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View Full Version : had my first day of advanced physical conditioning today...

11-18-2005, 08:04 PM
Ok, so we just started a new trimester and got all new classes and like an idiot I signed up for APC - advanced physical conditioning. WOW. :eek2:

Today (the first day!) we did our arms workout. 3 sets of 10 for bench press, tricep extension, dumbell press, shrugs and a bunch of other stuff, I forgot the name of :confused:

Anyway, I'm not hard core into weightlifting. I am absolutely worn to a lifeless jello-like pulp after were done with and hour and a half of this. The I hear, alright out in the hall. We had to do 30 pushups. That doesnt sound like alot, but its hard for most people even when their fresh. Now imagine working your arse off wearing a sweatshirt the whole time and then doing it. I did the first 14 in good form and then dropped to my knees and did the most crooked, whacked out girly excuses for pushups ever! :blah:

When I got to 30 (he was standing over me, wathcing me) I tried to push myself up to go get changed. I couldnt get up. I had to lay there a few minutes anf then get up like a tard. I didnt feel so bad though because all of our school athletes were the same way. Anyway, I couldnt pick up my backwack to put it on and my hands have been shaking like I have advanced parkinsons all day. :eek:

We haven't ran sprints yet... and he needs to weed us out to about 50% of the current class size... this is gonna be one hell of a rude awakening. I think im gonna come out of this class a new man with twice my previous stregnth.

11-19-2005, 12:54 AM
keep with it and make it a habit

11-19-2005, 06:14 AM
the lifting itself was fun. we listened to chevelle and pantera the whole time - i love the music they play in tyhe weightroom. me and all my buddies lifting was pretty cool but those hallway pushups frikin killed me.

11-19-2005, 10:54 AM
This may not sound like fun, but keep with it, You will thank yourself later down the road.