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11-24-2005, 09:58 PM
Since someone on here has a job to do with computers ill ask. What kinda jobs are out there with computers? Dealing with networks to Programing. Whats available
I am a 10th grader and i have i think my carear(sp) is going to have computers in it. I like computer and learning alot of stuff about them

11-25-2005, 12:06 AM
you need to ask your self if you can see a computer as your way to make income or just a hobby.. i myself am a network admin.. i oversee 320 systems and the entire infrastructure behind them all the networking is on me. i got into computers at around 16. i have never looked at a computer as a toy or a hobby.. i will tell you that i work on these things all day by the time i get home the last thing i want to do is play a game. or even look at my computer.

there are a lot of jobs out there every thing from networking, repair, new builds, training, or even things like cad design, you need to do some research and see what might appeal to you. there are thousands of things to do with one to make a living you just need to ask your self what you want to learn and where you want to go with it.

any more questions let me know

11-25-2005, 08:13 AM
the computer field is becoming saturated. both my parents are into server and database management. they both work for repudible companies and the pay is well, but it is under paid for the things that they do. Nvm the fact that my dad gets calls on days off, nights and whatever from people who do not know chit and they expect him to fix it. Me, im going to MMI and becoming a motorcycle mechanic.

11-25-2005, 08:25 AM
Like ballistic said, I donot enjoy playing with computers, I only look at them as income, this helps me succeed in my career because instead of playing around with the video settings, i prefer tweaking and speeding up active directory, making hardware repairs, etc.

the filed is horrible, it is all about some contracting company using you to get paid for doing nothing except taking your money for your hard work. most of the time you will work for a contractor who is in another state whom knows you only by your employee ID #, other than that, you donot exist.

It is not like it was years ago when you could get benefits, retirement, etc from a company, it is all about contracts now.

11-25-2005, 08:48 AM
There are so many areas of expertise you can focus on in the computer industry. I've worked for SGI (Silicon Graphics) for over 17 years. I do post sales support, basically install and repair unix/linux workstations, servers and super computers. Pay is outstanding but I'm on call every other week and can and do get called out in the middle of the night. That part of the job sucks but the positives far outweigh the negatives. The real money in the computer industry is on the sales side, if you can put up with all the BS that goes along with sales!

So it depends on what you want to do, do you want to get your hands on computers and do repair work or do you want to design them, sale them or support them. For design get a BSEE (my degree), for admin support or software development get a computer science degree.

You can always get into sales with a computer company after you've proven yourself on the software or hardware side first.

11-25-2005, 08:49 AM
Computers will make you fat and lazy. If you are already fat and lazy, then you have nothing to loose.... Go for it!

11-25-2005, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by KWAD GAWD
Computers will make you fat and lazy. If you are already fat and lazy, then you have nothing to loose.... Go for it!

umm well not really because not all people jsut sit in fron of there computer all day. some people like me play hockey alot so i dont think i will get fat anytime soon..

also thanks guys . You say you dont think of it as a hobby but was it ever "a hobby" of yours?

11-25-2005, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by KWAD GAWD
Computers will make you fat and lazy. If you are already fat and lazy, then you have nothing to loose.... Go for it!

I work in the IT industry, I race/ride MX, mountain bike, Jog, and Box,
if you think I`m fat-lazy, I would love to get you in the ring and show you why they call me the Fosterburg Bulldog.

11-25-2005, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by ballisticpb
i will tell you that i work on these things all day by the time i get home the last thing i want to do is play a game. or even look at my computer.

there are a lot of jobs out there every thing from networking, repair, new builds, training, or even things like cad design, you need to do some research and see what might appeal to you. there are thousands of things to do with one to make a living you just need to ask your self what you want to learn and where you want to go with it.

any more questions let me know

Well said. There is a big difference between liking to play with computer and working with them for a living. When you work with them every day you don't see them as a hobby anymore; not me anyway. Like ballisticpb said, the last thing I want to do when I get home is work on computers. I only use mine to come on this site, check my emails and read the news once in a while.

I get a lot of calls to fix computers on my personal time but I have been refusing more and more. I find that the money I make from this isn't worth the hassle or my time. Specially when you have to spend hours on an old "junk" computer that isn't worth anything except to the person who owns it.

I'm getting off topic but depending on what you are interested in there are countless jobs in the field (support, programming, communications, administration, security, field technician, engineering, training, web design, multimedia, etc).

I have been working in the field for 7 years now but have been playing on computers sine I got a "brand new" 286.

I found that college/univerisity trainning helps but you really learn from experience. The computer certifications look good on paper and will help you get the job interviews but they really don't mean very much. Most people who get in this field of work start out at some kind of helpdesk/ support centre to build experience.

As long as you are interested in learning more about computers all the time, you will like working with PCs. If you are thinking about a career in computers because you enjoy playing on them, this isn't for you.

11-25-2005, 10:29 AM
well when you say playing i dont sit down and play computer games. i am like learning on how they work.

11-26-2005, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by fasterthanyouex
\You say you dont think of it as a hobby but was it ever "a hobby" of yours?

in some aspects yes it started as just a hobby i liked to see how they work and what it takes to keep them working. i read every book and website to find out whats wrong. but i have always looked at them as a work tool i have never had a want to have one for "fun". i never went to school to learn what i know on them i read books and challenged all the tests to get my cert. i felt that with my knowledge school would have been a bad option for me.. and even though i have all the cert's that would be needed to do just about anything with a computer i still had a hard time getting employment over the kid fresh out of college. look around your area is there enough work for you to get a good paying job without having to commute or are you going to jump into this with 5000 other people that are fighting for a position working for the one computer place in town.. there are a lot of decisions to make in going into this field but when you do dive into it and never regret your choice.

sorry about the rant

11-26-2005, 06:04 PM
I read alot of people saying there is a difference between working with computers and playing with them. That is true to a degree. If you really like what you do, work will seem like you are playing. That is how I perceive it, along with many of my coworkers. I am currently employed as a Software Engineer with the West Virginia High Tech Foundation. I love my job and enjoy going into work everyday. Many of my coworkers go home after work and do the same exact thing they do for their job because they enjoy it.

(Not me, I have too much of a life. Contrary to what people who are intimidated by soemthing they dont understand, I workout at the gym, have a hot fiancee, ride, play paintball, and remain very active and social. Not to degrade them, but you have to leave work soemtimes.)

Also, to the hipocrit that said

Computers will make you fat and lazy. If you are already fat and lazy, then you have nothing to loose.... Go for it!

Arent you on a computer when you typed this? Therefore, you must be fat and lazy...just like everyone else on this site. Just because you arent intelligent enough to work with computers, doesnt mean people that do are fat and lazy. The reason you type this is probably because you are working for low wages and do not have enough ambition to do something with yoru life...making you very jelous.

11-27-2005, 07:29 AM
Here is the bottom line, if you want to "play" with computers as just a hobby that's one thing but if you want to make "playing" with computers a serious living you need to get yourself a degree, and I don't mean an associates!