View Full Version : Stripping it down

12-18-2005, 08:43 AM
Hey guys, i'm going to be doing a rebuild on my z400 and I need some help.

My first task is to powdercoat and gusset, and my question is about stripping the quad down. Is it hard? It's only electrical and radiator thats really got me. I don't know, I totally stripped down my 50 and i'm building it, but thats seems TOTALLY different.

How hard is the electrical and radiator? Better off, how hard is it in general?

12-18-2005, 08:55 AM
try to keep as many parts together as you can, also I use little baggies for the nuts and boltz, then I get a sharpie and write where I got them from off the bike and what part they are for. This will save you alot of time and heartache by organizing your parts

12-18-2005, 09:04 AM
Its not too hard. Take a few close up pics before you start and as you go along if you want too. A trick the pros use and me too, everytime I do a tear down is to get a box of quart size zip lock bags and a permanet marker. All the bolts and screws from the fenders go in a bag and are labeled. The motor mount bolts are done the same and so on with each section. You'll have 15 or 20 bags labeled when its all apart but it will be SO much easier to put together. The electrical is not hard because most of it has matching plugs. If you have single wires of different colors that plug together, put a piece of tape on each end, and mark "1" on them. The next two wires mark "2" and so on.

12-18-2005, 09:05 AM
i would get a shop manual

12-18-2005, 09:10 AM
Use all of these metheods and you will have no problems at all.
My 450r is in boxes and bags right now. I droped the frame of to be pc'd last night.

12-18-2005, 09:19 AM