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12-06-2005, 01:17 PM
Okay since the snow is here i started the r up, it has a new cdi. Any way i pull in the lever for the clutch and drop it in 1st and it jumps and stalls out. So i pput it in nuetral and start it. I shifted to second this time and it worked fine. It has done this before. Also its hard to pull in the clutch lever and if the quad isint running but in gear and i pull the lever in it dosent roll like it should. Any ideas on whats wrong and what i can do to fix it?:mad:

12-06-2005, 02:08 PM
Hey Cr, try adjusting your clutch. If that don't fix the problem, your clutch basket may need replacing.

12-06-2005, 02:28 PM
I tried adjusting the peice by the perch and aslo the peice by the motor and im getting no where.

12-06-2005, 09:37 PM
you have grooves in your clutch basket i believe.

12-07-2005, 02:09 PM
But when i had it running it was fine shifting so idk...any test i could do?

12-07-2005, 02:25 PM
Basically, you are already DOING the test.

If the clutch is a little hard to pull, it doesn't really disengage properly, it's a very good sign that your clutch basket is worn. Regardless, you have already identified that the problem is in your clutch, so you have to pull it apart to look at it anyways. May as well rebuild it while you're in there with new plates and such.

You could hold off on the new basket until you get it apart and find out if you really need it, because they're expensive, but I'm willing to bet that's the problem.

12-07-2005, 02:57 PM
hmm okay, so its ride-able and we have a snow storm coming in tommarow. I have 220 bucks. is that enough to rebuild the clutch? What kind of oil will i need for the clutchs since i will have to drain it. any way to tell if the plates are shot? I have a service manual that will help me threw the whole thing but any other advice? will i have to take out the motor or could i do it left in there?

12-07-2005, 03:06 PM
You can leave the motor in there.

For oil, follow the directions in the manual, do NOT use synthetic automotive oil.

While you're looking at it, move things around. I had a problem similar to yours once, but the clutch basket didn't look all that bad, so I was confused. As it turns out, my main shaft was just slightly bent at the end, so my clutch plates would "wobble". I never saw it until I started turning the motor over and watching things move.

12-07-2005, 03:13 PM
ok thanks ill order some parts what do you guys recommend for gears and clutch?

12-07-2005, 03:40 PM
who said anything about gears? they said clutch basket and plates. you can get a hinson basket for 180, and barnett clutch and springs for 90. throwing a new clutch in is pretty dang easy, i completely redid mine this summer.

12-07-2005, 05:48 PM
CR85, great thread man, I think you saved me a bunch of money.

My bike was doing the same thing, when I shifted into first the bike would lurch forward.

My motor is at CT right now to get the top end redone, so I called today and asked them to look at the clutch. They called back and said that the baskit was shot and I needed a new cluth. Yeah it cost me an extra 250 bucks, but I dont think it would have been good if that clutch basket blew up in there.


12-07-2005, 05:57 PM
lol no problem man anything to help every one out. So is it your whole clutch or just the basket? If we have the same problem then im going to just get a new clutch and basket and put it in because i dont need this breaking on me in the trails.