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View Full Version : Scott's or Precision Dampner?

12-21-2005, 12:30 AM
Which one is better and why?

12-22-2005, 08:51 PM
watch the sement on Huevos 8 about precision dampners and then tell me which one you would buy.

12-22-2005, 08:52 PM
From what I've read in all the reviews, the Precision for sure. It's the only one actually made for a quad. Plus it has dual adjustments. I think the only thing the GPR/Scotts have that could be better is the fact that you can adjust while your riding, but if you get the Precision dialed in you won't need to.

12-24-2005, 07:05 AM
I have a Precision and it is the best out there. I also know the guy who has the test model (the one they let everyone smack with a hammer) and then he put a season of mx racing on it and it still works like new.

Shawn H
12-24-2005, 07:09 AM
Precision is an awesome dampner,but If you ever took 1 apart you would see that it does not adjust for straight ahead or turning.There is 1 circuit and both knobs adjust the same circuit.

Ohlins is the best dampner period but they do not and will not sponsor Anyone and you pay full retail.

Thats why the Pro's dont use Ohlins they cant get it for free.

12-24-2005, 08:42 AM
hmm why would they claim damping from side to side and straight ahead if it wasnt true?????:huh :huh

12-24-2005, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Shawn H
Precision is an awesome dampner,but If you ever took 1 apart you would see that it does not adjust for straight ahead or turning.There is 1 circuit and both knobs adjust the same circuit.

Ohlins is the best dampner period but they do not and will not sponsor Anyone and you pay full retail.

Thats why the Pro's dont use Ohlins they cant get it for free.

You could not be more wrong in more ways. And I need to ask the questions are you flat out lying or are you just not very observant? I hope it is the latter. The Precision Damper absolutely dampens the side separately from the center and you don’t even need to open it to figure that out. If you actually have one just turn the one adjuster to the closed position and the other to full open and turn the bars. Then switch the open and closed and turn the bars again. You do not need to be a rocked scientist to figure it out. And if you do open it and can’t till that they are completely separate circuits then you are incredibly unobservant.

Shawn H
12-24-2005, 02:22 PM

I guess Im totally unobservant and Yes I do have 1.

BTW:Im no idiot I'am a certified Mechanic. I was not dogging on Precision dampners Like I said there awesome,but I still have my thoughts on it.

Happy holidays

12-24-2005, 04:10 PM
So if you are a certified mechanic that makes your an expert on suspension products that a company builds and sells over top pros that have tested every suspension and steering damper on the current market????:huh :huh I am sure the people that build the products probably know what they will do, if the pros that test them and since gust, jones, natalie, little and even jojnny gallager bought one and for his machine and he even commented on the adjustability of the precision damper from the sides to center and have more on the side if wanted and less in center or more on the center and less on the sides. I hace ridded a cannondale with a stock ohlins damper yes they work so does the rod type but they have the same stiffness throught the whole range of motion either hard soft for medium and not ajd from the center and from the center or the sides.

12-24-2005, 04:11 PM
Hey precision-rp I emailed you about a damper for my cannondale:D

Shawn H
12-25-2005, 08:28 AM
Im not going to get into a pizzing match over the Dampner,They are Great.....

I was stating my opinion which Im entitled too.

Everyone on this thread says Presicion(Which I did too) but no reason why: So are they backing there answer from a magazine,or cuz Natalie ,Gust,Jones,Gallagher etc.... use it Or from there own actual use?

If Im wrong(which is ok for me)I can take that. Then I'm Wrong. so be it.

Just Prove it!!!!

The top Pros run it cuz of money and support and they are great, DUH!

Pro's dont want to buy anything.

Ohlin offers none of the above but are none the less Great dampners too.

Also I dont know where you have been but Ohlins adjusts from sides and center too..Maybe you should update?

Good day

12-26-2005, 12:11 AM
Easy Guys! LOL!

Anyway, I know the ohlins does free wheel back to center, but is it adjustable like the Precision for side to side.

I think they are both great products, but one of them has to be a clear winner.

The way it is looking, I will probably do the Precision, but I would still like some input on the ohlins...........hell lets throw the WER in the mix also...

Thanks for the input!

Shawn H
12-26-2005, 08:01 AM
I dont know if there is a clear cut winner.
I was just stating what I thought,The Ohlins is very nice but it mounts on the Bars which I dont like, I have crashed many times and had my GPR break,so I stay away from handle bar mounted dampners. Ohlins is a high speed and low speed adjusting, not side to side.

Im still in limbo over the side to side adjustment, IMO when ya turn 1 knob off and turn the other on it dampens, ya do the same to the other side with 1 off and it dampens, you do them both and it dampens a little more. Correct me if Im wrong. (I maybe)

I definelty would not get the W.E.R. over the Precision. :)

Get the Precision, there good and at least they are supporting many riders and ATV'S in general.

BTW:Im not dogging on ANY Dampner Manufacture. I'm just stating my opinion just like this thread is intended for, No need to flame me for my views.:cool:

12-26-2005, 09:51 AM
I was all about Precision Dampners when I first saw them too- but I don't know about their "rider support". I know at this point I probably won't ever pay for one, simply because of the reply I got from them when I asked them about sponsorship once. Basically, it was - why should we sponsor a non-pro rider like you when we have Pro's begging to run our products for free - And you know, that's probably true.....but it still ticked me off. There are nicer ways to put things. Wierd how little things like that can make or break a purchasing decision.....:ermm:

I run PEP or Denton- have never tried an Ohlin's.....I didn't even know they made one! Might have to check into those sometime...... ;)

12-26-2005, 12:54 PM
Actually, the Scotts is available in a low mount....


Shawn H
12-26-2005, 01:51 PM
Sorry my bad!:(

12-26-2005, 02:02 PM
The ohlin is a great motorcycle damper that is what it was designed for. The Precision is a great ATV damper that what it was designed for.

The Ohlin free wheels back to center, great on a motorcycle, but on a atv we turn the bars to turn. In a right hand turn if you hit a rock on the right side you have dampening, hit on the left it freewheels back to center and sending you straight ahead instead of turning.

Only the Precision stabilizer is adjustable on the side the Ohlin you can turn the sides off, but not adjust them separately.

The Ohlin is held together with small pins internally approx 1/8 Dia. The precision internally is made of one piece of solid heat treated stainless steel.

All this information is on both websites including a schematic on scotts showing the pins.



12-31-2005, 03:17 PM
Thanks for all the input guys.

I went ahead and ordered the Precision......:D

I am excited to give her a try, I will let everyone know what I think of it after I get my Bike put back together.

Thanks Again!

01-01-2006, 01:25 PM
Let me know how it works. I plan to order one in 3-4 months.

Did you ever decide/order a front end?

01-02-2006, 05:38 PM
precision is the better of the 2, if you would like to know y call george at precision and ask him to explain y it is better, these guys have put serious amounts of work into this dampener, and let me tell you this, nomader what discount they give me, i will run this dampener over anything out there :macho