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11-15-2005, 08:10 PM
i just got dumped and we were going out for almost 9 months its been really hard on me and shocked me really bad

i dont know how to get over her

any suggestions?

dont laugh either she was my first love and first girlfriend!

11-15-2005, 08:17 PM
smoke some, drink some, screw some!!!!!!!!!!!

11-15-2005, 08:20 PM
i ride to take my mind off everything...not just girl problems but it works too. I wouldnt do drugs

11-15-2005, 08:38 PM
i agree riding is the best remedy 100 percent cause it helped me with other things that went bad in my life to

i dont really think i will smoke weed but i will probely have a few smokes here and there but im in school right now so like all i use to do is think about her and everything reminds me of her what can i do not to think of her when im bored out of my mind and stuff like that i use to see her between my first second third fourth sixth seventh periods and before/after school so yea lol

is it better to talk with them and hang around then or just stay away and kinda loose contact

what about getting another girlfriend to in like 2 weeks if im not over her will that help i kinda have my eyes set on someone already :blah:

thanks for your responses anymore suggestions?

11-15-2005, 09:03 PM
Not much you can do except keep yourself busy and let time get rid of the hurt. The first two or three weeks are the worst, then it starts to smooth out.

11-15-2005, 09:06 PM
What everyone else here is saying, basically keep your mind from being idle. I know it may be hard to see at first, but that there are other fish in the sea. Good luck, and prey about it.

11-15-2005, 09:33 PM
Go bang someone hotter.


11-15-2005, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by SGA
Not much you can do except keep yourself busy and let time get rid of the hurt. The first two or three weeks are the worst, then it starts to smooth out.
Yep, it'll just take some time;)

It also helps if you don't see or associate with her for awhile. A good reason not to get involved with anyone you work with. I think I learned my lesson on that:ermm:

11-15-2005, 10:07 PM
I've had this happen quite a few times, I just rode to clear my mind and spent my time with my riding buddies.

My first love broke up with me in 7th grade, 10th grade now and I still miss her but what can you do, life goes on you dont live forever..

I'm single and to be honest its the best, I hated it at first but now I can ride when I want, go out when I want and not have a ball and chain to go along with it.

11-15-2005, 10:24 PM
i was daten a girl for bout 2 years then out of no where she dumped me and u just got to go hang out with the guys with a 24 pack of beer!!! but just dont talk to her for a good bit of time....mine was easy when she started to mess with black guys:eek2:

11-15-2005, 10:27 PM
lol thats funny mine did the same thing tp :(

11-16-2005, 04:28 AM
shes starting to hanging around seniors :mad:

she did it out of no were to like everything was going perfect then bam she dumped me

i hate girls :(

11-16-2005, 05:09 AM
box of clay pigeons and a brick of 12 ga. shells that is how I got over my first girlfriend relieves the stress pretty good to.

11-16-2005, 05:15 AM
Pick her up at night... throw her in the trunk and drive around for a couple days with her back there... take her home and throw her in the pit down in the basement... if you don't have a basement then the garden shed will work...


11-16-2005, 06:59 AM
i just had to wait it out and eventually i got over it but it does take a while.

11-16-2005, 07:48 AM
There is no simple solution when emotions are involved. Time is the only thing that is going to help you. Do anything other then sitting home and thinking about her. Hang out with friends and move on.

11-16-2005, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
what about getting another girlfriend to in like 2 weeks if im not over her will that help i kinda have my eyes set on someone already :blah:

Honestly, this is probably the WORST thing you can do. If you're not over your ex, it will poison your new relationship.

Trust me, NO girl in the world wants to be compared to your last girlfriend.

11-16-2005, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Honestly, this is probably the WORST thing you can do. If you're not over your ex, it will poison your new relationship.

Trust me, NO girl in the world wants to be compared to your last girlfriend.

im not going to date her right away but im kinda attracted to her i wont date anyone until atleast 3 weeks if im ready

today was the first day of school with out her i said her and stuff and tryed to be nice it went okay im still rather really sad but thank god i have friends :) there helping a lot

11-16-2005, 02:12 PM
Just hang out, do things to keep from thinking about her. One of the best things is just ignore her, don't call, don't try to talk just act like you found something better. That will bother her more than anything you can say to her. Girls want to think you are crushed without them, when they see you are doing fine they usually start missing you and if thedon't they didn't care and you shouldn't worry about her.

