View Full Version : is it just me?

12-23-2005, 01:33 AM
is it just me or is everyone getting sick of the current status around religious beliefs? it is pathetic that a school cannot say the pledge of allegiance anymore because the part "one nation, under god" might offend someone. it is pathetic that you cannot say Merry Christmas anymore because it might offend someone who does not believe in Christ?
i am just sick and tired of people whining that the majority of this country should not carry on traditions that have been going on for eons because it now offends them. i certainly don't get offended because of others religious beliefs and would never want to stop their traditions because i don't have the same belief as them.
maybe i'm just being petty but the tip of the iceberg came the other day when i found out that the city where i grew up was forced to remove the nativity scene from the town square because people who don't celebrate our holiday pi**ed and moaned that it should be removed because it offends them. the nativity scene has been displayed there for decades upon decades. after hearing that, i feel that society has just hit an all time low.

what's next? no more city/town Christmas decorations? no more decorations and Christmas trees set up in businesses because it might offend someone who dines or shops there? no more Christmas music playing on the radio or Christmas shows on tv?

oh well, Merry Christmas to all that celebrate it. ;)

12-23-2005, 03:37 AM
jesus is going to come back. i forgot what it is called

12-23-2005, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by MixMasterMike
jesus is going to come back. i forgot what it is called

The Second Coming?

Retribution? :eek:

12-23-2005, 05:37 AM

12-23-2005, 06:36 AM
Yea, all that crap pisses me off. A quote from lynyrd skynyrd "if they dont like it, they can just get the hell out!"

12-23-2005, 07:18 AM
what cracks me up is everyone converting to happy holiday.

last time i checked the reason for the season was the birth of jesus christ and not just a period of time to celebrate a holiday.

i also heard something yesterday that made me think...ill try and get it right.

"Not one president, leader, ruler or king, not one parlimant,congress or government, not one war, not one action and not one man has every touched the world the way jesus christ did and he never ventured 200 miles from his birthplace, never was elected a leader, never fought in a war, and never tried to rule over anyone. With that said he is know to almost every person on this earth for 2000 years"

12-23-2005, 07:31 AM
the group of people trying to do this have an adress i have sent a letter saying merry christmas just to piss them off.

anyone else want the adress?

Die hard honda
12-23-2005, 07:46 AM
This might be a little long, so if you're short on time, skip down.

This is where it gets me, most, if not all, of the major religions tie into one another. All believers in these religions are monotheists (they believe in one god).
To Muslims, Allah is the same God that is worshiped in Christianity and Judaism. The Muslin Qur'an is regarded as "the word of God" as revealed to Muhammad, in the same way Jews and Christians believe the Torah and the Gospels were revealed to Moses. All three monotheistic religions believe in heaven, hell, and a day of judgment. Muslims trace their ancestry to Abraham, as do the Jews and the Christians. To Muslims, both Christians and Jews were known as "people of the book". According to the Muslim faith, the "people of the book" must be allowed to practice their own religions. When someone says that a Christian can not say Merry Christmas, that I do believe is discrimination. Not just discrimination towards Christianity, but to Judaism and Islam as well.

Sorry, just had to vent a little.

12-23-2005, 08:21 AM
You need to watch this..lol
Click Here (http://www.illwillpress.com/xmas.html)

12-23-2005, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by 400EXBill
You need to watch this..lol
Click Here (http://www.illwillpress.com/xmas.html) OMG, i coudn't have said it better myself.:D

12-23-2005, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by 400EXBill
You need to watch this..lol
Click Here (http://www.illwillpress.com/xmas.html)


That's great :D

12-23-2005, 09:35 AM
People held slaves for many decades. Women were not allowed to vote for many decades.

Just because it's "tradition" doesn't make it right.

"On nation under God" isn't about offending people that hear it. It's about forcing people to say it, to recite something they don't believe in. Can you imagine the outrage if the pledge was changed to "...with Liberty and Justice for all, and God does not exist"?

And your town square doesn't belong to the church, it belongs to the PUBLIC. And some members of that public might be not share your religion. They might be Jewish, or Muslim, or even Athiest. So why is your religion acceptable to put on their property?

I'm as religious as the next guy, but I don't go around forcing it down other people's throats. I don't need re-affirmation from every shop window and street corner. Keep your religion in your OWN home and your OWN heart, and leave everybody else to believe and celebrate as they wish.

