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View Full Version : neck support

12-11-2005, 11:18 AM
I have a problem...I have being going to race track here recently ...I have been ridging for about 13 years and now after going to the track I am really starting to imo get some pretty good air...but I got the part of controling the quad in the air and everything and all tha stuff but everytime I land like on a big table top that I did not clear I come down pretty hard and it is really hurting my neck it kinda bounces around..I bought a neck brace but my head still kinda bobbles around upon landing and looks really goofy...any pointers other than NOT JUMPING

Robin Hood
12-11-2005, 05:00 PM
Try to make the landing off the jump. Either than that idk what to tell you, its all about how you jump and how your suspension is set up.