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11-25-2005, 02:39 PM
i was wondering if anyone here is a journeymen or an appentice for them i was just wondering this because i am going to the interview on wedsday and though maybe some one on here had any tips

11-25-2005, 02:45 PM
o boy the way this is for the outdoor line men

11-25-2005, 03:24 PM
I'm a Journeymen. I really don't know what help I could give you.

I'm residential, commericial and some industrial. Linemen is a good deal different.

Just be yourself, and be confident. GL.

11-25-2005, 07:29 PM
thanks do you like doing the indoors

11-26-2005, 07:37 AM
I like working indoors. Theres always a roof over your head, so even in a the winter on a residential rough your still sheltered and 70% of the time theres a furnace or heater in there.

I'm sure my work is more fast pace then the linesmens. Its more production.

I'm sure you'll like the job if you get it, if you don't mind hard work and working outdoors.

I think Linesmen are paid pretty well too. Are they paying pretty good? and do you have experiance?

11-26-2005, 09:01 AM
yea the pay is great start out is 18.87 an hour and sadly no i dont have experence but as far as i know thats what they want someone to train how they what things done or at least thats what i was told as far as working outside i love i work constrution now with a paving company working 12 hour days but laidoff due to the weather so out side isnt a problem for me

11-26-2005, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by bansheerider_13
yea the pay is great start out is 18.87 an hour and sadly no i dont have experence but as far as i know thats what they want someone to train how they what things done or at least thats what i was told as far as working outside i love i work constrution now with a paving company working 12 hour days but laidoff due to the weather so out side isnt a problem for me

my neighbor is a journeymen electrician for a union and he said you just pretty much have to be good in science and math....and they will teach you the rest in apprenticeship school

11-26-2005, 10:50 AM
Thats about what Linesmen start out at around here too. Thats very good pay.

Thats good your in construction now, you know what to expect. Some kids out high school with only busboy experiance and most arn't use to the work.

Good luck with it and stay confident.

Back in the day when I first started I applied for an apprentice in the union... I went through all the hoops.. HS records, IQ tests etc.., then the very last hoop was an interview, I was nervous but I have been in interviews before. It couldn't be much different... Wrong! When I went into the room, I was expecting 1 maybe 2 interviewers.... there was 12!! It got super nervous. It sucked, I bombed real bad.

They asked really weird questions too that threw me off... like " Why do you want to be in the union? What values does the union have, that you like? What do you think you can contribute to the union? ..... Yup I bombed... :scary:

But again good luck.:blah:

11-26-2005, 12:32 PM
yea that sounds pretty much the same as this there will be either 12 or 13 people interviewing me and it is union here to its though neat im not sure if there out you way but that the program im hoping to get into

11-27-2005, 05:29 PM
I'm a first year apprentice pipefitter. I would actually recommend NOT over dressing. I went in dress pants/shirt/tie. I was the only one dressed like that and to be honest I'm not sure they were all that impressed.

I remember one of the questions they asked me.

"Tell me a situation where you and your direct report didn't agree on something, and how did you handle it"

It's actually a common interview question though.

Good luck.