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12-21-2005, 03:55 PM
what the hell??? signs with the yankees

12-21-2005, 04:00 PM
It's all about the money now in days to some pros

12-21-2005, 04:01 PM
He made a wise choice!:devil:

12-21-2005, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by JRDrider22
It's all about the money now in days to some pros what money he got 52 mil for 4 years, thats underpaid these days... a rod get that like every year..

12-21-2005, 04:13 PM
he made the right decision...go yankees. cant wait to go watch him play at yankees stadium with a YANKEES UNIFORM ON!! hahaha boston fans

12-21-2005, 04:25 PM
yankees are going to blow it again...go white sox

12-21-2005, 04:28 PM
Trust me, 75% of players would not mind being a Yankee. Its the organization that draws players to them, plus the $$$$ but to alot of the players its a honor, just as long they get a paycheck too!! But all and all, I don't think they need Damon, they need a better pitching. Johnson, Mussina, and Chacon were there good starters. I'm not to impressed with Pavano nor Brown!!! Any other starters I'm missing??

12-21-2005, 05:12 PM
if i had to choose a team it would be the red sox id want him on but i dont like baseball at all so it doesnt matter to me i think its boring

12-21-2005, 05:28 PM
the yankees can blow me

the only reason players want to be there is cus they pay the most money.... professional sports are goin down the sh*tter fast:ermm:

12-21-2005, 07:36 PM
Johnny Damon= HUGE SELLOUT....HE really is an Idiot for signing with the Yanks I cant wait to see him at fenway in the spring he is going to get ddestroyed

12-21-2005, 07:46 PM
Im setting a bomb in Yankee stadium on Saturday.

Christmas should be a blast !!!

Screw you Damon, you traitor.

12-21-2005, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by redlineranger
the yankees can blow me

the only reason players want to be there is cus they pay the most money.... professional sports are goin down the sh*tter fast:ermm:

you lost your mind, just delete ur post

12-21-2005, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by honduh440
you lost your mind, just delete ur post


12-22-2005, 10:38 AM
Go Yanks!!!!!!!!!!! He's finally on a good team!

I'd delete the "bomb Yankee's stadium" thing.........unless you want to spend Christmas in a jail cell.......things aren't taken lightly these days. :ermm:

12-22-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
Go Yanks!!!!!!!!!!! He's finally on a good team!

I'd delete the "bomb Yankee's stadium" thing.........unless you want to spend Christmas in a jail cell.......things aren't taken lightly these days. :ermm:

thats what i was thinking.... the one guy gets mad at me for saying the only reason they play there is because there getttin paid the most money, but it was ok for someone else to say im bombin the stadium:rolleyes:

12-22-2005, 12:20 PM
Who wouldn't want to play for the possibly greatest franchise in the history of Major League Baseball. So many great players have come through the Yankee organization. I don't blame him for going. Especially from the decision making that Red Sox organization was making, trading for Renteria and then trading him off the following year. Thinking about getting rid of Ramirez? But now that Damon is gone, the Red Sox have alot more to deal with now. They have to find a CF, possible the guy from Seattle, and a SS. To get a decent SS, they probably will trade off David Wells. The Red Sox dug a **** hole last year with the decisions they made, so I don't blame Damon for leaving.

12-22-2005, 02:50 PM
Theyre only the "greatest" franchise in baseball because they have the fattest wallet. Cheaters in my opinion.

12-22-2005, 02:56 PM
cant call it cheating. there not doing anything wrong.

12-22-2005, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Atkins
Theyre only the "greatest" franchise in baseball because they have the fattest wallet. Cheaters in my opinion.

there the greatest franchise in baseball becasuse they win the most champion ships and sell the most tickets and other yankee items like hats, shirts, bats etc.

12-22-2005, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Hon300ex
there the greatest franchise in baseball becasuse they win the most champion ships and sell the most tickets and other yankee items like hats, shirts, bats etc. funny how there sales drop when there losing huh? almost every yankee fan I know only likes them because they used to win. funny how some of those yankee fans are white sox fans now :rolleyes:

12-22-2005, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Atkins
Im setting a bomb in Yankee stadium on Saturday.

Christmas should be a blast !!!

Screw you Damon, you traitor.

lol, might wanna edit or delete that one quick

12-22-2005, 04:03 PM
So Sox got rid of Renteria cuz he wasn't playing any good...Lookin at getting rid of Ramirez cuz all he does is ***** and say he doesn't wanna be in BOS...Wells asked to be traded so we got rid of him... According to the Sox the other day Damon didn't even give them enough time to counter off what the Yankees offered. SO yes DAMON IS A TRAITOR and a Sellout acts like he is all Red Sox lets kill the yankees deal and then all of a sudden turns around and plays with them ha...And everything about the Yanks being so is BS in my mind...They haven't one a series in like 5 years and yet the have the highest payed staff in the league sounds like awaste of money to me....and dont give me the whole it took the Sox 86 years cuz i dont care we still beat your asses in 04 so in my eyes the sox are the better of the two teams...rant over

12-22-2005, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by CDALEMX301
So Sox got rid of Renteria cuz he wasn't playing any good...Lookin at getting rid of Ramirez cuz all he does is ***** and say he doesn't wanna be in BOS...Wells asked to be traded so we got rid of him... According to the Sox the other day Damon didn't even give them enough time to counter off what the Yankees offered. SO yes DAMON IS A TRAITOR and a Sellout acts like he is all Red Sox lets kill the yankees deal and then all of a sudden turns around and plays with them ha...And everything about the Yanks being so is BS in my mind...They haven't one a series in like 5 years and yet the have the highest payed staff in the league sounds like awaste of money to me....and dont give me the whole it took the Sox 86 years cuz i dont care we still beat your asses in 04 so in my eyes the sox are the better of the two teams...rant over

lol i see your point. but i still would have given Renteria another chance, he wasn't putt'n up the #'s his 1st year in St. Louis either and look at his final 3 years he had with the Cards? i wish the Sox woulda kept the team they had in '04. And if the Cards woulda made the WS this past year, it would have been a good match up between the Sox and Cards. It's funny how a high dollar franchise like the yanks and a power house full talent (lakers-kobe shaq malone payton) can't do crap when it comes to crunch time.

12-22-2005, 07:21 PM
Is there anything wrong about wanting to win????:confused:

12-23-2005, 03:25 PM

12-23-2005, 07:35 PM
i think damon leaving wasnt all that bad of a thing, the only person i dislike seeing to leave is bill mueller, he was a consistant third baseman, and was a strong part of the team, although his offense wasnt always on key, and big papi's still gonna be pulling in some big numbers, and the rest of the team will be good, hopefully kevin millar gets the boot from 1st base by the time of the 2006 season, olerude belongs there, who knows who will be playing center field, maybe kapler?

we'll see how things go this season

12-23-2005, 09:55 PM
Bill Mueller wasn't resigned because we couldnt afford to pay him and damon due to how much we signed Ramirez for last year so we got royal f'd when Damon left cuz it was too late too sign Mueller back

12-23-2005, 11:24 PM
Soon to be one of the highest paid losers in baseball. Nuff said!!!!