Don't find anyone else until you are totally over her unless you and her just want a fling and you know that will be it.

11-16-2005, 02:25 PM
if you werre her first love she'll come back,

your first love lasts very long

you''ll be alright

Tom TRX250R
11-16-2005, 02:36 PM
I recently (about a year ago) got over a 4 1/2 year serious relationship. The best thing to do is to just stay busy and keep your mind off of it. If you can just try to avoid seeing her because it will make it easier over the next few weeks. And like Wilkin said, don't try to date someone immediately afterwards because I did and made it worse because I was comparing the two, and would sometimes catch my self talking about her to my new girlfriend. My best advice would be just to stick with your friends as a support system right now and as each week passes it will be easier and easier.

11-16-2005, 03:05 PM
Go rub one out...you'll feel better.

11-16-2005, 03:12 PM
a 24 pack of your favorite brewski will help for a little while!

11-16-2005, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Honestly, this is probably the WORST thing you can do. If you're not over your ex, it will poison your new relationship.

Trust me, NO girl in the world wants to be compared to your last girlfriend.

yeah he is def. right. and i had no urge to be with another girl, and i didnt feel like another girl could make me feel better because no matter how fine or nice and smart she was she just wasnt my ex.

just try to stay as busy as u can and avoid seein her as much as humanly possible.

11-16-2005, 05:13 PM
alright thanks guys i am going to try to avoid her even tho i see her like 5 times a day inschool

but she said she still wants to be my bestfriend thing lol so she will think i hate her or something and i dont really want to hurt her and get her mad or upset at me

11-17-2005, 08:33 PM
well she did the worst thing she could do tonite

it was her birthday today so i took her out to eat and gave her a prestent so she kissed me on the lips and i backed away and she kept on huging me and telling me she loves me i tell her to call me when i get home i really needed to talk to her so i get home i wait and wiat 2 hours go by she signs on aim and says shes going out with a senior that she liked and was the reason she was sopposely falling out of love with me so now she wants to be my friend still but im beyond pissed cause she really hurt me badly today and basically ingored what i told her and if she went out with a guy in like 2 days after she dumped me i wouldnt talk to her but she didnt care cause she went out with him despite what i said and how i felt and she knew how i would feel

im so frustated right now and its going to be 10 times harder to get over her and now im deffently going to avoid her and stuff you guys have anymore suggestions to help me out its so hard right now:grr: :ermm:

11-17-2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by exboy
just try to stay as busy as u can and avoid seein her as much as humanly possible.

Originally posted by JOEX
It also helps if you don't see or associate with her for awhile.

Originally posted by Tom TRX250R
If you can just try to avoid seeing her because it will make it easier over the next few weeks.

Originally posted by ZeroLogic
well she did the worst thing she could do tonite
it was her birthday today so i took her out to eat and gave her a present

No, YOU did the worst thing you could do tonite and you did it to yourself. Now youre hurt all over again.
I want to knock you up side the head and tell you to wake up and smell the coffee, but I wouldnt because ive been in your shoes before. :ermm:

Dude, stay away from her or youre gonna get hurt again.
Yes it sucks right now but it will pass, Trust your bros here, they've given you some good advice.

11-18-2005, 02:15 AM
Stay busy! I lost a girl i thought i was gonna marry after two and a half years. I was suicidal because i was so devastated.

The best thing is to keep busy...i couldnt ride because i was 200 miles away from home at UT, so to stay busy i started working out and running every day, went to baseball games everyday, etc.

focusing your negative energy into something positive, like working out, will not only make you feel better but the results will make you a better person in some way shape or form (working out is only gonna make you more attractive to girls and it increases the flow of seratonin in your body, which is a natural antidepressant ;)

The worst mistake i made was i started drinking all the damn time. Self medicating with alcohol is awful. Remember, alcohol is a depressant and while being drunk may be a temporoary fix, its going to wear off and you're gonna feel even worse. I'm not saying not to go out and party some, having a good time is good for you, but just dont take it to extremes. Dont start using drugs on a regular basis either.

Theres two good quotes for this kind of situation: only time can heal a broken heart, and if you love something, let it go- if it comes back, it was meant to be, if not, its time to move on. Its been 7 months and i'm just now getting back to my old self. Remember you just gotta stay busy and stick it out. Oh, and another word of advice- stay away from her. Don't talk to her unless you have to, its only gonna make things worse. You cant rush from a deep relationship into friendship right away- it wont work. Just take some time for yourself for a couple months without her. Trust me, now matter how bad you want to talk to her dont. But at the same time be careful not to burn your bridges...she may be a very valuable friend a couple months from now.

