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View Full Version : Ted Nugent is a complete moron!

12-04-2005, 08:26 PM
I was just watching some show with him and his wife on it.

And this guy is a complete MORON! I would take one of his own guns and shove it right up his *****

He said that Krispy Kreme donuts are a bigger killer in this country than guns.....:rolleyes:

He also said people in this country that smoke, or are fat do not deserve health care.

He said he will be running for governor of Michigan in 2010... Dear god if he wins, that whole state will be a disaster.

12-04-2005, 08:39 PM
hahahaha i love ted, hes the coolest person ever who else has a show where he makes everyday people make complete fools of theirself?

12-04-2005, 08:54 PM
Cat scratch fever...

12-04-2005, 08:54 PM
ted is awesome i stand behind him all the way i too dont beleive in letting obese (unless they have a disorder and cant help it) or smokers have health insurance theyre digging their own graves. if youre smoking or feeding your face and worrying about dying then you need to rethink things just my 2 cents. and guns dont kill people people kill people

12-04-2005, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by exracer416
ted is awesome i stand behind him all the way i too dont beleive in letting obese (unless they have a disorder and cant help it) or smokers have health insurance theyre digging their own graves. if youre smoking or feeding your face and worrying about dying then you need to rethink things just my 2 cents. and guns dont kill people people kill people

im sorry i have a slow metabolism..... chit i guess i should fix that maybe get surgery?

12-04-2005, 09:33 PM
Sounds to me like Ted made some good points.

Oh and if you are fat, go buy a good pair of running shoes and run around the block a few times a day. It will work.

12-04-2005, 09:33 PM
(unless they have a disorder and cant help it)

read a little closer man i didnt mean to offend anyone im talkin about the people that live at mcdonalds and such

12-04-2005, 09:35 PM
shouldve know this was goin to turn into a flame fest my apologies

12-04-2005, 09:56 PM
Not really a flame fest looks like the majority agrees with Nugent. Has anyone seen Bowling for Columbine? when he went up to Canada they have just as many guns as the US and deaths by guns is far,far less than the US People kill People not guns. Fat people ( unless you have a condition ) bug me I sure hope I'm never in a plane crash and have to wait for a lard ***** to get out of the plane I'll never make it they should have to sit at the back.

12-04-2005, 09:58 PM
well i love guns so.,.

12-04-2005, 10:09 PM
Nugent for president 2008:cool: :cool: :D
Maybe he'll take all the Michael Moore loving, liberal, tree hugging hippy ***s and execute them. Probably open up some sweet riding areas too. Remember, the Democrats hate us off-roaders.

12-04-2005, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by exracer416
ted is awesome i stand behind him all the way i too dont beleive in letting obese (unless they have a disorder and cant help it) or smokers have health insurance theyre digging their own graves. if youre smoking or feeding your face and worrying about dying then you need to rethink things just my 2 cents. and guns dont kill people people kill people

so wouldnt it be smart not to give guns to people:eek2:

12-05-2005, 04:08 AM
Would you mind explaining why he's a moron.

Funny this is brought up...I just had this discussion with a few friends the other day. This IS one of the biggest reasons why healthcare is so damn expensive. If you want to throw your life away, dont charge me for it.

Now I would not go as far as saying they do not deserve health care, however their rates should go way up, or they should have a completely different plan!

My own company just released our new health insurance for next year. Guess what? If you do not smoke, you get a decent discount. A step in the right direction IMO!

Bill Fuller
12-05-2005, 04:43 AM
I agree with Ted 110%.If you like the way things are in Canada then by all means move there.

12-05-2005, 05:13 AM
Health care is so expensive because of all the trash that sue's hospitals and doctors over nothing. There are reasons to sue but chances are 90% are not a good reason. It's the same reason that car insurance is so high, the world is run by soul less lawyers.

I agree, people kill people, and all the left wing idiots who want gun control, I think their opinions might change when they are watching a family member get killed in front of them because they can't defend themselves against the person that broke into their house.

12-05-2005, 07:26 AM
He would make a great president, He would be for the outdoors man and the working man, besides I hear he is a hell of a cook...:D :macho

12-05-2005, 07:46 AM
Ted Nugent is a badass.

I like him as a person and i love the way he thinks!

I saw him live once too. He opened for Skynyrd about 3 or 4 years ago. Absolutley the most vulgar person i've ever heard talk. Haha wow just thinking about that...he cussed alot.

12-05-2005, 07:50 AM
He said he will be running for governor of Michigan in 2010... Dear god if he wins, that whole state will be a disaster.

one little problem with that, hes mostly right, and the state already is a partial disaster. uncle ted would be good for that state. im not afraid of peopel owning guns, because i have guns, and i know im a better shot than any street thug. if your afraid of people owning guns, learn how to shoot. if you just dont like guns move to aulstralia...course their crime went up 400% after the gun ban.

12-05-2005, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by Bill Fuller
If you like the way things are in Canada then by all means move there.

Free health care .... it's a wonderful thing !!!!:D Now if only we could get rid of those damn politicians that want to privatize it , it would be an even better place to live . :macho

12-05-2005, 08:45 AM
But yeah why should we as taxpayers and insurance customers have to pay to provide medical care for those who are killing themselves by smoking and being obese? The studies are there to prove it, and it baffles me why people still continue to smoke. I quit smoking about a year ago and i've never felt better. But i absolutely knew how bad they were for me. It also doesnt take that much effort to put on some shoes and take a walk around the block everyday and not eat so much fast food. Two years ago i lost 50 pounds because i realized how bad of shape i was in and how it was negitively affecting my health. Eating right and excercising feels good- it increases your energy level, releases seratonin, and boosts your metabolism. I swear if i went and ate anything at McDonalds right now i would throw up. I've been smart enough to make the right choices, and it has made me so much healthier. It really isnt that hard to eat a chicken salad instead of a big mac and take a walk or run through your neighborhood at night. Honestly, the laziness of some people amazes me, and i should NOT have to pay for those morons.

12-05-2005, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Free health care .... it's a wonderful thing !!!!:D Now if only we could get rid of those damn politicians that want to privatize it , it would be an even better place to live . :macho

They also have "free health care" in england where my great aunt died at the age of 61 while waiting 3 weeks for an angioplasty. Most of the decent doctors in her area also recently moved to America so they could make a decent living...after 8 to 12 years of school they were earning about 35K on average. She paid roughly 60% of her income to the government to fund the program.

