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View Full Version : Some broke into my car and stole all my ****

11-16-2005, 11:35 AM

... i never thought something like this would everhappen to me.. my tranny lost 3rd gear in my 95 tbird
i left it at my girlfriends house.. who lives in town, so i could take it to the auto shop on monday. When i return to her house, everything is gone.. someone must have come in the middle of the night.. and stole everything..

pioneer head unit
800watt mtx 801d amplifier
jensen 300 w amp
2 mtx 8000 12" subs
2 mtx roadthunder 8" mids
a toshiba laptop
an inverter
my jack daniels blanket that covered my backseat
and of course, my check book :(

i cant believe it happened.. they tore my whole dash apart..

i always lock my car.. i know it was locked.. because i was paranoid about it in the first place.. but nothing on the outside was harmed..

im trying to stay on the positive side of things, and just remember they could have stolen my whole car.. or broken out all of my windows..

i made a police report, had them come and take pictures, of course it probably wont do much good in this town..

now im paranoid about my whole car, and my 4 wheeler..
i live in a town of about 2000 population..
i never thought i would have to worry about something like this..

im definitely going to invest in a car alarm..

i hate this.. i am at work right now.. worried about someone breaking into my house..

when i get in my car it doesnt even feel like my car anymore.. i feel as if they took the whole car away from me.. it makes me feel so violated

not sure why i posted this.. its just got me doooownnnn
makes me not trust people...
makes me question the people around me..
im 19..
i saved all my money check to check while i was in school..
i dont really care much for the subs and stereo anymore.. its just the thought that someone would something like that..
no respect..
oh.. and they syphoned the gas out of my girlfriend's 94 bird..

11-16-2005, 11:42 AM
that really sucks man.... def invest into a good car alarm

good luck

11-16-2005, 12:10 PM
At least they didnt leave your car sittin on blocks!

11-16-2005, 12:16 PM
yea.. that really scared me.. they went thru all of my glove box, and my lug key was in there... they didnt take it.. i was so relieved

11-16-2005, 12:21 PM
you got any ideas who it could be?? Go Around and start asking anyone if they have anything for sale and see if it sounds familar

11-16-2005, 01:05 PM
i have absolutely no idea who it was.. but all the electronic places, and pawn places are ran by friends of mine here.. and they know about it.. so that helps.. but i dont really expect to get any of it back.. even if i did.. it wouldnt fix my dash :(

11-16-2005, 01:38 PM
that sucks bro, but it could have been worse. same thing happened to me once, or atleast they tried... i felt the same way. probably one of the worst feelings in the world

11-16-2005, 01:52 PM
I had my car broken into in August ..... the f'kers tried the locks on one side and when they couldn't get it , they went and tried the other side ... they got in that side . Left me with a $200 bill to replace damn locks . They had grabbed my CDs and then went to the car beside me to steal the girl's system out of her car , but she caught them and they took off running ... I got my CDs back . :D

That sucks about your car though . I'll bet that it wasn't someone from your town that stole it .... probably someone for another town . But start asking questions . If it was someone in your town of 2000 , people talk and you might be able to find them again . Start asking younger kids .... someone that might be interested in buying a system for their car .... hopefully you'll be able to figure out who did it .

Myself and friends have paid a few visits to a couple of theifs here in town . It's amazing how much people talk for a case of 12 beer ... it's also amazing how quick theifs run when 7 or 8 guys roll up into their yard !!!

11-16-2005, 02:08 PM

man it sucks..
i feel worse now than i did when i broke up with my ex-girlfriend
i thought i "loved" her or something...

but i DO love my car.. i took so much care of everything in there.. the owner before me was a neat freak.. and i got it in perfect condition.. i armor-all the dash all the time, and make sure everything is clean..

and for someone to just jump in and break the dash apart just mordifies me..

i just dont know how to feel when i get in my car now..
i dont feel safe anymore

.... just wondering.. how do you guys store your quads?
mine is in my un-lockable garage... i think i'll find a log chain and lock it to an eye hook in the concrete floor or something..
im paranoid about everything i own because of this now..

lol.. and right now a 12 pack sounds pretty good right now..
if it wasnt cold outside, i'd probably take me and my girlfriend to the lake, with a case of budweiser, and forget about it for awhile

11-16-2005, 06:44 PM
man dude that sucks, i f'n hate thiefs.

your system had to be a couple thousand in all, hope you find who it was:grr:

11-16-2005, 08:56 PM
its alrite sumbody broke into my GMC jimmy and stole 2 12 inch subs my amp and the rest of my speakers and left 2 in the wall. and they stole the steering wheel.