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View Full Version : varsity wrestler as a senior?

11-30-2005, 05:58 PM
I have been wanting to wrestle all my life. I think I just have a natural ability to do it. A few years ago one of my buddies was state runner up. I recently wrestled him and we were almost dead even... Not claiming to be a god or anything but I was proud.

Anyway, I have never competetively wrestled before. I have a little clue on how to score a match and dont know any moves other than what comes to me naturally. I want to do this for many reasons. 1) I think i would be decent 2) I have wanted to forever, and want to prove it to myself that I can do it 3) one of my friends said he would with me, the one i mentioned earlier 4) wrestlers get alot of respect, a possible letter jacked, and being in the best shape of my life. Although my motive is not to gain popularity, I'm sure it wont hurt.

I am wondering what my chances of being varsity are. I thought good at first, then I remembered our school takes it dead serious. We have many undefeated wrestlers and they live for it. I just hope I am lucky enough to find a weight gap I fit in nicely. I am around 160... but not positive. I already barely ever eat. Maybe one small meal a day. I am already conditioning everday. Any ideas or suggestions?

I am waiting to hear from Wilkin :)

11-30-2005, 06:28 PM
Conditioning is so important. When you wrestle someone of equal strength, who ever is most conditioned will last the test of time. Learn some good moves and escapes and you'll learn as you go. It's not easy....those undefeated wrestlers...have worked hard for it!!! Good luck!!!!

Derek was a wrestler and he worked extremely hard. He made it to state as an individual and the team was state runnerup for Minnesota. We lost 28-24

11-30-2005, 08:13 PM
wrestling is alot more than physical abilty. i learned that if your not mentally tough you'll never last the 5 month season. i used to wake up at 6 am, run 2 miles, go to school, eat some lettuce for lunch, have a 2 1/2 hour practice, then go home and run 2 more miles, then the rest of hte night is just recovering. doing that for 5 months all throughout highschool is quite a challenge. no matter how good you are, there will always be someone better. and chances are if you take a break your compitition isnt. wrestling really teaches you to be a strong person, that much dedication is something to be proud of. even if you dont make the varisty id so go for it, because you'll have the rest of your life wondering what it woulda been like. trust me, i almost didnt go out for it also and im so glad i did cause i learned a lot more than just be being wrestler.

Derek G

11-30-2005, 08:31 PM
Go for it, you will only regret it later if you don't. I started in the 10th grade, I was behind a couple of state champs so I could not crack the starting lineup. I would not trade the memories from being on that team for anything.

11-30-2005, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
I have been wanting to wrestle all my life. I think I just have a natural ability to do it. A few years ago one of my buddies was state runner up. I recently wrestled him and we were almost dead even... Not claiming to be a god or anything but I was proud.

Anyway, I have never competetively wrestled before. I have a little clue on how to score a match and dont know any moves other than what comes to me naturally. I want to do this for many reasons. 1) I think i would be decent 2) I have wanted to forever, and want to prove it to myself that I can do it 3) one of my friends said he would with me, the one i mentioned earlier 4) wrestlers get alot of respect, a possible letter jacked, and being in the best shape of my life. Although my motive is not to gain popularity, I'm sure it wont hurt.

I am wondering what my chances of being varsity are. I thought good at first, then I remembered our school takes it dead serious. We have many undefeated wrestlers and they live for it. I just hope I am lucky enough to find a weight gap I fit in nicely. I am around 160... but not positive. I already barely ever eat. Maybe one small meal a day. I am already conditioning everday. Any ideas or suggestions?

I am waiting to hear from Wilkin :)

In Indiana, you could get away with it. Not in Ohio/PA. Good luck wrestling a state runner up from here. I say go for it though.

12-01-2005, 06:09 AM
Im from PA so wresting down here is BIG If you want to wrestle your going to have to be strong too. wresting is strengh just as much as skill

I think its the hardest sport in highschool

12-01-2005, 08:02 AM
Down the hall from me I have 5 IU wrestlers. Most of them won State more than once and that is why they are on a full ride now. One kid even won it all 4 years of highschool. I have seen how hard they work at it now (during college) and most of them say they worked almost as hard in highschool. You'll definately have to be dedicated.

12-01-2005, 09:40 AM
I hate to burst your bubble, but if your school has a strong wrestling team (as is very common in your geographic region), and this is your first year, you're not likely to make the varsity team.

