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12-19-2005, 08:06 PM
today i got my surgery and my nose is really sore and swollen!!what really sucks is that i cant work out for 2 weeks or ride my 400 for a while lol :mad: oh well but but the doc said when he tried to put ina q-tip in for the first time he could barely fit it in but when he was done with the surgery he said he could almos fit his finger in my nose!! all in all its worth it since i could never breathe out of my right nostril and i had to fight for air but now i wont and this surgery might help in conditioning!


Die hard honda
12-19-2005, 08:15 PM
WTF was he doin sticking his finger up your nose? Sounds a little flakey to me. :rolleyes:

12-19-2005, 08:19 PM
yeah, i feel ur pain.....today, i had surgery to get rid of my wisdom teeth....holy crap....it feels like somebody hit me in the face with a baseball bat. It'll cut down on pain later.....but it hurts like crazy right now and the vicaden doesnt seem to have an effect on me:huh

and good lord, why is the doctor stick his finger in your nose? lol

12-19-2005, 08:33 PM
lol im sure he was just checking how much of a diff there was and how much he opened up my passageway in my nose :devil: i hope h had gloves on!! lol
----------------------------------- -AČ- yeah, i feel ur pain.....today, i had surgery to get rid of my wisdom teeth....holy crap....it feels like somebody hit me in the face with a baseball bat. It'll cut down on pain later.....but it hurts like crazy right now and the vicaden doesnt seem to have an effect on me

and good lord, why is the doctor stick his finger in your nose? lol


yeah i had sum vicaden today to it took like 45 min to an hour to kick in and i was good! i hope ur wsdom teeth heal well!

12-19-2005, 08:34 PM
thanks, i hope you're doin good too....man i hate these kinda things :rolleyes:

12-19-2005, 08:38 PM
same here same here

12-19-2005, 08:45 PM
I can't breath out of my right nostril either, like never ever idk why it is like that but i manage ok but it kinda sucks breathing with one nostril sometimes lol.

its lke blocked or sumthing i got bronchitis and the doctor looked in my nose and said how do you breath through that and i said i barely ever can. I was never able for as long as I can remeber.

12-19-2005, 09:14 PM
i had that done 14 years ago...a 1.5 hour surgery turned into a 5 hour surgery...i was hit with a baseball when i was 12, broke my nose, but i didn't know it until i was 18. my septum split and it looked straight when it healed...the right side bowed out and totally blocked that side off. they had to re-break the septum and there are 6 bones in between your eyes that are related to the nose...i only have 2 of them left...that is all the doc could reconstruct. he had to scrpae the other 4 out. i couldn't ride for 6 weeks and no hard dcontact or real sports for 6 months after...if they had to rebreak the nose, just wait until they pull the splints out...they are about 8 inches long and 3 inshes wide...and it kinda hurts, especially if the stitches that they used to hold them in didn't completely dissolve...good luck

12-19-2005, 09:16 PM
Did you have any copay on yours? My Insurance company wanted us to front 2,000 for it so i said f it. Id love to beable to breath right but not for 2000 bones.

12-19-2005, 09:20 PM
When I was young I got hit with a baseball after it tipped off of my glove I barely missed it. It busted an artery so I had surgery. They put packing up there and a tube was up my nose a couple of days(it hurt). I couldn't even take a bath, I was as greasy as a N****r. When I got home I took a bath and played the gam on ps2 that just came out "GTA 3"