12-23-2005, 09:37 AM
I told the wal-mart guy off, it's "Merry Chistmas" not "Happy Holidays" He just put his head down......

I am sick of this crap. The birth of Jesus is the REASON FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

12-23-2005, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
People held slaves for many decades. Women were not allowed to vote for many decades.

Just because it's "tradition" doesn't make it right.

"On nation under God" isn't about offending people that hear it. It's about forcing people to say it, to recite something they don't believe in. Can you imagine the outrage if the pledge was changed to "...with Liberty and Justice for all, and God does not exist"?

And your town square doesn't belong to the church, it belongs to the PUBLIC. And some members of that public might be not share your religion. They might be Jewish, or Muslim, or even Athiest. So why is your religion acceptable to put on their property?

I'm as religious as the next guy, but I don't go around forcing it down other people's throats. I don't need re-affirmation from every shop window and street corner. Keep your religion in your OWN home and your OWN heart, and leave everybody else to believe and celebrate as they wish. you're a prime example of the type of person i am talking about. we are not talking about slavery or women voting. those aren't the type of thing you celebrate.:rolleyes:
if you don't believe in the pledge to the flag, then don't participate. it doesn't mean that those who do shouldn't be able to because there may be some who don't believe in it.

my town park does belong to the public but that doesn't mean the majority should be affected because there are others who don't believe in the same religion. if they want to decorate the public with decorations that relate to their religion, then let them. it certainly isn't going to offend me and if it did, i would never demand that they be removed and prevent a large number of people from celebrating what they believe in. maybe that's just me.
you feel that shop owners shouldn't decorate to their respective holiday because it is forcing their religion down peoples throats? the last i checked, their shop is owned by them so they have "the right" to decorate their business as they see fit. if it offends you so bad, then don't go there and find a place that is decorated to your standards. it is that simple!
back to my point...... let us celebrate Christmas and quit your whining!

12-23-2005, 11:05 AM
This country was founded "under god". Look at your currency, it says "in god we trust" on it. If you can't deal with that, get out! Go back to the crappy country you came from. If it was so great there, then why did you leave in the first place? Don't take our jobs to make the money that says "in god we trust" if you aren't going to say "one nation under god" in our schools. (which i might add immagrants get to go to for free cause they don't pay taxes for the first few years). If you were born here, you are an AMERICAN.....PERIOD. Not Afro-American or Anglo-American or whatever people dream up. Just American. If you don't like it, get out.....PERIOD. Don't come over hear changing americas heritage to fit your own. Stay where yours is accepted. The boats run both ways.

I like Christmas for what it is.....just Christmas. You put up some lights and a tree, exchange gifts, and dream that there really is a Santa Claus that brings them. It's really about the kids anyway.

Here's another good one from Larry the Cable Guy. LOL!
Click Here (http://media.putfile.com/larryCHRISTMAS_EVE)

12-23-2005, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by crday98
you're a prime example of the type of person i am talking about.

I would turn your arguement right back on yourself. You want to say the pledge, go ahead. But we can't require it, because there are indeed some people that are offended. The whole arguement of "then they don't have to say it" is bogus. If it's something you believe in so much, then YOU be the outcast. YOU stand up in the middle of attendance and say the pledge while everybody stares at you, YOU be ostracized for being different, if it's so important to you.

Nobody is telling you that you cannot celebrate Christmas, or be as religious as you want to be. You want to decorate your house with crosses, trumpeting angels, and nativity scenes, you go right ahead.

But don't do it on somebody else's property, which include the town square. What if I'm am an athiest, are you comfortable with me putting up decorations saying "Jesus Christ is the biggest joke in Human History"?

That park belongs to ALL people, including athiests, muslims, Wiccan, Buddhists, ect. I can't, in good conscience, put my religion on their property.

12-23-2005, 12:00 PM
I watched south park last night, they got rid of all the christmas songs, trees, lights and everything for the school play and instead of it being a christmas play it was the Non reglious non offensive school play and it was techno music and the kids dancing in liotoads. Then the town riots because it sucked and they attacked the jews parents..

It's actually a good point even if it is comendy, its becoming quite out of hand because someone hates it but about 75% or more of us do.

12-23-2005, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r

Nobody is telling you that you cannot celebrate Christmas, or be as religious as you want to be. You want to decorate your house with crosses, trumpeting angels, and nativity scenes, you go right ahead.