Regardless of natural ability, you just don't know the moves. It is generally decided within the first few weeks who makes the varsity, and who doesn't, and there is NO way you can learn enough within a few weeks to bump off somebody that has been wrestling for years.

However, do NOT let that discourage you. I can almost guarentee you that it will be one of the greatest things you've ever done in your life.

And if you DO have a natural ability, AND you work hard, you might be good enough towards the end of the season to earn some starts on the varsity line-up. It may not be enough to get you a letter jacket (you generally need at least half the season on varsity), but it's easily enough to gain the respect of your peers.

12-01-2005, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Hyperwarrior22
wresting is strengh just as much as skill

I would completely disagree. One of the best wrestlers I know was 160lbs in high school, and I bet he benched 125. By all accounts, he was a weakling. But he knew every move in the book, and knew them well.

If you think strength is anywhere NEAR half the battle, then you don't know how to wrestle very well.

12-01-2005, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
I hate to burst your bubble... you're not likely to make the varsity team.

Now, I don't mean to discourage you. I'm answering the question honestly.

Now, if you want advice on wrestling, and how to improve your chances, that is certainly an area I can help. Regardless if you make the varsity cut or not, I STILL say you should go for it.

In life, we regret the chances we DON'T take, much more than the chances we do take.

12-01-2005, 10:49 AM

are you talking to yourself again wilkin?

12-01-2005, 10:57 AM
I can't put it all in one long post, nobody ever reads all the way through those posts.

12-01-2005, 12:48 PM
Im a senior and i decided to join wrestling for the first time this year. and up to this point i have not regreted doing it. i have already lost so much weight, gained alot of confidence, and many different friends. Our first match is tonight and though i wrestled off for varsity couple nights ago i lost 3-7. I will be wrestling 2 matches on jv tonight which doesnt matter to me. Just being in a sport for the first time since my freshman year, and sticking with it is already a big accomplishment for me. i have learned so much already within the first 3 weeks that i know will help me in the future, not just physically but mentally as well.

12-01-2005, 01:48 PM
Yeah I've been wrestling for 3 years now. The sport demands alot of determination and practice. Like Shift said if you want to get ahead of the competition you have to go above the normal. Don't go crazy though because alot of people die or get hurt trying to condition to severly. The first year I wrestled was in 8th grade. I went in there not knowing any of the moves or anything about the sport. I went on to be the schools most counted on wrestler for my weight class 185. I wrestled against kids who had been wrestling since they came out of the womb. I only lost one match the whole season and it was in the district finals to a kid I never wrestled against during the season. Every night when I got home I would throw around weights for alittle, eat right, and run as much as possible.

Good luck to you. I know you'll be happy eather way. Wrestling got me in the best shape of my life.

12-01-2005, 02:49 PM
oh **** man, you go to avon? good luck getting on varsity with no experience....sorry but they are gooood and a big *** school too! you just got interested too late to do that well

12-01-2005, 03:39 PM
Go for it bro. Worst case you make the jv team and you have a blast in the process.

The way our school did it, is you were allowed to wrestle-off at the end of every practice to challenge the varsity for their position.

After practice.. so the guy with the most skill and endurance will win.

Our high schools coach (when I was in school 12 years ago, lol) was an Oklahoma State National Champ, and we had 7 National Champs on our team in the 4 years I was there. Also, we usually places 2nd or 3rd in state every year.

People get hurt too. Even if you're JV, you'll probably get to wrestle Varsity a few times.

There are a few important things in wrestling.
1) What you eat is very important. If you like McDonalds, too bad so sad. You wont even survive practice eating the wrong foods.
2) Dicipline & Willpower. These are probably the 2nd most important.
3) Physical Endurance. When I was Varsity my senior year, I could do 100 pushups, 50 squat thrusts, and 200 crunches before I'd even break a sweat. Anyone who's been a 4a - 5a wrestler know's I'm not lying. Those 6 minutes on the mat WILL be the longest 6 minutes of your life.. lol.
4) Reflexes
5) Lean Muscle. You want strength, but not bulky strength. You're an athelete not a bodybuilder. (noting against body builders, it's its own sport with unique requirements).
6) Flexibility - so you dont get hurt.