Here in america, my grandmother has the same heart condition and has to have an emergency angioplasty about every 2 years or so. She pays 30% of her income to the government and gets free health insurance through her work. She's now 73 years old and goes dancing 5 nights a week. If she hadnt moved to America, she'd be dead because of that awesome free government healthcare that gives doctors no incentive to give a **** about their patients. I like you greg, but dont get me started on government provided healthcare. Maybe it works in canada with a national population of what, 40 million? There are that many americans in california alone. It would be impossible for the governement to provide decent healthcare to 300 million americans and still keep us staffed with top doctors and medical researchers. And even if it was feasable, good ole uncle sam would still find a way to screw it up:blah:

12-05-2005, 10:35 AM
Free health care .... it's a wonderful thing !!!! Now if only we could get rid of those damn politicians that want to privatize it , it would be an even better place to live .

see look everybody!!! canada is great, all you anti capitalists, move there, it sounds awesome!!! im sure youll all be very happy there, and theres plenty of room for you too!

12-05-2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Rich250RRacer
Nugent for president 2008:cool: :cool: :D
Maybe he'll take all the Michael Moore loving, liberal, tree hugging hippy ***s and execute them. Probably open up some sweet riding areas too. Remember, the Democrats hate us off-roaders.

i don't hate offroaders, or myself. :confused: :ermm:

12-05-2005, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by BLACKeR
one little problem with that, hes mostly right, and the state already is a partial disaster. uncle ted would be good for that state. im not afraid of peopel owning guns, because i have guns, and i know im a better shot than any street thug. if your afraid of people owning guns, learn how to shoot. if you just dont like guns move to aulstralia...course their crime went up 400% after the gun ban.

Good advice, that way we can just all start shooting each other... what a great society that would be.

I hate when musicians all of the sudden have political agendas, it never works out (NOTE: see Bono from U2). It just shows they will let anyone run for governor these days.. How about Ozzy is that guy still alive??? or did he OD yet?? lets run him!

12-05-2005, 01:17 PM
man there must be some crazy gun epidemic going around where they are jsut shooting everyone by themselves..... but seriously if someone is gona kill someone and they dont have access to a gun, they will find away, and then the fat ppl thing, over 60% of america is in some way obesse, thats discusting, espeacially when i have to see fat chicks at school with their rolls hangin out of there cut off shirts, apparently this is a cool thing nowdays, but anyways they should get health care, or like was said, they need to get really high rates or something, same with smokers, if u gona be a fat smoking slob dont bring the rest of us down with u, same with the welfare idiots, i say unless your mentally retarded or crippled, you should not beable to collect it, why should we pay for idiots to sit on their a**es while we work hard everyday, a good example is the NO ppl during the hurricane, all these ppl think the govt should be doing everything for them and they need to do nothing

12-05-2005, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
so wouldnt it be smart not to give guns to people:eek2:

no, it would be smart not to give guns to DUMB people

12-05-2005, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by Bush0102
But yeah why should we as taxpayers and insurance customers have to pay to provide medical care for those who are killing themselves by smoking and being obese? The studies are there to prove it, and it baffles me why people still continue to smoke. I quit smoking about a year ago and i've never felt better. But i absolutely knew how bad they were for me. It also doesnt take that much effort to put on some shoes and take a walk around the block everyday and not eat so much fast food. Two years ago i lost 50 pounds because i realized how bad of shape i was in and how it was negitively affecting my health. Eating right and excercising feels good- it increases your energy level, releases seratonin, and boosts your metabolism. I swear if i went and ate anything at McDonalds right now i would throw up. I've been smart enough to make the right choices, and it has made me so much healthier. It really isnt that hard to eat a chicken salad instead of a big mac and take a walk or run through your neighborhood at night. Honestly, the laziness of some people amazes me, and i should NOT have to pay for those morons.

yah, i CANT STAND all these fat f^cks on tv and stuff complaining about how they cant lose weight, and their trying diet pills, and they've tried every diet and nothing works and they weigh like 500lbs and swim in twinkies every day.......it f^ckin pisses me off.......RUN YOU FAT F^CKERS!!!!! GET OUT AND EXERCISE YOU FAT LAZY RETARDS!!! omg it pisses me off.......dont they understand, a freakin pill will not burn your weight and turn you into a super model....you have to exercise and burn more calories then you take in, work your muscles, get your heart pumpin, and lay off the grease filled grade F horse sh^t meat from mcdonalds.
Oh, and i hate when they play off the bad metabolism BS......its proven that drinking more water improves your metabolism.....yes thats right, coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi do not increase your metabolism, but water does, the most abundant liquid on this planet
sorry, it makes me mad sometimes.

12-05-2005, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
no, it would be smart not to give guns to DUMB people

Oh really, so only "DUMB" people misuse guns??

There was a kid in Philadelphia last month who was a law student at Penn, and bought a gun and killed himself.

Is he considered "DUMB", I bet he was smarter than you and most of the people on this whole site.

12-05-2005, 01:59 PM
Dont knock Ted... Sure he is a bit on the radical side but his points about guns are true.

Legally registered guns kill very, very, very few people each year. The focking liberal in this country that are so against guns fail to accept that guns gave them their freedom.

Hitler once said something to the effect that if he was to have invaded the U.S., his military would easily defeat our military but the people of the U.S. would destroy his military. He was refering to the fact that so many American had guns. Enjoy the freedom.

On another note, you would think that Ted would spend the money to change his wifes name from She Man to something more feminine.

12-05-2005, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Bush0102
I like you greg, but dont get me started on government provided healthcare. Maybe it works in canada with a national population of what, 40 million?

I think we're sitting around 36 million or so ..... and we could cut back a few million more if we turned away a few ships out on the west coast and sent a few packies packin' ;)

But yeah I understand what you mean about it not being feasable with the amount of people living in the USA ... I'm sure if we had that many people we'd be paying our own health care also .

It's just great not having to pay into any insurance in case you fall ill or get hurt . When I was in my accident , my helicopter ride along with all my hospital bills were all paid for by the government . Health Care has always been something this country has been proud of ... it's something we fought for .... but now some dumb f*cks ( aka politicians) want to privatize it . I'm sure if that happens there's gunna be a few heads cut off .