But don't do it on somebody else's property, which include the town square. What if I'm am an athiest, are you comfortable with me putting up decorations saying "Jesus Christ is the biggest joke in Human History"?

That park belongs to ALL people, including athiests, muslims, Wiccan, Buddhists, ect. I can't, in good conscience, put my religion on their property. again wilkin, you are digging.:rolleyes: there is nothing directly offensive about a nativity scene. it doesn't come out and say anyone's religion is the biggest joke in human history does it?:rolleyes: it is solely there to celebrate our religion.
if the celebration your religion is focused more around how other religions are a joke than your actual founding beliefs then i must say i feel sorry for you but that is your right. if you have a positive way to decorate for your holiday, by all means do so. i don't think our kind would make it as much as an issue and your kind is.
if our decorations blatantly read "jews,buddhists,atheists,muslims,etc. SUCK" then i wouldn't blame you for getting offended and not wanting them there but they do not so once again, let us celebrate our holiday in the manner we do and you can celebrate yours in the manner that you choose.;)

i also like the part where you stated "You want to decorate your house with crosses, trumpeting angels, and nativity scenes, you go right ahead.But don't do it on somebody else's property, which include the town square." then you state "That park belongs to ALL people, including athiests, muslims, Wiccan, Buddhists, ect."
so is it "my" property or is it "other peoples" property? the way i look at it is, i can decorate it for my holiday and you can decorate it for yours.

12-23-2005, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
I told the wal-mart guy off, it's "Merry Chistmas" not "Happy Holidays" He just put his head down......

how did he know what religion you were? There are a ton of different cultures. "Happy Holidays" is better than saying merry christmas to a jewish person. Its a phrase, big f'ing deal. If you want to say merry christmas to someone thats fine but don't act like Christianity is the only religion in our country.

12-23-2005, 01:46 PM
belive in the power of santa or get nothing lmao

killen them all
12-23-2005, 01:48 PM
good point i still do it even if i do have to leave class

12-23-2005, 03:00 PM
Some of you guys are ignorant. You to wilkin. Merry Christmas shouldn't be changed. People come over here and they should know this isn't there culture any more. On the other hand we can all take common courtesy into play.

12-23-2005, 03:05 PM
Here's my opinion on it. Christmas isn't meant to be a battle of religions and beliefs, and everyone celebrates it differently, but where does the word Christmas come? Well, I searched on it, and this is what I found.

The word "Christmas" occurs nowhere in the Bible. It is an old English word that means "Christ's Mass" which refers to the celebration of the Lord's Supper, i.e. the Mass. The earliest occurrence of the word on record is 1038 A.D. Christians at this time considered the Mass (Lord's Supper) to be the most important part of the celebration of Christ's birth, hence it came to be called Christmas.

So, if you take the Christ out of Christmas, what do you really have? I'm not trying to make everyone see my way, because I know it won't work, but think about what Christmas really means, and then re-evaluate what it means to you.

Fender Bender
12-23-2005, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by crday98
so is it "my" property or is it "other peoples" property? the way i look at it is, i can decorate it for my holiday and you can decorate it for yours.

What a joke, if someone proudly decorated the park with Pentagrams, double lightning bolts and Swastikas, you and the city officials would sh*t a brick.

12-23-2005, 03:10 PM
Yeah, You do have your rights, but there is a fine line between sharing your rights, and going overboard.

Tommy 17
12-23-2005, 03:28 PM
i'd love to see them try and take down the christmas scene in our town... that would never happen...

the problem is that the people don't have any balls these days to stand up and fight for what they believe... put up the nativity set and let them *****... who cares... you don't like it deal with it!

wilkin so going by what your saying lets stop the national anthem at all sporting events... bc we all know theres atleast 1 spic, african, chink, jap, european etc on every national team... so we can't say our national anthem because they don't believe in it... its not right because they are playin in there also... then lets shut off all the electricity in the towns because the amish don't use electricity and they have to look at our power lines running past their house and all over the PUBLIC land that is just as much theirs as ours... i could go on and on for an hour of everything that we would have to shut down / close / stop doing so everyone was happy and we didn't offend anyone by their religious beliefs...

face it people are causing trouble bc they want attention and money!