Even if you never wrestle Varsity it will do many things for you.
It will give you character. It's one of the only sports where there's noone else to blame for failing but yourself.
It will give you strength, endurance, speed.
It will give you great memories.

Last but not least.. all of the above are GREAT for ATV racing.. lol. ;)

Go for it bro. I would reccomend Wrestling to everyone. It's the worls greatest sport in my opinion.

12-01-2005, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
I already barely ever eat. Maybe one small meal a day. I am already conditioning everday. Any ideas or suggestions?

PS - That is a HUGE misconseption. Wrestlers have to eat.. and they do eat a lot.. but of the right foods. Assuming you have a decent coach. If the coach doesnt have a dietician making you guys eat 3000+ calories a day, then they are being mistaught.

Food is energy. You cut weight for about 90 days before season. 1500 calories. Then you get in to high gear 2500-3500. You wouldn't run an ATV race with a 1/4 gallon of gas would ya?

If you only eat 1 meal a day now.. your metabolism is probably already screwed up. Work on changing your diet now. Talk to the coach. He can probably point you in the right direction. Keep sodium low, and NO caffiene. (you save the caffiene to make yourself pee off the water weight before weigh-in.. lol... shhh)

Michi's Ladder (http://www.beachbody.com/jump.jsp?itemID=122&itemType=CATEGORY&path=1,2,21) Stick to Teir 1 & Tier 2 foods. Go with a 40% complex carbs / 40% protien / 20% fat setup. 2500 cal. % in calories not grams. 1g of Carb/Prot = 4cal 1g Fat = 9cal.

Just a start.

Weight training.. go lighter weights. You want to do 15 reps x 3 sets. You should not be able to lift up the 15th one on th elast set. Temporary muscle failure. To strength training every other day. Your body needs 48hrs to recover. Do aerobic training on the off days. Take 1 day a week off for recovery. If you don't, you will counteract your training and cause damage by overtraining. Overtraining is BAD.

12-01-2005, 03:50 PM
I never cut weight. Whatever I weighed at the beginning of the season, that's what I wrestled. I didn't have to "get in shape", because football season just ended. I was already in shape.

That way, I knew I could eat whatever I wanted. I never had to starve, or sweat, to make weight.

12-01-2005, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
I never cut weight. Whatever I weighed at the beginning of the season, that's what I wrestled. I didn't have to "get in shape", because football season just ended. I was already in shape.

That way, I knew I could eat whatever I wanted. I never had to starve, or sweat, to make weight.

Aye.. I didn't either. But, I'm looking at a first year situation w/o any previous work.

Of course.. if he's already between 7%-10% bodyfat.. he's good enough. The rest will come off during season.

I'd have the doc do a quick bodyfat check when he get's his required physical. (turn, cough).

If hes between 10-15% I'd cut a little, just so I didnt have to wrestle a class up.

I wrestled in the 140 weight class my Senior year. Man was I ripped. 180 right now.. and a quarter as strong, lol.

152 (not sure of the class these days), was a tough weight. If he's 150 now.. he'll probably wrestle 145. That 5 lbs will be gone the first week.. lol.

I think he should go for it.

12-01-2005, 04:01 PM
BTW is he a senior this year, or next?

Shouldnt Wrestling season be 1/2 over already. I know we started pre-season practice in September. (We practiced year round, but officially started in Sept)

12-01-2005, 04:07 PM
I don't know. I think the local high schools around here are just finishing the playoffs, and I know Wrestling doesn't start until Football ends. If memory serves (12yrs ago), we only had a few matches before Christmas break.

I wrestled 152 my senior year. Yes, it is a tough weight class. I, too, was ripped, way way way back then.

I'm the guy in front.

12-01-2005, 05:00 PM
oh **** man, you go to avon? good luck getting on varsity with no experience....sorry but they are gooood and a big *** school too! you just got interested too late to do that well

yeah I know man... we have plenty of people that have dropped everything in their life and dedicated it all to sports. If any of you have heard of Lynn Panko he was 52-0 last season. Sports are taken 1st in command in importance and our players are so well treated and respected itll drive you nuts just to be an average joe. We also had a team of 4 brothers that were all varsity and untouchable. I didnt want to flaunt that my school was the best, but from what people are saying everyone thinks I might be in some little hicktown. WRONG! :eek2:

I am not concentraded SOLEY on becoming varsity but man wouldnt that be the adventure of a lifetime. To let you know how seriously our school takes it, all varsity wreslters have to be at school at 5:30 am to start conditioning, school starts at 7:30. Then, when we get out at 2:30 they stay until at least 2 more hours everday. You also must sign up for advanced physical conditioning and go through a special weight training program (that im in right now) to compete... and thats just for jv. One of my main reasons is that I know I will sit around wondering what could of been for the rest of my life what could of been.