As far as the gun thing , I don't know what kind of system you guys have down there , but up here we have a National Firearms Registry . Basically all it is , is that you pay $60 , go write a test to show you know the proper handling of firearms , fill out some forms , have a police background check done , list the serial numbers of all your firearms and send the papers out . The government sends you back a card with your photo on it and this card allows to purchase guns and ammo . So basically if you have any of your guns or ammo stolen , you call them up and tell them which is missing . Things can then be tracked to crimes or whatever else may happen with the firearm . It's a good enough system ..... no one has come and taken any of our guns away yet !!

12-05-2005, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
no, it would be smart not to give guns to DUMB people

Who would you consider a dumb person ?? Thugs on the streets that rob banks and shoot random people , or the guy that only uses his guns for hunting , gets in a fight with his wife one night , loses it and shoots her to death ??

12-05-2005, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Who would you consider a dumb person ?? Thugs on the streets that rob banks and shoot random people , or the guy that only uses his guns for hunting , gets in a fight with his wife one night , loses it and shoots her to death ??

people that dont know how to use a gun correctly, and safely....people who are a possible threat to the safety of others.

12-05-2005, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
Is he considered "DUMB", I bet he was smarter than you and most of the people on this whole site.

Well he did shoot himself.:ermm: That's not too smart in my book.

12-05-2005, 02:13 PM
Ive been to Canada 19 times in the past 12 months. Specifically, Calgary, Alberta. It is amazing to me the amount of Canadians that are dumbfounded that so many American have hand guns. Sure there are some Canadians that have hand guns but not very many. It seems the Canadian government has brainwashed people into thinking they are bad. At least that is my opinion. Rifles and shotguns, another story.

As far as healthcare, Canada's system works weel but it too makes you think that Canadians are under somewhat of a government surpressed systems. Alberta is debt free though. We cant say that. Heck, we dont have a single state that can say that. I am not anti American, I love our country. Just pointing out a few things as I see it.

One final note, there sure are some hot Canadian chicks up there. YUM.

12-05-2005, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
Oh really, so only "DUMB" people misuse guns??

There was a kid in Philadelphia last month who was a law student at Penn, and bought a gun and killed himself.

Is he considered "DUMB", I bet he was smarter than you and most of the people on this whole site.

Law student, sounds like he was probably a smart kid. Do you think that if he hadn't of bought that gun he couldn't have found another way to kill himself?

Some of the ideas I do agree are a little extreme. On the other hand, I will not give up my guns. I also feel that the majority of people on disability do not need it, the majority I said. I realize there are many many people unable to work b/c of injuries or illnesses and I understand they need help.

What I don't understand is why I should have a chunk of my check taken out to pay some guy to go to a doctor once a month to say his back is hurting him, then go hook to the boat and go fishing for a while or why I should be paying for someone else to lead an inhealthy lifestyle whenever they don't want to be normal weight or healthy cause then they would have to work. I work to lead my own unhealthy lifestyle and no one elses. I think the best thing to do is if it is something wrong with them caused by them, if that person isn't doing their part to get better then take their money away.

12-05-2005, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by freakystone
Ive been to Canada 19 times in the past 12 months. Specifically, Calgary, Alberta. It is amazing to me the amount of Canadians that are dumbfounded that so many American have hand guns. Sure there are some Canadians that have hand guns but not very many. It seems the Canadian government has brainwashed people into thinking they are bad. At least that is my opinion. Rifles and shotguns, another story.

As far as healthcare, Canada's system works weel but it too makes you think that Canadians are under somewhat of a government surpressed systems. Alberta is debt free though. We cant say that. Heck, we dont have a single state that can say that. I am not anti American, I love our country. Just pointing out a few things as I see it.

One final note, there sure are some hot Canadian chicks up there. YUM.

You're right about not many of us owning hand guns , but I don't think it's that we've been brainwashed , I think it's more that most of us don't really find any use for them . Mostly all those up here that own guns are hunters .... and it's kind of hard to take down a moose or any other large animal with a hand gun . That's the general feel of most people up here . From what I see ... I guess a hand gun would be practical from things like skeet shooting and stuff which seems to be pretty big in the USA ... it's just not something that's caught on up here . Also anyone can legally get a hand gun .... as long as you take the appropriate courses and tests and fill out the right paper work .

Alberta is the hot spot right now in Canada . You go out there looking for a job , and you get to pick and choose where you want to work . With the oil fields going at full forces right now , Alberta along with every other province is benefitting from it . The residence in Alberta are all receiving checks in the mail from the government in the sum of like $400 ( or something like that) because of the surplus .... and all the other provinces are getting extra $$ also . I guess that's the benefits to living in a smaller country .

12-05-2005, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
Good advice, that way we can just all start shooting each other... what a great society that would be.

I hate when musicians all of the sudden have political agendas, it never works out (NOTE: see Bono from U2). It just shows they will let anyone run for governor these days.. How about Ozzy is that guy still alive??? or did he OD yet?? lets run him!

Ted did not just get into poilitics recently...he has been very active since the 60's. He had a good friend named Fred Bear that practically raised him....Ted has some good ideas that I agree with, someday I hope he is president.

Now with that said I will say I don't agree with Ted 100%...not only does he hate tobacco and junk food he also hates beer, however I do have to say he is probably correct on the fact that beer, tobacco, drugs and junk food kill more people in the country than guns do.

Uncle Ted for President...I think it's been his plan ever since he released Journey To The Center Of Your Mind back in the 60's

12-05-2005, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I think it's more that most of us don't really find any use for them . Mostly all those up here that own guns are hunters .... and it's kind of hard to take down a moose or any other large animal with a hand gun . That's the general feel of most people up here . From what I see ... I guess a hand gun would be practical from things like skeet shooting and stuff which seems to be pretty big in the USA ...

I think that most people in the U.S. own a hand gun for personal protection, not skeet shooting or hunting. Calgary for instance has a huge problem with oriental street gangs. Sure most are killing each other, but there are innocent people threatened, wounded or shot all the time there. Of course all of those gang members who own guns dont have them registered. The gun themselves are surely illegal. Now what if one out of every three people in Calgary was packing a hand gun for personal protection and the street gangs knew it. They sure would at least think twice before starting crap with someone or breaking into someones house or business.

