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View Full Version : What do you think of the 300ex

06-28-2002, 07:19 PM
How is it for jumping? What dont you like about it? I just want to know. Please tell me what you think, of it stock.

06-28-2002, 09:56 PM
The 300ex is a great quad. i would recomend it to anybody. It jumps great and the suspension soaks up even big air. Its got some balls too, especialy bottom and mid range. The handling is top notch,so are the brakes. Its a sweet quad stock and really kicks a** with mods. Hope this helps.

06-29-2002, 11:24 AM

06-29-2002, 01:47 PM
the 300 has balls i think not when it gets modified it has allot of balls but not stock.

06-29-2002, 04:16 PM
That makes me feel good. I am thinking of getting one, I want a 250X but I want it cheap. I have seen them for 1600$ canadian, partly done up, I wouldnt care if it was stock. But I want to go to university\college and a 300ex, will put me at $0 is the only thing.
Well thanks for all the info, I am checking the dealer sometime this week to see if there is a good deal on, like dont pay till next year or low payments(heres hoping) cross your fingers for me, either the 250X or the 300ex.

Thanks again

07-01-2002, 10:16 AM
If you can afford a 400ex I would get one. 300's are good quality four wheelers. They have reverse and are pretty peppy. Once you ride a 400 you will feel like you are going in reverse on a 300. 400's are lighter, have more power, better suspension, and can beat a stock raptor or ds650 with minor mods. I know you are low on $$$$ so if you can spring for the 400 get it, if not you will still be happy on a 300.

07-01-2002, 03:52 PM
Ya, I really wanted to get the 400ex, but the $$$ is too much this year. I really want a 250X for this year, and keep it until I am done University, then I will buy whatever honda has out then!