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View Full Version : Front Sprocket - Caser Saver ?

12-23-2005, 10:35 AM
I currently have a 13 tooth front sprocket on my R. I am planning on putting a 14 tooth sprocket on. It seems like it I go any bigger that I won't be able to use my case saver. I believe the case saver is stock. If I get a aftermarket case saver will I be able to run a 14 tooth sprocket? Any recommendations on what case saver to get?

Thanks for any info.

12-23-2005, 11:41 AM
Baldwin Motorsports sells case savers made specifically for whichever size front sprocket you run.

45 lt80
12-23-2005, 01:04 PM
Don't me like me have 14 tooth case saver with a 13 tooth sprocket the master link came off and busted up my case real bad. I was told if I had the correct case saver the cases would have been saved. Just my 2 cents. 45lt80

12-23-2005, 06:33 PM
haha the cases would have been saved huh. Im sure it would take some of the beating but not all. My cousin had a full case saver on his, threw his chain and busted part of his case. Luckily it wasnt bad and only cracked the part where the bolt would of gone in. nothing a little JB weld couldnt fix. The case saver will not tottally save your cases. It ripped his saver right out.......... I imagine if he didnt have anything protecting it, it woulda been a lot worse.

12-23-2005, 09:04 PM
I've had my chain come off a few times, case save took it and I still have the same one on the bike to this day.

12-23-2005, 11:24 PM
i have a Noss machine one on mine and i can use a 14 t with it also saved my cases when my chain broke