View Full Version : Kawa-Suzuki

Kawboyz beware
06-23-2002, 09:03 AM
What the **** is the deal here cant any one of the companies make there own line of stuff instead of offering the same **** in different colors. This is not only realivant on there atvs But the Motocross Bikes also . RM 60, 65 you mean KX60, 65 in yellow trim. I see now way that this could help them make profits. a big joke if you ask me. Could this be related to GM relation ship to suzuki forceing them to sell the same **** with different names?
I was hoping for a KFX 450 built from the ground up.

06-23-2002, 11:45 AM
its called, merging...ya.....it happens with large companys...kawasaki was in the craper, so zook helped em out. same thing like lexus and toyota....