start drinkin WATER! no cokes or that stuff!! and no junk food got to go.... and run run run run run run:D

01-02-2006, 09:58 PM
Amputation. LOL


01-02-2006, 10:00 PM
What he said Don't drink soda and run everyday. And don't run on a treadmill run outside if you are able.

01-02-2006, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by omaits
If you do have trouble sticking with a particular diet (south beach, atkins, etc...), learn to eat in moderation. Sure, fruit and nuts are good for you but if you eat too much of them it can be just as bad.

Learn how to stop eating before you are "filled to capacity." Stop eating while you still feel hungary. After 15 or so minutes, you will no longer feel hungary. As a society, we think we need to eat until we are abotu to explode. That is why Americans are so fat!


I think the same thing. I believe that is the secret for moast ppl not all. Just dont eat till you are full, eat a small first serving. Then after 10-15 min if you are still hungry go back for more. dont shovel it doun till you cant move.

altho I have to say, when it comes to spagatti I tend to eat more than fits in my stomich, same goes for just about any way chicken is cooked. love that stuff..

01-02-2006, 10:05 PM
Buy some Optimal Nutrition 100% Whey chocolate protien powder. Mix up a shake after strength training, cardio or in between meals. Best tasting protien supp by far and most important helps you add and keep the muscle while losing the fat. About $30 for a huge 5lb container. Trust me, its good stuff.

01-02-2006, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Titanium
well if i were u i would run run run run run run run. thats wat i did when i had to make weight for wrestling meets and tournaments.

its true running and swimming is where its at if u wanna lose fat!

If you don't go out for sports.... DO!

01-02-2006, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Nausty

If you don't go out for sports.... DO!

sports??? Racing is the best sport there can be. what eltse could u want?

01-03-2006, 01:34 PM
It's not easy but exercise and eat better and the hardest part is stick to it. I have been working out for 7 years straight and I have worked out with a lot of people over the years that start missing a day and then two and then a week and then that's the end of it. It is all up to you!

01-03-2006, 05:41 PM
Dang, I'm in the same boat as you, I'm 5'8 and 195 lbs. I try to work out and do situps and stuff but I cant stay motivated for more then a week. I have one of those weight liffting things, but I just cant stay motivated.

01-03-2006, 05:42 PM
i was on our high school football team i was about 5'11" feet tall weight 185 and lost like 10 lbs and put on like 5 lbs of muscle.:eek2:

01-03-2006, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by nofearrider1
Dang, I'm in the same boat as you, I'm 5'8 and 195 lbs. I try to work out and do situps and stuff but I cant stay motivated for more then a week. I have one of those weight liffting things, but I just cant stay motivated.

i was lifting weights for one summer and then got board. now i only do it if im trying to bench more than some one else.

01-03-2006, 05:56 PM
ic i only can bench right now like 120 but im only a freshman goin up to jv

01-03-2006, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by quads14589
ic i only can bench right now like 120 but im only a freshman goin up to jv

the highest i got was 130 on the bench press which i could only do one of. then i tried that when i was drinking to show i could do it i did it but i missed the two lil arms for the weight thing in your hand and flipped over back words. that sucked. but the good thing is that im the strongest one out of all my friends. which is only like 5 that r boys

01-04-2006, 10:38 PM
When I was in high school I played football. Everyone wanted to "bulk up". We drank all the shakes and worked out everyday. I went from a 170lb sophmore to a 210lb senior at graduation. My body never got over that. I fight my weight all the time now. My advice: Stay away from any of the pills, shakes, and magic potions. Go with water and vegies.

01-05-2006, 04:01 AM
Eat a balanced diet. Try to stay away from diets that concentrate on one particular food group. It's simply UNNATURAL!

When I get back from Tokyo next week I will be starting a new excercise and diet rountine that will still aloow me to eat at normal restaurants.

Breakfast -
(1) cup of oatmeal - add raspberries, blueberries and or bananas
(1) Glass of orange juice

cup of fresh fruit
Granola bar or unsalted trail mix

Lunch -
(1) cup of vegetables
(1/2) cup of rice or potatoes
8 ounces of chicken or fish (Fried and breaded items are a NO-NO)
Small salad with lettuce, tomatoes, cuccumbers - low calorie dressing
Drink water or orange juice

snack - same as above

small salad as prescribed earlier
1 cup of steamed vegetables (brocolli, cauliflower, corn..)
1/2 cup of rice if a starch is needed
no more than 8 ounces of any meat (Fried and breaded items are a NO-NO)

If need one more snack try eating roasted (UNSALTED) soy beans or dried soy beans.

Your last meal or snack should be at least eaten 2 hours before you eat. I will be drinking at least 3 liters of water per day. No sodas, no junk food, no fried foods, no foods with heavy sauces, and more.

For exercise I will be riding my mountain bike at least 5 miles a day(atleast 1/2 of the ride will be uphill), doing exercise to tone my body and slim my waist. If I go to the gym I will be doing high reps with low weights since it burns more fat. I am planning to drop 30-40 pounds off of my 5'9" 220lb frame in 6-8 months. The first 10~15lbs will be lost quickly because of water weight. I know my metabolism so I am sure this plan will work.

Oh yeah, that was my meal plan so it might now work for you. Once your body gets accustomed to eating smaller meals you will not have a problem.