12-05-2005, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by exracer416
read a little closer man i didnt mean to offend anyone im talkin about the people that live at mcdonalds and such

watch Super Size Me

12-05-2005, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by freakystone
I think that most people in the U.S. own a hand gun for personal protection, not skeet shooting or hunting. Calgary for instance has a huge problem with oriental street gangs. Sure most are killing each other, but there are innocent people threatened, wounded or shot all the time there. Of course all of those gang members who own guns dont have them registered. The gun themselves are surely illegal. Now what if one out of every three people in Calgary was packing a hand gun for personal protection and the street gangs knew it. They sure would at least think twice before starting crap with someone or breaking into someones house or business.

Toronto is having the same problem right now . There's turf wars going on right now between gangs ( mostly all Jamaiicans) . What's happening is that a lot of the weapons they've recovered from the shootings have all been listed to guns that have been registered by others ( law abiding people) , but were stolen.

I think the problem if every 3rd person had a hand gun , you'd see people flip off the top over something stupid and put 5 bullets in someone and blame it on " personal protection " . :ermm:

12-05-2005, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Toronto is having the same problem right now . There's turf wars going on right now between gangs ( mostly all Jamaiicans) . What's happening is that a lot of the weapons they've recovered from the shootings have all been listed to guns that have been registered by others ( law abiding people) , but were stolen.

I think the problem if every 3rd person had a hand gun , you'd see people flip off the top over something stupid and put 5 bullets in someone and blame it on " personal protection " . :ermm:

No offense Greg, because actually I enjoy the discussion but that is what I mean by brain washing. I am not saying you are brainwashed but that is a nearly identical comment I heard from countless people in Canada that I have met when discussing hand guns for personal protection.

We dont have the problem with people going ape chit shooting at people for silly reasons like that.

That is ok. Again, I am not trying to argue or fight or flame you.

Thanks man.

12-05-2005, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
Good advice, that way we can just all start shooting each other... what a great society that would be.

You have got to be kidding me.

What kind of idiot retard actually believes that "gun control" will solve the nation's crime problem? To say that "guns" cause crime is like saying "pencils" cause misspellings. Maybe, if we reduce the number of pencils in gradeschools, misspellings will go down!

I believe that guns should be registered. And, I actually DO believe that it should be difficult to obtain a hand gun, I fully support the 5-day waiting period. Anything more restrictive than this only punishes law-abiding citizens, it doesn't do anything at all to help reduce gun-related crime.

12-05-2005, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
You have got to be kidding me.

What kind of idiot retard actually believes that "gun control" will solve the nation's crime problem?

I am sorry, can you tell me where I said that gun control would solve the nation's crime problem??

When did I say that? how did you even think of that?

I was referring to the guys comment above.

If you are going to argue with me, atleast take the time to read my posts.

12-05-2005, 03:22 PM
i honestly think i would do a better job at being the governor of my state. Or the mayor of detroit. These people have no idea how the economy work, i guerentee any person who takes an ecnomics course in high school knows more than that idoit for a mayor in detroit or our hippie as governor. Ted Nugent has lived in michigan for most to all of his life as far as i know and he knows how our state works. Personally i think it would be great, i hate the situation our state is in right now.

as far as his views on guns, i dig em'.

12-05-2005, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
I am sorry, can you tell me where I said that gun control would solve the nation's crime problem??

When did I say that? how did you even think of that?

I was referring to the guys comment above.

If you are going to argue with me, atleast take the time to read my posts.

Then clearly explain your position. Are you for Gun Control or do you believe we have the right to bear arms and defend ourselves when needed? A few posts ago, you jumped on someone because they stated they own a gun and feel safe because they know how to use it.

I find it funny that people actually think taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens will remove guns from the criminals. They are "criminals" for a reason - they DONT FOLLOW THE LAW! You can bet your bottom dollar if they want a gun, they will get one regardless of what the law says. And if they cant get a gun, they will find another "tool"/weapon.

It would also be nice for you to clarify what you were getting at before, at the start of this topic. Do you think its ok for a person to throw their life away via bad health brought on by their own lifestyle and let the consumer pick up the tab???

12-05-2005, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
Oh really, so only "DUMB" people misuse guns??

There was a kid in Philadelphia last month who was a law student at Penn, and bought a gun and killed himself.

Is he considered "DUMB", I bet he was smarter than you and most of the people on this whole site.

Yes, actually he can be considered "DUMB" - he took his own life. Basic principle here - taking your own life is not an intelligent move. Pretty simple if you ask me. BTW, blaming the gun is the WRONG answer. Your just blaming the tool used - not the action or user.

...also saying someone is "SMART" based on their profession can be considered "DUMB". Your example above proves this quite well.

I'm not jumping on your back and dont take what I'm saying the wrong way, but your making some strong claims but wont stand behind them. You seem a tad wishy washy (for a lack of a better word) when questioned. :D

12-05-2005, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
I am sorry, can you tell me where I said that gun control would solve the nation's crime problem??

When did I say that? how did you even think of that?

I was referring to the guys comment above.

If you are going to argue with me, atleast take the time to read my posts.

You don't have to "say" it, you general attitude already says it for you.

Now, when I say "crime rate", I'm not talking about tax-evasion or purse-nabbers. I'm talking about our crime rate that is directly related to firearms. Armed robbery, drive-by shooting, ect ect.

Your whole position in this thread just screams "I believe gun control is the answer to our gun-related crime problem!"

If I am mistaken, please enlighten me. But I am rarely mistaken ;)

12-05-2005, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by cletusEX
Well he did shoot himself.:ermm: That's not too smart in my book.

Good point ;)

12-05-2005, 05:26 PM
give every crack dealer a gun and bullets.

everyone who sdoesnt do crack stay inside for the next 2 weeks.

at the end of 2 weeks a few of us will mop up whats left:p

12-05-2005, 05:50 PM
LMAO ... That's what's going on in Toronto .... turf wars in North Etobicoke . Cops don't give a chit .... it's gangs killing gangs .... let them shoot eachother ... sooner or later there'll only be a handfull of them left ... then the cops can throw the rest in jail .

Less work for the cops .... less thugs in jail .... less taxpayers money being spent on housing them in jail .... extra dime in my pocket for coffee each morning !!!:devil:

12-05-2005, 06:31 PM
I'm just going to have to bite my tongue with this one. If I start on this I'll reach my 5000 word limit and not get done...