So remember, stay busy, stay focused, stay away from excessive alcohol or drug use, and just take things one day at a time. I promise things will get better. Stick it out buddy!

11-18-2005, 01:56 PM
im going to try to stay away from her but its kinda hard she wants me to be her bestfriend and stuff so i kinda got to talk to her but she said she still loves me and cares about me but she just isnt commited to a long term relationship right now which i think shes lieing so i would get as hurt

11-18-2005, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
[B]it was her birthday today so i took her out to eat and gave her a prestent so she kissed me on the lips and i backed away and she kept on huging me and telling me she loves me i tell her to call me when i get home i really needed to talk to her so i get home i wait and wiat 2 hours go by she signs on aim and says shes going out with a senior that she liked and was the reason she was sopposely falling out of love with me so now she wants to be my friend still but im beyond pissed cause she really hurt me badly today and basically ingored what i told her and if she went out with a guy in like 2 days after she dumped me i wouldnt talk to her but she didnt care cause she went out with him despite what i said and how i felt and she knew how i would feel.

Welcome to the world of women.
1) She actually beleives she's trying to be nice to you by stringing you along.
2) She will keep stringing you along as long as you let her.
3) The longer you let her string you along, the less she will respect you and the less chance you ever have of getting back together.
4) If she broke up with you to date a senior, she does NOT love you, sorry. She loves having you around to fall back on. She only loves herself right now.
5) All women say they "still want to be friends". That is their saftey blanket. If things don't go as planned they want to have an in, until the next guy comes along.

My reccomendations:

Don't avoid her. Sure you can be friends. But, be FRIENDS. Treat her no differently than you would a co-worker or random classmate. Give her no special attention, whatsoever. Avoiding her, gives her that attention. If she wants that attention, she has to buy the entire package or buy it somewhere else, end of story.

She can not be your best friend and you can not be hers. Do not allow access to that part of the relationship unless she takes the rest along with it. Besides, would a "Best Friend" treat you the way she has? I think not.

No taking her out to diners, no buying her presents, no nothing. If you do anything with her, do it in a group setting, and make sure you give EVERYONE else in the room just as much or more attention than you give her.

Why would she pull her efforts away from some other guys affections, when she getting yours for free?

Dating is like a business. Advertisment is only worthwhile if it's going to increase business. Sometimes a pending price increase will bring in more business than a million dollars worth of advertising. ;)

11-18-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by jack_no7
box of clay pigeons and a brick of 12 ga. shells that is how I got over my first girlfriend relieves the stress pretty good to.

too bad theirs no such thing as a brick of 12 ga. shells :rolleyes:

L & L Racing
11-18-2005, 02:37 PM
**** man i think its impossible. i went out with a girl for seven months and its been 2 years now and im still not over her!! its bull****

11-18-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by L & L Racing
**** man i think its impossible. i went out with a girl for seven months and its been 2 years now and im still not over her!! its bull****

whoa calm down there killer ;)

11-18-2005, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by bwamos
Welcome to the world of women.
1) She actually beleives she's trying to be nice to you by stringing you along.
2) She will keep stringing you along as long as you let her.
3) The longer you let her string you along, the less she will respect you and the less chance you ever have of getting back together.
4) If she broke up with you to date a senior, she does NOT love you, sorry. She loves having you around to fall back on. She only loves herself right now.
5) All women say they "still want to be friends". That is their saftey blanket. If things don't go as planned they want to have an in, until the next guy comes along.

My reccomendations:

Don't avoid her. Sure you can be friends. But, be FRIENDS. Treat her no differently than you would a co-worker or random classmate. Give her no special attention, whatsoever. Avoiding her, gives her that attention. If she wants that attention, she has to buy the entire package or buy it somewhere else, end of story.

She can not be your best friend and you can not be hers. Do not allow access to that part of the relationship unless she takes the rest along with it. Besides, would a "Best Friend" treat you the way she has? I think not.

No taking her out to diners, no buying her presents, no nothing. If you do anything with her, do it in a group setting, and make sure you give EVERYONE else in the room just as much or more attention than you give her.