12-23-2005, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Fender Bender
What a joke, if someone proudly decorated the park with Pentagrams, double lightning bolts and Swastikas, you and the city officials would sh*t a brick. those things relate to something negative and hate. i think you need to read my thread again jackass.

12-23-2005, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17

face it people are causing trouble bc they want attention and money!

That's what's its coming down to more and more.
Why did students protest in the 60's? To help society, to move mankind in a better direction? Hell no! It was to be cool, smoke pot, be a part of counterculture.

Which is what this is about. Its a small minority crying about some bull **** issue that only exists in their minds. Its a fierce ideological battle that will be merely a footnote in history, and a small one at that, within a few years.

Do we not have bigger problems to focus on than this? I mean as a country, come on this is a joke.

12-23-2005, 06:59 PM
This country was founded on CHRISTIAN values and beliefes. It in all of the founding doucuments. We are ALL free, however from religous oppression.
If you are not religous, thats okay. But let those who celibrate, do it in thier own way. As for the Pledge of Allegence, If you cant pledge allegence to the country you call home, and the flag it rallies behind in the time of war, maybe you need to find a new place to call home. Why should we habor inside our borders, those who cannot pledge to stand behind the values our country was founded on? 9-11 was a perfect example of what happens when you harbor those who do not beleive in what this country was founded on.

12-23-2005, 07:20 PM
why change things that have been the same for a long time. too many idiot people out there trying to make a name for themselves. im not religious at all and i dont want any of these things changed. if you dont like the pledge, than dont say it. under god....even if you dont believe in god what is the problem without saying it, its been in the schools for too long, leave it alone. i dont know what religion our country is based on nor do i care. these people need to mind their own business and try not to run the show the way they want it. all these stupid interviews on the news shows about this need to stop. its wasting time, we need to know whats going on in the world,not about some damn nativity scene argument. MERRY CHRISTMAS

12-23-2005, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
People held slaves for many decades. Women were not allowed to vote for many decades.

Just because it's "tradition" doesn't make it right.

"On nation under God" isn't about offending people that hear it. It's about forcing people to say it, to recite something they don't believe in. Can you imagine the outrage if the pledge was changed to "...with Liberty and Justice for all, and God does not exist"?

And your town square doesn't belong to the church, it belongs to the PUBLIC. And some members of that public might be not share your religion. They might be Jewish, or Muslim, or even Athiest. So why is your religion acceptable to put on their property?

I'm as religious as the next guy, but I don't go around forcing it down other people's throats. I don't need re-affirmation from every shop window and street corner. Keep your religion in your OWN home and your OWN heart, and leave everybody else to believe and celebrate as they wish.

I cannot agree more..well put brotha.

12-23-2005, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
I told the wal-mart guy off, it's "Merry Chistmas" not "Happy Holidays" He just put his head down......

I am sick of this crap. The birth of Jesus is the REASON FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

WOW you really shut him down...maybe he was doing his job, trying to not get fired for saying something thats not politically correct so he can support his trailer home and kids. Congrats!

12-23-2005, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Atreyu
politically correct [/B]

That is the key phrase right there.Everyone has to try and be so politically correct about everything you can't even say Merry Christmas anymore without offending people.
I believe in Christ and I will say Merry Christmas for as long as I live.If someone wants to come up to me and say Happy Hahnaka or whatever thats fine and dandy.....that's their right to believe what they want and I'll believe what I want.People need to just lightnen the f*ck up.

MERRY CHRISTMAS :D :macho :cool:

12-24-2005, 05:42 AM
Here's are the sad facts--we're letting small minorities in this country set policy for the majority. The last data I saw showed that 87% of citizens celebrated Christmas and supported having traditional Christmas scenes shown. That means we're allowing the other 13% to tell us what the policy is going to be which is wrong. If I'm at work and the lunch menu goes around and 87% of the employees want Chinese that day I've got a choice, either eat Chinese or go somewhere by myself. Who am I to stand up on the table and shout and scream until the boss dictates that hamburgers will be ordered instead just to appease me and shut me up?

12-24-2005, 06:44 AM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie69
I watched south park last night, they got rid of all the christmas songs, trees, lights and everything for the school play and instead of it being a christmas play it was the Non reglious non offensive school play and it was techno music and the kids dancing in liotoads. Then the town riots because it sucked and they attacked the jews parents..

is this where you wanna be when jesus returns:confused: LMAO!:D