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12-25-2005, 08:29 AM
Well, i asked my mom for the craftson 155 peice tool set and she said she would think about it. So this morning i opened all the boxes and was dissapointed that it wasnt there. Then there was some bags on the other side of the tree and they said that they were mine. So I started to go through them and guess what they did. They invidualy wrapped every single socket, wrench, and others. So I spent a half hour unwrapping them and I asked them were the box was and they said that they bought everything seperate and of course i didnt believe them for a second. Then my dad finaly went upstairs and brought down the case. I just though i would let you guys in on the trick my parents played on me

12-25-2005, 08:32 AM
lmao... i love when my parents do that shyt to me.. haha... after i opened up all my gifts i saw i didnt get any money for my HiPers and i was upset but it didnt really matter... then my dad said hey theres still one more.. and there was a envelope stuvk in the tree with 250 bucks in it.. :p

12-25-2005, 08:55 AM
i didnt get squat literally i got one present... but i guess we did go on a skiing trip to colorado

12-25-2005, 09:07 AM
I got a paintball gun for christmas(in october lol). I liked paintball but all my friends did not. They told me id get nothin for xmas. Well yesterday there were a couple presents under the tree. i was very happy. THis morning at six i got up, and opened them. I got little stuff, but then i opened the big p;resent, I got a fox gear bag, it is so cool and big. THen my mom asked me to go out and get her some water from our durgano, and i saw a JPwalker forum snowboard. LOL i about ***** my self when i saw that.

12-25-2005, 09:23 AM
ive had a couple tricks played on me.....

last year like half hour after we got done here my dad went in his room and came out wit me new 1100....

then 2 years ago my mom stole a bunch of my crap and put it in boxes for weight so i opened it and there was my cd player and a $20 taped to the box under it...there was 5 or 6 presents like that

then the last one we got done openin but there was one present left...i didnt wanna be rude so i didnt ask but after like sittin there talkin for 15 min my dad was like o wait...and got it for me it was my henry .22 id been savin for for a year or so

12-25-2005, 09:44 AM
I remember a long time ago... I went home from school and found my parents had moved... :eek: :p Good trick... ;)

12-25-2005, 09:47 AM
i went on an easter egg hunt, that easter bunny sure is a tricky little devil!

12-25-2005, 10:35 AM
My dad got these huge boxes and put shreaded paper in them. There was like 10 of these things and in every one there was money taped to the bottom. he couldn't have just given me the money. OH WELL$$$$$$$$....:D

12-25-2005, 10:56 AM
My rents got me a custom mad fly rod,with a trout engraved into it and a naked mermaid.Its one of the best presents i've gotten in a while :devil:

12-25-2005, 11:56 AM

12-25-2005, 12:04 PM
My nanny gave me a huge ***** gift bag,and I opened it,it was a little mug,literally little.It was about an inch tall,so I was'nt gonan be rude so I said "thanks nanny I love it" and then I realized there was $100 in the cup :o

12-25-2005, 05:28 PM
I wish my parents did that kind of stuff lol.. cool

12-25-2005, 07:00 PM
good to hear I'm not the only one that got tools, I asked for a new toolbox so I could get rid of the plastic case from mine and I got a new ratchet and some locking extensions. All my friends couldn't figure out why I asked for tools.

12-25-2005, 07:09 PM
i love getting tools i got a 105 piece set this year

12-25-2005, 07:21 PM
my parents played the best trick on me ever 2 years ago

it was christmas morning, and i had opend my presents and got a paintball gun and an ipod. i was so happy and thrilled to get those things that i sat there just follin with them. then my mom asked me to go get a trash bag out of the garage so i did without any questioning, i quickly ran out to the garage without paying attention and grabbed a trash bag so i could hurry up and get back to my paintball gun. i came back with a trash bag and my parents gave me a funny look, i didn't think anything of it and continued to play with the gun. then 5 min later they asked me to go out and get a gallon of milk from the garage(sp?) same as last time not paying attention trying to hurry, i then got the milk and went back inside. they gave me a funny look again and said get some apple juice too so i went back out to the frige and got a gallon of apple juice. but this time i turned around more slowly to find a brand new honda 250ex, i proceded to scream HOLY SH*T and dropped the apple juice on my toe cracking the nail off. it was the best pain i have ever felt

sorry for the long story guys, i just love revisiting that story

i will always remember that day for as long as i live

thanks mom and dad

12-25-2005, 07:30 PM
last year i got like 3 little presents and i was kinda bummed cuz i asked for a 4wheeler for like 6 months b4 that. well we got done and my dad was like oh yeah i have sumthin that goes with one of ur brothers presents. so i walk out of my garage and i see my 300 sittin in the back of the truck. he got me good. i didnt even go back in to get a coat or anything i unloaded it in my pj's in like 15 degree weather

12-25-2005, 07:48 PM
When I was 13 my dad came home on christmas day and I was bummed cause I didnt get anything so he goes go check the tahoe, he put a xr100 in the back of it cause we didnt have a truck at the time, he said he wanted to put it by the tree but he couldnt take it out alone without screwing the tahoe up..


12-25-2005, 07:54 PM
I remember one year for Christmas(years ago lol)I wanted a little hand held video game.That was the only thing I asked for that year.Well,Christmas morning I unwrapped all my gifts and got the usual clothes,wallet,that sort of thing but no game.Then my parents gave me an envelope.I opened it up and it said go check under the kitchen table,so I did.Under the table was another note that said go check upstairs under your bed.This wild goose chase went on for about 8 different stops including going outside to check in the mailbox and so forth.The last note said go back and check under the Christmas tree...........and they had put the game I wanted under the tree while I was running all over the place.Pretty clever trick I thought.

12-25-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by ridered11
my parents played the best trick on me ever 2 years ago

it was christmas morning, and i had opend my presents and got a paintball gun and an ipod. i was so happy and thrilled to get those things that i sat there just follin with them. then my mom asked me to go get a trash bag out of the garage so i did without any questioning, i quickly ran out to the garage without paying attention and grabbed a trash bag so i could hurry up and get back to my paintball gun. i came back with a trash bag and my parents gave me a funny look, i didn't think anything of it and continued to play with the gun. then 5 min later they asked me to go out and get a gallon of milk from the garage(sp?) same as last time not paying attention trying to hurry, i then got the milk and went back inside. they gave me a funny look again and said get some apple juice too so i went back out to the frige and got a gallon of apple juice. but this time i turned around more slowly to find a brand new honda 250ex, i proceded to scream HOLY SH*T and dropped the apple juice on my toe cracking the nail off. it was the best pain i have ever felt

sorry for the long story guys, i just love revisiting that story

i will always remember that day for as long as i live

thanks mom and dad

Lmao i bet that had to be a good feeling!

(T) (L) (U)
12-25-2005, 08:06 PM
none of these are as good as mine today. ok heres how it went , well my moms boyfriend got me a present a big one. in the box was a parachute for a drag car ( he drags races, i usually pack the chute) so i dont really no what to think so i say thanks ansd move on but he says wait lokk at the bottom. taped to the bottom of the box was form for sky diving. i always wanted to do it since i was little. it was the best.

12-26-2005, 01:03 AM
I got the same craftmans set, i love it. It isn't huge but it's a great building block for a collection of tools now just to add a little something to it each week!

12-26-2005, 02:17 AM
I got a craftsman too.. but I got the 263pc... Not a bad set... hehe:p

12-26-2005, 08:16 AM
for my Graduation last year my aunt gave me my present in change. a jar full of mainly pennies and nickles with only afrew quarters in it. it turned out to be about $50 dollars though.