View Full Version : made my own footpeg extenders...

12-11-2005, 07:43 PM
made my own footpeg extenders. what do ya'll thing

12-11-2005, 09:10 PM
What did you use to cut them?

12-12-2005, 04:56 AM
i used a cut off wheel and cut it by hand......

12-12-2005, 11:27 AM
heres a pic of it installed

12-12-2005, 02:04 PM

12-12-2005, 02:26 PM
Nice work.

12-12-2005, 02:56 PM
yeah i made my own for the 400 awhile ago too

12-12-2005, 06:19 PM
looks a little sharo i would hate tyo see you slip off with those pegs

12-12-2005, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by nightmare311
heres a pic of it installed

That's awesome! Great work. Could you please tell me what type of steel you used and how you bent them? Seems easy enough to do and I don't feel like shelling out $90 for the rath racing ones. Thanks a lot.

12-12-2005, 07:23 PM
i used 1/8th x 1"x 4' steel from the home depot. to bend it all i did was put it in a vice. it bends real easy.then weld them up.im making a pair for a friend tomorrow.i could wright up a how to if it would help.

12-12-2005, 08:53 PM
Alright cool, thanks a lot man. This saves me a bunch of cash. My 450R pegs are nice and wide but I need more "bite" to them. I was wondering how you added the kick-up, did you weld those on? Because I don't have a welder so i'd be bolting these up.Also, did you draw the teeth on freehand before you cut them? Thanks again. Yeah, many would love you on this site if you did a write up. 90 bucks is a little too much to charge for such an easy mod.

12-12-2005, 08:58 PM
i'll get to the wright up tomorrow with some pics..,, i had to weld the kick up on like i said im making a pair for a friend tomorrow for $25.00 i mite see if i could start makeing these for ppl.

12-12-2005, 09:03 PM
Nice, thanks a lot bro :) Ok that's cool, I just won't add the kick-up and leave it straight to make things simpler. At $25 a pair, you could really clean up on this site! :D I look forward to reading the write up, i'm definitely going to do this project over winter break :macho

12-12-2005, 09:28 PM
This I really easy mod.
1st get a 4’ long 1/8” thick pieces of metal (I got mine from the home depot)
I then found the middle and cut so now I have 2 pieces 24” long
On find the middle of that and make a line after u figure out how wide u wanna go
I went 2 ½” wide go half of the on each side of the line u just made. (Which would be 1 ¼” on each side of the line) these with be the marks where u will bend the metal at. After bending the metal u now need to make your kick if your going to (if not skip this part).measure down from the bend ever how high u want the kick up (I went 2 ½” from the bottom) make a 45 degree line on both sides of the peg the same direction.
Cut there. Now turn the bent part over and weld it to the piece u just cut. Clean the welds.
Ok on to the spikes( I made mine ¼” x ½”) make a straight line across the peg a ¼” down then make line downward ever ½” these with be the pikes of the spikes. Make 45 degree lines down to the ¼ line then cut it takes a little time. Then your done u mite wanna add some braces.

This is my first Wright up so…

12-13-2005, 05:16 PM
I went to Home Depot today and picked up some metal stock. I looked at the 1" wide stuff and decided to go with the 1 1/4". It looks like the 1" would be fine if you were welding them like you did, but didn't look wide enough to accomodate a pair of bolts. I can't wait to get started on these, i'm hoping that i'll be able to bolt them to the pegs a bit higher so I can sneak in some footpeg height and raise me up a little bit more when i'm on the quad. Thanks again for the write-up, this mod's going to cost me all of $4.75 LOL, it doesn't get any better :D

12-13-2005, 06:11 PM
good luck and tell me how it goes.

12-13-2005, 06:31 PM
You coul make some money off of those how much does it cost to make them and how long did it take you to make them

If I were you I would sell them for $30 that is still a good price

If you sold them for$30 instead of $25 for every 5 sets you could make $25 more

12-13-2005, 06:34 PM
it cost me like $5.00 and it takes me about an hour for a pair.
$25.00 looked like a good price to me im not trying to get rich.