12-05-2005, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
I was just watching some show with him and his wife on it.

And this guy is a complete MORON! I would take one of his own guns and shove it right up his *****

He said that Krispy Kreme donuts are a bigger killer in this country than guns.....:rolleyes:

He also said people in this country that smoke, or are fat do not deserve health care.

He said he will be running for governor of Michigan in 2010... Dear god if he wins, that whole state will be a disaster.

do think fat people and people that smoke should get health care I mean they are not even taking care of their body

12-05-2005, 06:41 PM
I have met Ted and i now peaple who have hunted with him. It's
all a big act. Ted makes a show out of it trying to get his point across so the younger crowd of peaple will see the big picture.
So you can see i'm behind him but he is a little Wackey.

12-05-2005, 06:58 PM
gun control is just another way for liberals, who dont want to admit someone could be a bad person. to blame the actions of a person on the "tool". we blame alcohol for alcoholics, drugs for addicts, cars for accidents, weapons for murders, poverty for bad grades in school, cheese burgers for fat people i could keep going. the fact of the matter is nothign happens withought a person making a conscious choice. sure guns are used to kill people. but if guns were never invented righ tnow we would be having a discusion about banning pointy sticks. there are evil people and the only way to fix that is to destroy them, or make them fear the action of the good. i will always own guns. i will always treat them with care. if you want to try to harm me or my family, i will kill you. i will not shoot random people only people that are atempting evil. i dont think many anti gun people realize how many people have guns in america, and yet were not in some kind of violent hell. statistically theres a gun for every person in america. yet were not all being shot. if peopel truly want to cut down on crime, we could try teaching a little morality, and taking responsability for your actions, but that always seems to be the last thing liberals want to do...

12-05-2005, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
I was just watching some show with him and his wife on it.

And this guy is a complete MORON! I would take one of his own guns and shove it right up his *****

He said that Krispy Kreme donuts are a bigger killer in this country than guns.....:rolleyes:

He also said people in this country that smoke, or are fat do not deserve health care.

He said he will be running for governor of Michigan in 2010... Dear god if he wins, that whole state will be a disaster.

???? am i the only one thinking him being outraged by this makes no sense.....

if your fat and lazy thats your fault, you shouldnt get healthcare, because your a week individual or choose to smoke, and im sure the comment about doughnuts wasnt met to be take literally just making a point

yeah michigan could be a real disaster..... ambitious, productive healthy responsibly people....what is the world coming too

nature should take its course and weed out the unhealthy ,lazy, idiots, that way everyone else wouldnt have to drag them along there whole lives

12-05-2005, 07:12 PM
why dont we just all go back to medievel ages and just use swords, maces, and pikes:huh

ill deffinately be getting my hand gun license when i turn 21, and ill be keeping one with me, or in my truck at all times

12-05-2005, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by SRH
???? am i the only one thinking him being outraged by this makes no sense.....

if your fat and lazy thats your fault, you shouldnt get healthcare, because your a week individual or choose to smoke, and im sure the comment about doughnuts wasnt met to be take literally just making a point

yeah michigan could be a real disaster..... ambitious, productive healthy responsibly people....what is the world coming too

nature should take its course and weed out the unhealthy ,lazy, idiots, that way everyone else wouldnt have to drag them along there whole lives

actually michigan is the most obese states out of the 50 and i think we are in the top 5 for worst economies. See what needs to happen is someone like Ted Nugent to step in and give all of our fat asses a reality check. It is their fault they are fat, not mcdonald's or a slow motabolism. We need someone to set an example and shaft those lazy people or people who may be hurting themselves. I believe Ted Nugent would be an awesome 3rd party candidate and would have a good shot at winning. Maybe he could bring some of the motor companies back to the "motor city". Sadly all of the unions we have in michigan have driven the large motor companies out and people are losing their jobs. If people would just suck it up and work harder instead of expecting more for doing less work Ford and GM would probably be spanking those foreign brands. Oh well, i could go on for hours and hours why our economy is so bad. But i wont. the fact of the matter is Ted Nugent could do go for the state of michigan and has potential to be a very big political influence

12-06-2005, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by Barney
I have met Ted and i now peaple who have hunted with him. It's
all a big act. Ted makes a show out of it trying to get his point across so the younger crowd of peaple will see the big picture.
So you can see i'm behind him but he is a little Wackey.

You are 100% correct. Ted puts on a big act to try and reach the younger crowds. Ted plays music and acts crazy to make money..he will tell you that's his job..that is not who he is. He owns a big ranch and works just as hard as he plays. He's not affread to work and he believes in what he says.

I will be in michigan next week...does anyone know if he still does the morning radio show?

12-06-2005, 10:47 AM
well i got news for all of you who like ted ..ted is a fake .when he lived in mi he lived about 2 miles from me in hanover mi ..most of his hunts that were on tv were on his land in hanover.just two summer ago he tried to say that someone went on his land and shot his prize bore later they found out that it did not happend and then he told everyone he was sorry .the funny thing is that all the big game hunts is on his land in a fence . what a good hunter fenced in game ...well that is when he lived in mi i dont no now ...but the funny thing is the reason why he moved ..it was in the news papper that they they had to bulldoze his house down because it was full of black mold ..you would think someone with money would not let his house get like that...

12-06-2005, 01:37 PM
Being a Michigan resident i will agree this state has its issues, what do u expect when its governmned by a democratic Canadain:p In a recent college class we had the discussion of people serving in the military, is some counrtries it is manadotory. If in the US say, when u turned 19 u had to serve two years in the military. This would cure a few problems, one sum people would run to canada, the fat ones would either lose the weight or die in basic training, lazy people would learn a work ethic. Now this was just a discussion so don't take it seriusly but it does solve some problems.

I'll vote for the Nuge for governer

12-06-2005, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by robjohn74
well i got news for all of you who like ted ..ted is a fake .when he lived in mi he lived about 2 miles from me in hanover mi ..most of his hunts that were on tv were on his land in hanover.just two summer ago he tried to say that someone went on his land and shot his prize bore later they found out that it did not happend and then he told everyone he was sorry .the funny thing is that all the big game hunts is on his land in a fence . what a good hunter fenced in game ...well that is when he lived in mi i dont no now ...but the funny thing is the reason why he moved ..it was in the news papper that they they had to bulldoze his house down because it was full of black mold ..you would think someone with money would not let his house get like that...

