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View Full Version : best gncc tires front and back?

12-23-2005, 10:41 PM
what do you guys think the best gncc or trail type tire is? front and back:devil:

12-23-2005, 10:45 PM
i like the kenda knarly the best but the i razers and razer 2 are pretty good too

12-23-2005, 11:58 PM
nah bro i dont like the kenda knarly they look just a lil to wimpy for me im thinkin more like maxxis irazr or maxxis razr2....some body help me out

12-24-2005, 01:31 AM
You can go with the Maxxis because they are a very good tire. Many people use them and they are well known! Chose the tire for your application and youll be set to go:devil:

12-24-2005, 07:40 AM
My borthers ran Kenda Knarlys in a few races and both ripped the side walls out of at least one of the tires.

We now run Razr 2's or 6 Ply Razr's on the rear And always Razr 2's on the front(Thinking about the I razor upfront this year though) The rear I razr's are made primarly for mud riding.

12-24-2005, 07:53 AM
I run the HD on the rear, Razr2 up front.

12-24-2005, 08:31 AM
cant beat the kenda knarly IMO. they hook up better than any other tire i have ridden, and are six ply too. for teh fron i like the Kenda Klaw.

12-24-2005, 08:54 AM
The Kendas do hook up ok? But I think the side walls are very very weak. We can run razrs and razr 2's all year and cant even get a race or two out of the kendas because the side walls always rip out.

With out a doubt I would go with one of the razrs in the back or the holeshot hd. And on the front there is not a better tire than the razr 2. Look at the GNCC line and see what them boys are running. 99% either razr or holeshot and there is a reason for that.

12-24-2005, 09:00 AM
most pro's run razr2's up front, and irazr's in the back

12-24-2005, 09:19 AM
They ussually only run the I razrs in the muddy races and reg razrs or razr 2's in dirt

12-24-2005, 09:43 AM
I-razr's for rear in muddy and loose terrian

but for all around

razr's for rear and razr's 2's for fronts

12-24-2005, 09:45 AM
Razr 2 fronts, Regular Razr 6 ply rears. I razr rears if it is muddy.

12-24-2005, 09:57 AM
iRazr's are the best for GNCC races because they have unequalled sidewall grip. If you've ever done or have seen a GNCC race, you'll know those tracks get the hell torn out of them. By the 2nd or 3rd lap, the tight woods sections, mud areas and hill climbs can be like rut-railroads. iRazr's are very tough, they wear pretty good for a race tire, and they keep you moving forward in nasty situations.

12-24-2005, 12:42 PM
HOLESHOT HD!!!!!!!!!!!

12-28-2005, 09:05 PM
My uncle glenn coriell races gncc in pro production, and he and i ride the holeshot HD or the Razer2 in the rear, with the razer 2 in the front. !!

12-28-2005, 09:26 PM
Maxxis razr 2 fronts with maxxis razr 1 rears works awesome. This setup is also widely used by the pro gncc racers and is a very good setup