Why would she pull her efforts away from some other guys affections, when she getting yours for free?

Dating is like a business. Advertisment is only worthwhile if it's going to increase business. Sometimes a pending price increase will bring in more business than a million dollars worth of advertising. ;)

she didnt brake up with me to go out with a senior she wasnt commited for a long term relationship but im going to take your tips on the friend part

thanks a bunch man:macho

11-18-2005, 03:11 PM
i go by what we call...the 5 F's....

1. Find em'
2. Friend em'
3. Finger em'
4. **** em'
5. Forget em'

lol nah im just playin man...i've been in the same boat. loved the gurl to death for a year. we had an awesome time together, 1 night she wanted to go drinkin with 4 guys, so i told her to screw off, and basically told her to get totally outta my life. (she told me she would never drink b/c i "supposedly" changed her life..yeah that's b/s. )

11-18-2005, 04:28 PM
im familair with the 3 f(s)

Find them
**** them
forget them

i wish it was like that:p

its been hard and now im just frustated cause i cant get her back now i hate november :( :ermm:

11-18-2005, 06:41 PM
i wouldnt even give her the time of day. She wants to be "best friends" so she can call u when shes bored so shell have some dude as back up for her. Shes just trying to keep you in her "game."

11-18-2005, 07:26 PM
just get her mom drunk and bang her. then bang one of her friends. tell everybody that her cooter reaks. i dont know. it took me 5 years to get over a girl one time. sucks man

11-18-2005, 07:32 PM
dang looks like were all in the "cant get over a ex" phase......maybe atvriders members are just haunted:confused: :ermm:

anyways im in the same boat as every1 else with the ex thing but i dont feel like explainin the story

11-19-2005, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by JOEX

It A good reason not to get involved with anyone you work with. I think I learned my lesson on that:ermm:

Boy aint that the truth:ermm:

11-19-2005, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Boy aint that the truth:ermm:
Sad thing is there's another one after me now, actually since before the last one. Maybe the fourth time's the charm:eek: :chinese:

11-19-2005, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
i wouldnt even give her the time of day. She wants to be "best friends" so she can call u when shes bored so shell have some dude as back up for her. Shes just trying to keep you in her "game."

11-19-2005, 10:08 PM
i need help really quick she wanted to know how i felt a few days ago but i didnt really tell her but now im not to happy and im bored so im writing a email on how i feel
that qustion is should i send it or no?

here it is

thanks for calling or even signing on aim your really showing me how much you care... you dont love me or care about me ever since the first time you cheated on me you treated me like **** and lied to my face you dont care about how i feel let alone love me if you did you wouldnt of ever cheated on me but you did twice...you wouldnt of dumped me went back out with me dumped me again went back out and said it was your finnal decision and then dump me if you cared about me you would of called me of something tonite you would of stop useing me and even if you didnt you should of realized it causer countless amounts of other people did and if you even care or loved me you would of called me when i asked you to but no you didnt care for what i had to tell you and how i felt but instead you didnt want to talk about it cause you didnt want to get hurt and if you did talked about it we would be back together but no instead you signed on aim two and a haft hours later telling me that you cant be all over me anymore cause you already found someone else to ****ing replace me with in three ****ing days of dumping me the really showed me how you care about me that i could be replaced by some senior that is going to graduate in six months that has to date a freshman i see i really made a big impact on you and your life when you do stupid s*** like that and i told you to think it out and talk about it to me any friends or family members anyone and you kept it all inside and did what you didnt want to do despite that you were hurting someone you sopposely loved a whole lot and care about to i dont even think you want to be even a friend and i am most certainly not going to be your friend nor your bestfriend if you keep treating me like **** you know i still have strong feelings for you and you go off and hurt me and you know it too i dont know yet why you didnt sign on or anything tonite but i dont think its cause something tragic happened and something did then im sorry for this but otherwise you would of signed on and talked to me like you said yesterday when you were sopposely to call me im not going to be your bestfriend nor friend is you keep on pulling all of this **** i have had it with all of the **** your pulling your hurting me so much and if your going to continue this i dont even want you in my life and i will promise you that i will forget about you and find someone better and move on with my life with someone that dose truely care about me and that actually loves me and shows im so sick and tired of it and i dont need you in my life if your going to keep doing this to me if you even want me to be in your future you should show me you care and love me if you dont then i geuss you never did care about me nor loved me you dont love me now and you most certainly dont care about me the only person you care and love is you or atleast you act like it if you just talked to me on your birthday and told me how you felt and called me we could of been going out and everything would of been back to normal but you didnt and you replaced me with some kid and you did replace me cause i was your boyfriend and now hes your boyfriend but i dont know anymore i dont want you in my life if you will keep this **** up and im really getting tired of it i havnt had a full night of sleep in almost two weeks im stressed out to the max and i freaking out about everything and now i have no one to help me threw any of this cause your not even there to talk to me or anything but yet you said you were so thanks for lieing again your really hurting me a lot but i dont know anymore i dont know what to do anymore i i hope you sign on tommaorw or something so we can actually talk but i dont know anymore i know this email is going to make you really mad at me but its the way i feel and i cant help that your influenceing the way and you wanted to know so yea i feel i just wish you could see what your actually doing to me and just mabey you would realize it and stop it i cant even talk to you or anything cause you dont sign on or call me or anything so thanks for always being there i still have feelings for you and you still mean a lot to me i still care about you and i still do get jealous i just wish everything was back to normal when i had you and everything was perfect.....

