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View Full Version : Supertrapp-who has it-how many discs?

06-26-2002, 04:44 AM
I'm debating about seling my Yoshimura slip-on, in favor of a Supertrapp, for a deeper smoother sound and more of a low-end, at least that's what it seems to do on my friend's. I'd like to get a full system, but rather not spend all that extra dough right now on something for a still stock motor.

Who has them, who likes them, and how many discs are you running, i'd like to increase the amount some so i can bump up my jetting.

Or any other reccomendations would be cool.

Thanks a lot

06-26-2002, 06:22 AM
stock 300ex engine, 4" SuperTrapp, 12 discs.

Dune Surfer
08-12-2002, 09:01 PM
Supertrapp IDS2 with 12 disk. I have 12 one inch uni airbox inserts and I am jetted at a 160 main witha K&N filter with an outerware, and a wb rev limiter. So much stronger I can't believe it
2002 400ex

08-13-2002, 08:41 AM
TC Modified Supertrapp with Open End Cap.

08-13-2002, 09:30 AM
I just swapped out the discs on my trapp for the TC open endcap a week or two ago.

On a stock 300 engine (K&N, Outerwear, 125 Main, DG headpipe, 4" Trapp), the trapp w/ discs (8 initially, then went up to 12) ran better without the airbox lid, but I ride a lot of mud/water on the trails, so I didn't like that idea. I switched to the open endcap before modding my lid, and the open cap runs better with the stock lid on. That surprised me. Maybe if I went up a jet size on the main, the open cap would like the lid off too...

The other thing I noticed, with the discs, the bike is louder for the rider than with the open cap. The discs seem to reflect the exhaust noise back at the rider, even with the factory fenders uncut. But it is definitely louder with the open cap, just doesn't seem to be reflected back up under my helmet as much. Personally, I think it's a little too loud. My wife could hear me when I was 3/4 mile away. That's how you pi$$ off the neighbors.

08-13-2002, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Scott
. My wife could hear me when I was 3/4 mile away. That's how you pi$$ off the neighbors.

:) :) :)

I have the same problem with a Powroll supertrapp and header on a 300ex

08-13-2002, 05:05 PM
ive got a powroll supertrapp 3 inch racing series pipe. for 212 bucks you better get it! that thing added alot of power to my 300ex. believe me it makes a difference! Yes its pretty loud but you can change that with the discs instead of the baffle and all that stuff. i have 12 discs in so its pretty dag gum loud. man i love it! tell us what you get

08-13-2002, 07:03 PM
Yeah I have all the disks Is that louder then 12 I think I have 18??

Dune Surfer
08-17-2002, 04:19 AM
how does it run with 18?

08-17-2002, 08:21 AM
it runs great but its so loud i wont run it like that, i mean its loud but it doesnt sound good, i usually run 12-14 and it sounds alot butter and i cant even notice the power it has takin away.

08-17-2002, 08:45 AM
For anyone here that has the FMF MegamaxII, do you have any problems when you run it "pro-circuit" (no discs or spark arrestor)? I have gotten a ton of complaints about the noise -- some people can hear me start up my quad in my garage from like a mile away -- I have been forced to put the discs on and forfeit some top end but i gained some bottom end. Anyone know how loud a Megamax is with no discs or spark arrestor??