I think you need to check your sources...this guy doesn't sound like a fake to me. That don't make just anybody a Ky Colonel.

--Ted Nugent

BORN: 12/13/48
STATS: 6'3", 180 lbs., hazel eyes, lots of hair, surplus attitude and energy
FAMILY: wife Shemane, daughters Starr and Sasha, sons Toby and Rocco

Began bowhunting in 1953, playing guitar in 1956

Recorded 30 albums 1967-2005

Sold over 30 million albums worldwide

Considered the #1 Guitar Showman in the world

Performing professionally since 1958, nonstop yearly touring since 1967

Ted Nugent Summer 2005 Tour, which kicked off July 1, continues to set
Attendance records at venues nationwide

Performed for 55,000 Marines, Sailors & families at Camp Pendleton's Rockin' the Corps, along with Destiny's Child, Godsmack, Kiss and more.

Toby Keith/Ted Nugent Big Throwdown Tour, Winter 2005

Toby Keith/Ted Nugent USO Tour throughout Persian Gulf, Spring 2004

Hit Reality Television Show, SURVIVING NUGENT, on VH1 2003-2004

Creator and producer of the Outdoor Channel's Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild, three-time winner of the People's Choice Best Hunting Show Golden Moose Award

Rated #1 Hunt Partner by North American Hunting Club

Active on National Steering Committee for Bush, and
Sportsmen for Bush, 2004

Winner of the first-ever ATV Image Award. Presented by ATV Industry Magazine for commitment to outdoor life, hunting and recreation, 2004

Full Bluntal Nugity DVD, on Spitfire, 2003

Craveman recording on Spitfire, 2002

#1 Grossing Tour Act in the world 1977, 1978 and 1979

Formed Damn Yankees in 1989. Sold 5 million albums

Live at Hammersmith recording on Sony, 1997

Top 10 Grossing Tours of 2000 with KISS

New York Times Best Selling Author, GOD, GUNS & ROCK-N-ROLL, Regnery
Publishing, 2000; KILL IT AND GRILL IT, Regnery Publishing, 2002;
and BLOODTRAILS II, Woods N; Water, Inc. 2004

Host of the #1 rated Ted Nugent Morning Show, WWBR, Detroit

Creator and host of the Ted Nugent Commando Radio show for 10 years,
Detroit, Michigan

Honored on the floor of the U.S. Senate, 1994

Named Father of the Year at children's school

Named Michigan Conservationist of the Year, 1999

ALWAYS outspoken about drugs and alcohol throughout career

Recipient of numerous commendations from state police, sheriff departments,
FBI, DEA, U.S. Army and police agencies nationwide

Editor/Publisher of Ted Nugent Adventure Outdoors Magazine

President: Ted Nugent United Sportsmen of America

Founder: Ted Nugent Kamp for Kids

Founder: Ted Nugent Bowhunting School and SUNRIZE SAFARIS, booking, guiding
and outfitting adventures worldwide

Creator and producer of award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild PBS
video series, raising in excess of $3 million for PBS affiliates nationwide.

Outspoken pro-hunting media crusade, conducting 5-10 prime media interviews
every week, impacting millions every day.

Aggressive campaign on lecture circuit promoting individualism through
outdoor sports and conservation to the youth of America

Created highly successful teleconferencing program to school systems

Appointed to Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association,

Spokesman for National Field Archers Association, Mothers Against Drunk
Driving, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Drug Abuse Resistance Education
(D.A.R.E.) law enforcement program

Official rock-n-roll, hunting, conservation representative of the Rush
Limbaugh EIB Radio and Television Network

Guest speaker at International Law Enforcement Convention by invitation from
Director of FBI William Webster, Edwin Meese and President Ronald Reagan

Appointed to Michigan Year of the Family Council by Governor John Engler

Named Man of the Year by Michigan Recreation and Parks Association

Keynote Speaker for Native American Fish & Wildlife Society National
Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, 1995

Named Archery Commissioner by Governor John Engler for
the Great Lakes State Games

Appointee to Michigan's Hunting and Fishing Heritage Task Force

Recipient of 1999 National Arbor Day Conservation Award

Director, Quality Deer Management Association of Michigan, Three Rivers Chapter

Appointee, Michigan State Parks Foundation

Board of Directors, Lyme Alliance

Michigan County Sheriff Deputy, 1978-present

Nominee, Handgun Hunters Hall of Fame

Nominee, Outstanding American Handgunner Award

Inducted into the Native American Strongheart Society by the Lakota Sioux,
Northern Cheyenne and Arapahoe Tribes

Keynote Speaker for 1995 Governor's Symposium on North American Hunting
Heritage, Green Bay, Wisconsin

Certified Hunter Safety Instructor and International Bowhunter Education
Foundation Instructor

Honored in the Congressional Record by Congressman Jim Barcia, 1993

Huron School District Student Youth Counselor

Two-time recipient of the Kentucky Colonel Award, on behalf of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Designer of Nugent Blade Broadhead, Ted Nugent BloodBrother Bow and
signature line of hunting gear.

Professional staff advisor for Sims Vibration Labs, Renegade Archery, Magnus, Medalist,
Browning, GameTracker, Mossy Oak, LaCrosse.

Rock-n-Rolls approximately 6 months per year, hunts 6 months per year

Regular columnist and contributor to more than 40 publications

Life Member of: NRA



12-06-2005, 02:01 PM
So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Ted nugent rules!

12-06-2005, 06:13 PM
well i got news for all of you who like ted ..ted is a fake .when he lived in mi he lived about 2 miles from me in hanover mi ..most of his hunts that were on tv were on his land in hanover.just two summer ago he tried to say that someone went on his land and shot his prize bore later they found out that it did not happend and then he told everyone he was sorry .the funny thing is that all the big game hunts is on his land in a fence . what a good hunter fenced in game ...well that is when he lived in mi i dont no now ...but the funny thing is the reason why he moved ..it was in the news papper that they they had to bulldoze his house down because it was full of black mold ..you would think someone with money would not let his house get like that...
having mold in your house makes you a fake? LMAO thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. i thought moisture in your house caused mold? sounds to me like he had enough money to fix the mold problem, he bulldozed the house. if your house floods or you have a plumbing issue, basically any kind of water problem you can get mold, and once you get it many times you simply cannot get rid of it no matter what. as for hunting in fenced in property, dont see the big deal. its not like he has a 1/2 acre lot hes hunting on. i have a feeling he had a substantial amount of land, that he fenced in to keep out pochers, and to keep any exotic animals in. by fencing off his land he can keep animals that arnt native to the area withought risking them taking over the area. somehow i have a feeling you dont know a thing about mold, or hunting. you kinda sound like a fake pretending to be smart...