I wasnt going to be mad if i didnt make it or going into the season expecting to be varsity. My own personal thoughts were on par with what others were saying. I just think that I have somewhat of a natural talent to do it not to be trained. Many of my buddies were varsity wrestlers and I am very competetive with them. Again, my point is not to brag or convinve you I will be varstiy, trust me the last feeling I have about this is cockyness. I know itll probably be a rude awakening as soon as practice starts. If I do like it and I do ok, Im sure motivation or determination wont be a problem. As of now just starting to lift I am not strong or in great shape. I do notice I am building very quickly. Right now my balance, agaility and the intenseness I wrestle with are whats making me half decent.

Im gonna go for it :macho

12-01-2005, 08:08 PM
First ever match for me was tonight. A senior wrestling as a rookie. I wrestled on JV and was just exhausted for the last minute of the 3rd period. I lost 4-5 but didnt get pinned. I was pretty mad cause I had complete control for the last minute but I couldnt do anything cause I was so gone. And the only reason he won at the end of the period is because I forgot I couldnt do a full nelson so that costed me a point. But atleast I got my 2 cents into the guy, gave him 2 bloody noses.

Str8Wicked 74
12-01-2005, 08:32 PM
I had no idea there were so many wrestlers on here! Anyway, here's my story in the nutshell. I decided to take the plunge my freshman year. I went to a few practices and decided it wasn't what I was expecting. Practice from 3-7 every night, morning sessions, strict diets, etc. I walked off the team and pissed a lot of people off in the process. A week went by and I felt something missing.I grew to miss those hours on the mat spinning on my partners back, handstands across the gym, etc. I realized I just made the biggest mistake of my life. There was no shot they would let me go back...Soph year, I spoke to the coaches and they admitted that since I quit once, I had to prove myself in more ways than one. So, I did just that. Every practice, every morning session, followed the diet, maintained weight, studied at home, ran, etc. I had the time of my life. I ended up with a stellar season on JV, going something along the lines of 11-4. Mind you, I've never wrestled before this, so I was impressed. I even went 1-1 on Varsity, so I was hooked. Anyway, I'm sitting here writing this as a Junior. Something is out of wack with my back and my doctor won't clear to me practice. All I want in the world is to be on the team and wrestle. It looks like I won't get the chance this year and it kills me. Coaches have me doing cardio, but that's basically it. I'm wearing a back brace and hoping things can heal up before I really screw up my chances this year. Wreslters are more than just friends, maybe even more than brothers. Those countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears bring you closer together than you'll ever believe.

Some points:
1. Be prepared to work. Give it all you've got a practice, at home, at school, etc.
2. You're going to get hurt. I got 2 broken noses my freshman year, as well as a host of broken fingers and toes that went unattended, which explains my crooked *** fingers.
3. Get used to sweating...nuff said.
4. Diet-I know you can tell yourself that it's not going to be an issue, but it is. Trust me. Looking at that same bowl of salad for days will drive you insane.
5. Learn everything you can. Don't think you've alienated yourself as the new guy. Get to know the team. You're going to spend lots of time with them.
6. Have fun.

12-01-2005, 09:35 PM
i WISH Derek wouldn't have had to cut weight, but he had to. At least 20 pounds a season and he started with not much body fat but that's where he had to go. He ate LITTLE until weigh ins. (bad memories, huh Derek?) Not many would have done what he did, but he chose to do it. Tough times.....you have no idea.....but he's tough, and was focused to take the team to a State Championship. We're proud of you, Derek! Don't ever forget that!!!!!!;)

