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View Full Version : anyone got pics @ oregon dunes???

06-30-2002, 10:09 PM
i just want to see some pics of the oregon dunes...action pics or not...preferrably of the dunes them selves..i just want to get a feel of how big they are...

would my quad (see signature) be able to make it upthe majority of the hills?


06-30-2002, 11:09 PM
Yea, there should only be one or two you cant go up...here is a pic, but it really doesnt do justice how big some of the dunes are.

06-30-2002, 11:16 PM
thanks for the pic screamin' shee...how far is the ride from the campsites to some of the good sized hills?...thanks


06-30-2002, 11:25 PM
Are you camped in discovery point? If you are, you ride out of there, on to the dunes, and in just a minute or two you are at iron man, the pic in this post. Then from there its only probably 10 minutes or 5 minutes if you really bust your ***** to get out there to get to the 300+ foot dunes... Iron Man \/

07-01-2002, 01:41 PM
wow thats a big *** hill...not what im used to seeing at pismo:mad:

im just asking for pics because we might be taking a trip up there in august..i have no clue where we will be staying.....i dont wanna have a 20 minute ride from the campsite...are all the campsites in one specific area or what...is there a paved road, or gravel to get to the campsites, or is it like what we're used to...driving on the beach and hoping you wont bury youreself...

...i dont feel like getting stranded in between 2 dunes...the hills im used to are not even a challenge to a 300ex w/ stock tires...theyre about 100-150 feet tall......any more pics..

ps..theese are greatly appreciated...

do you know of a website where i can fins pics and info on the oregon dunes?


07-01-2002, 02:40 PM

07-01-2002, 02:50 PM
Check out Out4sand's website, he has some really good pictures of various Oregon dunes. Im doubting the fact that you would get stranded in between dunes somewhere because you cant make it out,,,especially in the wide open dunes. Now if you get on some trail that takes you to some drop off point of one way out, than that may be a different story.

07-01-2002, 10:53 PM
rawhand...sorry if i misled you , but i was specifically talking about screamin 'shees 2nd pic....i would hate to get stuck between those 2 hills.. unless there is a way out on either side parallel to the trees.

07-02-2002, 10:05 AM
Well Like I said, and no I wasnt misled, im very familiar with that hill in the picture. My daughter rides her Kasea at the bottom of that hill and watches us climb at, then rides rite exactly where that picture was taken from and goes all over the place. Its kinda like picking and choosing your battles. You can maneauver around most of the big hills easily.

07-02-2002, 02:08 PM

o yeah, thanks for referring me to out4sands page..it had lots of great pics and info.

07-05-2002, 12:54 PM
there is basicly a bunch of differnt stuff all over. so really you don't have to go on the huge stuff unless you want to. pretty diverse place to ride.

07-05-2002, 01:04 PM
Heres another

07-08-2002, 12:24 PM
Here's more pics of dunes in Oregon, mainly Florence and Winchester Bay:


I have more, so if you want to take a look at 'em, let me know.

07-08-2002, 01:19 PM
I am going to florence tommarrow, and i will get some pictures fo show, If anyone see's me down there stop by and say "Yo" or whatever you want to say. I am the coolest guy down there so it isnt hard to find me. And my sister had blue hair so that will make it easy too, and if that doesnt work, then i have a red 400ex and it has a exrider sticker on the front of it...;)