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View Full Version : hey guys got a 250R silncer question u guys are usually good at this stuff

06-30-2002, 05:31 PM
hey guys i got a a question
what type of silncer would u buy to put on a 86 trx 250R
i was prety close in buyin a fat boy the other day
i want something cheap but i want something good
i dont want spark arrested i have turbine core 2 on mine now
but i want somthing diffrent like a racing silncer not liek fmf or pro cercit so i want something that has a nice 2 stroke sound and LOUD i love a LOUD 2 stroke
and i hate pipes no oiffince to anyone that has one but like LRD has there end of there pipes kurl down like a little spout commin from the end of the silncer.
and i think u can only buy ESR from callaforna fat boys i can get some wat close to here i live in canada so its hard to find pipes like that and thing from dention racing i can get here so but tell me what u guys think i should get remeber cheap loud and good power and no curl down spouts.
uless LRD are prety loud and are those pipes better than fmf and pro
thanxs guys if yas can help

fat boy
curtis sparks
pro cercit

06-30-2002, 05:55 PM
lrd pipes are loud and they are better than fmf because you can adjust them to what you need. I have no idea about pro circut i have never seen anyone have one

06-30-2002, 10:31 PM
LRD and ESR are both great pipes! When they build them they don't try to make them loud, they make them so they have a nice deep throaty sound. Remember, loud = closed riding areas.