12-06-2005, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by MR.BIG
So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Ted nugent rules!

I second that motion :D

12-08-2005, 12:28 PM
By Jeffrey Hodgson
Thu Dec 8,11:18 AM ET

TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada's ruling Liberals, under pressure to clamp down on gun violence in big cities, will move to ban all handguns if they win the January 23 election, Prime Minister Paul Martin said on Thursday.


Canada already has extremely restrictive firearms legislation, but under the Liberal proposal only police and some security officers would be allowed to carry handguns.

So far this year some 50 young men -- most of them black -- have been shot dead in Toronto. Some government officials blame the problem in part on smuggling of handguns from neighboring United States.

"I've come to the conclusion that significant change is needed. I've come to the conclusion that we should ban handguns," Martin told a rally in one of the most violent areas of Toronto.

"Handguns kill people. That's why they exist. They are taking too many Canadian lives," he said.

Canada's murder rate is about one third of that in the United States but there is rising fear about gun crime in Toronto, traditionally a stronghold for the Liberals.

Martin -- saying many handguns used in violent crimes had been stolen from collectors -- made clear collectors would be given a certain amount of time to sell, get rid of or disarm their guns. An amnesty program would also be set up to pay people who handed in their illegal handguns.

He said there would be a "narrow exemption for legitimate target shooters" but gave no further details.

His minority Liberal government was brought down by a corruption scandal last month and polls show he is likely to be returned next month with another minority, which means he will be forced to rely on opposition parties to govern.

Opposition parties dismissed the plan as a gimmick. The left-leaning New Democrats, who backed Martin for much of the year, said the Liberals had cut police funding and social programs designed to help vulnerable members of society.

"The last-minute Liberals want Canadians to believe they are here to fix the problems that have grown over their 12 years of running the country," it said in a statement. The Liberals have been in power since late 1993.

Under Martin's plan, Canada will increase the number of police on the borders to try to cut down on smuggling and would double the penalties for people who used guns during crimes.

The question of gun control is a tricky one for the Liberals, whose attempt to compile a register of rifles and shotguns in the mid-1990s spiraled out of control. The registry, which was originally designed to break even, has so far cost more than C$2 billion ($1.7 billion).

12-08-2005, 01:45 PM
lets show this guy hes wrong and make it a big post

12-08-2005, 04:25 PM
Nugent is the man! Anyone who disagrees with him must be a fool.

Fat people and smokers are screwing up our health insurance.

Having free health care would just mess up our whole country in more ways then one.

Privtized anything accomplishes more then anything run by the guberment.

Canadains are dumb when it comes to firearms laws. That whole ballistic fingerprinting thing that ran (is running) how much money? Need i saw more.

I own guns to protect myself from people that want to harm me. Then hunting and target shooting.

Thats all i gotta say

12-08-2005, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by mrusk
Canadains are dumb when it comes to firearms laws. That whole ballistic fingerprinting thing that ran (is running) how much money? Need i saw more.

Fingerprinting ??? Please explain this to me?? Or do you not know what you are talking about ?? You don't get fingerprinted to own a gun up here .... you fill out paperwork and send it in .

Paul Martin is trying to get this law passed because his government has been overturned . This is all just an attempt by his government to gain votes in next months elections . He's hoping that the people of Toronto , which is 4 million people, will vote for him by him passing this law . Because the people of Toronto are scared of the sudden rise in violence ... they will back his plan to "ban handguns" . What the report failed to mention , is that this sudden rise in killings has been because of a recent turf war in the north part of Toronto for drug dealers .... a part of Toronto that was never heavy with drugs .... and most of those people that have been killed have been gang members .

Yes they've spent close to 2 billion to create this new branch of government .... but this is also the same government ( Liberals) that has stolen millions upon millions as was discovered in the famous " Sponsership Scandal" that's in court right now .... the kind of government that pays it's " buddies" $20 000 to do a $200 job as long as the "buddies" vote for his government .

What will happen , you'll see the Liberals get in again ... they'll have made promises about banning handguns , creating more policing jobs and lower taxes .... then 2 months after they are in power you'll never hear talk about the handgun ban again ... the issue will be dropped .... police forces will have to lay off officers because of government cutbacks and they'll raise the taxes again .

We're screwed if we elect the Liberals ... screwed if the Conservative party gets power ( very scary thought .. they'll f*ck this country up beyond repair) , the New Democrats don't have enough backing and the Block Quebecois will never have power in their lifetime . :ermm:

12-08-2005, 05:42 PM
That whole ballistic fingerprinting thing that ran

ballistic fingerprinting is different than fingerprinting your fingers. (wow that sounds like a dumb sentence lol) the "fingerprint" the marks the barrel makes on the bullet, or the mork the firing pin makes on the primer. he is saying rightly so that its a bogus expencive program, because as a gun is fired the fireing pin is deformed and chipped, and that changes the "unique" pattern it makes. also rifling on the barrel wears as its used, and most bullets are deformed so much after they hit somethign that it makes matching up the fingerprinting imposible. in america, there has not been a single crime solved by use of any state data banks of ballistic fingerprinting. most US states have dropped the program because its costly and doesnt work. if you wanted to simply running sand paper over your fireing pin would change the ballistic fingerprint. thats why he says its dumb.

12-08-2005, 05:52 PM
Anyone else see the faulty logic of Paul Martin??
"Some government officials blame the problem in part on smuggling of handguns from neighboring United States.'
" 'I've come to the conclusion that we should ban handguns' "

He states the problem lies with handguns being smuggled into Canada. The very nature of smuggled guns is that they're illegal. How does he plan to apply a law to illegal weapons? These people just don't get it. All these laws do is keep guns out of the hands of citizens who use these weapons legally and not for any type of crime. Criminals using smuggled guns will continue to use smuggled guns. Do they think gangbangers are going to say "Damn it, they banned handguns! We can't use this smuggled guns anymore!!"

