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View Full Version : in ground double set

12-10-2005, 11:16 PM
well i was over by my ramp today thinking of ways to get more dirt for a couple little doubles and stuff and i thought of this idea.
(see picture) and was wondering what everyone thought ? i dig them out to be 12 feet wide or a little more the whole way, itd be a double double set both being about 30-35 feet that way my brother can jump them, and with all the dirt that i dig out will go to making my landing wider ( alot wider)

righte now my landing is only 5 feet wide at top which gets kinda hairy if you dont go perfectly straight, with all the extra dirt i hope to make it about 12 feet wide at the top, if my measure ments are right i should be able to make my landing 12 feet wide at the top like i want, have a fun little double double set to go through on the way back after i hit my ramp, and then have a little dirt left over which ill prolly use to make a little berm

12-10-2005, 11:18 PM
pretty cool idea, or you could just leave the take-off jump at ground level and make it into a step-down

12-10-2005, 11:18 PM

12-10-2005, 11:28 PM
Get some drains from your local hard ware store and throw them in the deepest part so when it rains it doesnt make a inground jump a inground pool :p

At my old house I have a ton of these jumps they work awesome I love them, My cousin made a pretty sick table top at his house to a single kicker :)

12-10-2005, 11:40 PM
yeah, The only problem you would have is water, and if you could drain it somehow, you'd be set!

12-10-2005, 11:53 PM
well there is a creek type ditch thats right in side teh tree line (bottom fo second pic) and i was jsut gonna lay some 4 inch pvc from the places id need drained

12-11-2005, 12:19 AM
I had that idea once, I started digging and acouple hours later I gave up. I hope you have a bobcat or alot of friends because that'll be a timely project.

12-11-2005, 01:10 AM
my goodness that would take for ever with a little bobcat lol, no worries on equipment wise we have a new kubota backhoe 4? with a 1 yard bucket so this will only take me a day to do including the drains and for finsh work we have a ditch witch that has a 6 point blade on the front which does wonders for working on un even ground

Honda TRX250ex
12-11-2005, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Rootar
wheres the neighbors house wich you use as a second landing?

12-11-2005, 11:47 AM
I've always wanted to do something like that. My friend and I are going to make a whole MX track when spring comes around, with one of these in it.

12-11-2005, 12:01 PM
im not trying to be a smart *** or anything but i havt already done this.. its alright but not that much different then jumping a reg double..

12-11-2005, 02:26 PM
im just using this to get dirt i dont really care what the jumps feel like, we use these out on the BMX trails and tehy feel exactly like regular above ground jumps so it should be jsut the same as a regluar double jsut in the ground and instead of building up dirt ill be digging out dirt

that was the entire idea behind this to get more dirt for my landing , the little double idea came, to get better use out of what would jsut be a whole in the pasture

but yea my dad gave me the ok so some day before to long ill get to work on them at first ill leave them as table tops to let my brother get the hang of jumping them then ill just dig the middles out

12-11-2005, 04:48 PM
yea all my doubles i make this way it gives me more dirt for my tables and berms..

12-11-2005, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Rootar
well there is a creek type ditch thats right in side teh tree line (bottom fo second pic) and i was jsut gonna lay some 4 inch pvc from the places id need drained

The stuff you want is called weepers, it's a pipe with slots in it that allows water to flow through it but it leaks too to allow the water back into the ground or to get into the pipe from the top.

12-11-2005, 06:50 PM
yea make sure you put some drains with filtering screens in them that way all of the water drains properly

12-12-2005, 04:20 PM
yea water will be a factor, but you have to make sure u lead to the jump is long so u dont go down then right back up, cuz it will affect the jumping,so make sure the slope under the ground levelslopes slowly and not fast