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View Full Version : Raptor Jetting help

12-26-2005, 12:41 PM
Going to be installing a BIG GUN exhaust on the Rap 80,Going to keep the stock air box for now and Im about 5000'

What main jet size should i go up to

And does anybody know what size jet is stock

12-26-2005, 05:33 PM
well found out the stock jets are


But still need jetting recomendation:confused:

12-26-2005, 05:53 PM
it may be tough for anyone to give you any ideas beinmg your at 5000'.

with these mini's ive found its best to start at stock or a size or two over and work from there. we are running stock jets with a full system and 11-1 piston on one fo our trx90s and the thing runs fine and plug color is fine.

maybe someone can add more, but jets are cheap and other then the pain of changing out a main, its not bad getting it dialed in.