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View Full Version : Sullivan County ATV Assn 12/14/2005 Meeting Notes

12-15-2005, 11:37 AM
The Sullivan County ATV Association had their Dec Meeting @ 6:30pm on Dec 14th 2005.

Notes from the Dec 14th 2005 Meeting:

Meeting Started at 7:00pm

Discussion of old Buisness

Fundraising Committee: Ed discussed still having no response or co-operation from Dealers regarding another ATV Raffle Machine.

Website Committee: Joe Discussed Website progress. Website is fully up and running @ http://www.scatvassn.com . Only remaining web buisness is Permission to post articles re: children who the money was donated to and uploading pictures of mercandise to the store.

Trail Committee: Wayne Discussed lack of riding since last meeting. Many Trails aren't open for Winter riding due to Hunting Season. Trail Committee will be riding before Jan Meeting and possibly marking and clearing trails.

General Discussion:

The ATV Association is planning on adopting Roads, exits and Highways. This will help get our name out as well as some almost free advertising.

We have decided on 2 Fun/Snow Run type Events. We plan on having a fully insured event on Sackett Lake. We will plan food under a tent, and some drag races, wheelie contests, and maybe a short trail ride.

Discussion of New Buisness:

Rules for becoming a Full voting Member were discussed. We decided that in order to vote on anything, you must attend 6 out of 8 meetings.

Voulnteers and people that help but can not attend all meetings etc will be associate members. Obviously some excepts will apply.

Ed motioned for associate members to be able to become an elected official. Duane seconded it and all in favor.

Next everyone voted on the 2006 Board Members

Our new Elected Board Officers are:
Ellis Garcia - 2006 President
Mike Cooper - 2006 Vice President
Tony Poli - 2006 Secretary
Sue Poli - 2006 Treasurer

Next thing that was discussed was Committee Leader Job Descriptions

Web site Committee Leader: Post and Keep Current Web Site and Info, Upload any info for Association, and Moniter All Sales etc over the Web.

Trail Committee Leader: Keep Association up to date on trail conditions. Also help keep riding safe and trails clean and litter free. Also have a knowledge of local trails. Take names off property signs for getting owners permission. Also coordinate group leaders for events.

Fund Raising Committee: Set up ATV for raffle, Distribute Tickets, Set up raffle sites and also clean up. Get dealer sponsors for door prozes etc. Do all 50-50 set up.

The following people attended the Dec. 14th Meeting:
Tyler Ketchen
Dan Livingston
Sean Walker
Dan Livingston Sr.
Casey Botbyl
Duane Roberts
Ellis Garcia
Wayne Klaus
Michael Cooper
Anthony Poli Jr.
Joe Tinari
Jay Meddaugh
Ed Houman
Anthony Poli Sr.
John Noll

Later - JT 8)