12-02-2005, 12:22 AM
Wrestling is defanatly good to build toughness. I could never wrestle good unless I was fully pissed off and wanted to destroy the guy on the mat with me. I got to where if any body touched me 2 minutes before the match they were getting punched in the face. Then our 215 pounder broke his wrist and guess who was stupid enough to answer the call. I was wrestling 160 at the time so I had to gain 10 lbs over night. Since all I ever wrestled with was pure anger and no skill and it had been working pretty good I tried it on this guy... and he kicked my ***. As the season went along I learned more skill and kept the anger and started winning some down the road. Then it came 2 weeks before the tournys. Our team went to a invite in lewiston idaho for some good competition there and in my first match I fractured my ankle. So to make a long story short I go on to miss state by one match wrestling on a fractured ankle to some really big dude from spokane. Any ways that's my story and I know it didn't help but if you want to wrestle go for it you will not regret it at all it will get you in shape, make you tougher, and make you some new freinds you may have never talked to with out it. My advice is if you want to be good is to sell out and do everything you can to get better, do not waste an oppurtunity to improve do push ups while waiting for stuff or sit ups during tv commercials while you're relaxing and never be scared of another wrestler becuase he will see it and crush you for it.

12-02-2005, 01:06 AM
When i was in high school 2 of my baseball team mates were wrestlers. 1 was undefeated his entire high school career and now is at a big name school the other won state his senior year. anyhow i trained with them in the offseason and the first couple months of wrestling season. and to be honest i dont think you have a chance to walk onto a team like you say you guys have and just join varsity. you may have a better chance at doing a double backflip off 1 leg while drunk

12-02-2005, 09:56 AM
My school didn't have a program until my Junior year, and we didn't even have all weight classes filled (small school), so there was no such thing as "JV".

I went into it knowing absolutely nothing. The ONLY thing I knew was that it wasn't like WWF. But I gave it my all, and the next year I was Team Captain.

A very odd coincidence just occured. Last night, I came across an opportunity to join a wrestling club. I'd love to join, but I'm debating. I'm pushing awful close to 30, and a lot of these guys younger and in much better shape than I am.

I'm not so worried about the physical aspect, it's a good way for me to get back into shape. I'm just worried about looking stupid. You think I'm just going to look like an idiot? A slightly overweight 30yr old, on the mat with a bunch of teenagers?

12-02-2005, 10:07 AM
just use your crazy chuck norris-like mind tricks on them. then roundhouse kick them in the mouth.

12-02-2005, 11:26 AM
Go for it.

Just set realistic goals and work your hardest to achive them, all the hard work will be worth it when the ref raises your hand at the end of the match doesn't matter if it's JV or varsity. You don't have to be undefeated to make friends and have fun so work hard, believe in yourself and the winning will take care of itself.

12-02-2005, 04:20 PM
A very odd coincidence just occured. Last night, I came across an opportunity to join a wrestling club. I'd love to join, but I'm debating. I'm pushing awful close to 30, and a lot of these guys younger and in much better shape than I am. I'm not so worried about the physical aspect, it's a good way for me to get back into shape. I'm just worried about looking stupid. You think I'm just going to look like an idiot? A slightly overweight 30yr old, on the mat with a bunch of teenagers?

It sounds like you would school them. If you used to be a captian, a competitor and a coach, you surely have the experince. One of my dads work buddies at 40 years old, is a smoker and doesnt condition can beat anyone on our high school team just for the fact that he is so experienced. He's not fat or anything, he actually has a decent build for not doing anything but the point is that it stays with you. My guess is that you would earn alot of respect if you walked in there with everyone thinking your average joe and do a good deal of proving wrong.

I guess we are both in the same boat - nervous and a little doubtful :ermm:

12-02-2005, 04:43 PM
True. I suppose it would be awful hypocritical of me to advise you to take that chance, yet chicken out myself.

12-02-2005, 05:07 PM
I wrestled varsity my junior year first year ever wrestling sure I had a not so good record and had to cut a lot of weight to be 112 lbs. that was the only spot not filled. I'd say go for it. I joined because the group of friends I ate with at lunch time were in wrestling and they talked me into it. Never regretted joining even when I broke my collar bone. They still gave me the letter at the awards ceremony at the end of the year. Great coach and a group of guys.

12-02-2005, 05:52 PM
do it you only live once, i was gonna go out in 7th grade but decided to run cc instead. I went to a summer camp and won the lightweight championship ( maybe 40 boys lol) i was the lankiest and lightest but i was quick and had alright muscles. I also knew some moves my cousin who won state 3 times in Florida. Every summer he would come up and wrestle with me, while i got the crap beat out of me everytime i eventually got better and better. Still wonder how id be doin if i would done it.