12-08-2005, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by BLACKeR
ballistic fingerprinting is different than fingerprinting your fingers. (wow that sounds like a dumb sentence lol) the "fingerprint" the marks the barrel makes on the bullet, or the mork the firing pin makes on the primer. he is saying rightly so that its a bogus expencive program, because as a gun is fired the fireing pin is deformed and chipped, and that changes the "unique" pattern it makes. also rifling on the barrel wears as its used, and most bullets are deformed so much after they hit somethign that it makes matching up the fingerprinting imposible. in america, there has not been a single crime solved by use of any state data banks of ballistic fingerprinting. most US states have dropped the program because its costly and doesnt work. if you wanted to simply running sand paper over your fireing pin would change the ballistic fingerprint. thats why he says its dumb.

I read his comment too fast and it never clicked as to what he meant . But if he's implying that ballistic fingerprinting is done up here , I'd still say he's incorrect with his statement . About the only place I've heard of them do this , is on CSI : Miami .

The gun legislation up here has both it's good side and bad side to it . Good knowing that the government knows where the guns are that are legal ... Bad it cost Canadians a lot of money . But hey they've done it with everything else ... they've made us go get boating licenses . Pay $25 to write a test to say you know how to control a water craft . Half the places that do the testing will give you the answers ... just give them your money .

There's money wasted all over the place ... money lining peoples pockets . Our local hospital was supposed to be finished 5 years ago at a cost of 20 million ... they the cost was bumped to 80 million .... now it's 300 million and it's not done yet . They've pulled the guys off the job along with the machinery until there's money to finish it . Someone made a good dollar off the public . Thank You Paul Martin and your stealing Liberals !!!!

12-08-2005, 06:23 PM
dang, ted should run for president. id vote for him

12-08-2005, 07:24 PM

12-08-2005, 07:27 PM
he is a lil different. he calls turkey's thunder chickens....tamed turkey's r butterballs...there's a lil somethin different in the water that he drinks. but you've got to admit, his hunts are pretty good, The beast is dead, long live the beast.

12-08-2005, 07:50 PM
Sweaty Teddy for Pres!

The world needs more Ted Nuggents.

12-08-2005, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
Anyone else see the faulty logic of Paul Martin??
"Some government officials blame the problem in part on smuggling of handguns from neighboring United States.'
" 'I've come to the conclusion that we should ban handguns' "

He states the problem lies with handguns being smuggled into Canada. The very nature of smuggled guns is that they're illegal. How does he plan to apply a law to illegal weapons? These people just don't get it. All these laws do is keep guns out of the hands of citizens who use these weapons legally and not for any type of crime. Criminals using smuggled guns will continue to use smuggled guns. Do they think gangbangers are going to say "Damn it, they banned handguns! We can't use this smuggled guns anymore!!"

Exactly ... Like I said , Paul Martin is using the fear that Toronto residents have right now to gain votes for his political party in next month's election ... and it's going to work .

What he should have promised , was a crack down on gang activities ... tougher penalties for those caught dealing drugs or smuggling drugs .... send them to jail for life with no parole not a slap on the wrist and a 3 month jail term .

04-09-2007, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
I was just watching some show with him and his wife on it.

And this guy is a complete MORON! I would take one of his own guns and shove it right up his *****

He said that Krispy Kreme donuts are a bigger killer in this country than guns.....:rolleyes:

He also said people in this country that smoke, or are fat do not deserve health care.

He said he will be running for governor of Michigan in 2010... Dear god if he wins, that whole state will be a disaster.

Hey Krispy Kreme Queen read the side of a pack of cigarettes, it says they will Kill you if you use them properly. You should see what a mess Michigan is right now ( highest Unemployment, Most out of shape, Highest home forclosure rate, Ect. ) I hope Ted runs I and many other self sufficient people will vote for him. GO TED!!!

04-09-2007, 02:34 PM
this is two years old. genius.

04-09-2007, 05:00 PM
why do you keep bringin old threads back?

04-09-2007, 05:05 PM
HMMM, I'm craving Krispy Kreme now:D

04-09-2007, 05:33 PM
You know what the scary thing is? If we were to jack up the rates on health because of obesity it would hurt a ton of us. Mainly because my fear is that some power hungry politician will try to strive to bring health care rate hikes for many other individuals. Also it's kind of hard to define overweight and obese. We need a solid guideline based on biological factors, body fat percentage, and overall weight and physique. I see it as a disastear waiting to happen. As much as I hate to see people stuffing their face with fattening foods and harming theirselves it's kind of hard considering the amount of pressure we have by fast food merchants and other food industries. Before placing a hike on the price of healthcare, we should focus on placing a strict tax(I mean harsh) on these manufacturers and businesses offering this fatty food. I believe american was founded on values of freedom and as long as your freedom does not impend on my right to function and live as a citizen in this country I'm fine. I feel the problem isn't the people, it's the companies. They continue to offer more and more products which get worse and worse health wise. They should be the one's punished not the people. However, if people continue to gain weight and indulge in consumption of fatty foods and harm themselves then a policy jacking the rates of health care should be passed. I dunno, theres so much to say and I'm kinda tired. I'm a big nugent fan but don't totally agree with his view. This is my opinion take it for what it's worth. :) Continue the discussion.

04-09-2007, 05:48 PM
in the great words of larry the cable guy

guns dont kill people, husbands that come home early do!

Outlaw 50
04-09-2007, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by honda300EXtreme
in the great words of larry the cable guy

guns dont kill people, husbands that come home early do!

Now that's funny.......I don't care who you are!

04-09-2007, 09:40 PM
Didn't Ted drive a CRAZY GTO ??

Crazy Diamond
04-09-2007, 11:05 PM
Ted should run fro Prez! He'd straighten out this country!

04-10-2007, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by BLACKeR
one little problem with that, hes mostly right, and the state already is a partial disaster. uncle ted would be good for that state. im not afraid of peopel owning guns, because i have guns, and i know im a better shot than any street thug. if your afraid of people owning guns, learn how to shoot. if you just dont like guns move to aulstralia...course their crime went up 400% after the gun ban.