i read threw it and edit the bad words but if there are some on there im sorry:o

should i send it i need a quick replay

11-19-2005, 10:53 PM
allright no one posted a replay and im getting tired so im going to email her it i just hope she dosnt get to made at me but its the truth and she needs to realize it

i tryed not to make it to harsh to;) :rolleyes:

11-19-2005, 10:58 PM
have fun while you can. look at it this way. you wont have anybody bithin everytime you wanna go ridin or whatever. there are more fish in the lake. i lost my first love but i got someone better now who doesn;t get mad when i go riding or huntin.. find some sluts then you wont have any commetment. go to the river w/ the guys and fish and drink beer.

11-19-2005, 11:12 PM
Honestly, this whole "still be friends" crap is doing a lot more harm than good.

Forget the long emails, and the painful explanations. Any emails from you shouldn't contain more than 20 words.

Your email SHOULD have been:

I really don't think a friendship is going to work at this point. We've been through too much together, it's impossible to go back to "friends".

So this is goodbye.

11-19-2005, 11:20 PM
im friends w/ 2 of my old gfs but i still got feelins for one of em. but im happy now and i wouldn't let her go for anything. but if she ever dumped me i would try to go back

11-19-2005, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Honestly, this whole "still be friends" crap is doing a lot more harm than good.

Forget the long emails, and the painful explanations. Any emails from you shouldn't contain more than 20 words.

Your email SHOULD have been:

I really don't think a friendship is going to work at this point. We've been through too much together, it's impossible to go back to "friends".

So this is goodbye.

to late now but if she gives me more bull**** im just going to send her that

thanks though

Tom TRX250R
11-20-2005, 02:36 AM
Honestly, this whole "still be friends" crap is doing a lot more harm than good.

Perfectly put Wilkin, honestly you are still playing games with her by writing this crap to her. BELIEVE ME, she will not know what to do with herself if you just act like it really doesn't bother you and you're over her. This will tear her up inside by you being the bigger person and just basically saying what Wilkin quoted above about friendship will not work after what we have been through. You writing stuff like that tells her how bad it has affected you and she knows she has you wrapped around her finger right now. She is just keeping you around as a security blanket for herself. Don't let yourself be used like that, honestly just be the bigger more mature person, and don't treat her like crap but just basically tell her it isn't going to work as friends. And when you see her in the hallway just walk past her non chalently and if she looks at you just say hi and casually walk past her like your not affected by it.

11-20-2005, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by L & L Racing
**** man i think its impossible. i went out with a girl for seven months and its been 2 years now and im still not over her!! its bull****


zerologic - dude that was a huge sentence! think about all the annoying **** she did! how she cheated on you, how she lied to you, however else she treated you and told all her friends she was playin you..... f-her dude, she doesn't deserve to even be your buddy..... man aren't you glad you got rid of her now?
go to a party, have a one night stand or something, go meet as many chicks as you can, then you can be like "oh, i got all these girls to choose from now, how do you like them apples b!tch"

11-20-2005, 08:37 AM
okay thanks for all of the tips

but i really dont know if i want to do that cause i love her and we were together for almost 9 months but on the other hand all of the other crap she did to me

im going to think about telling her that we shouldnt be friends and hope im not making a mistake

pistonbone- yes im glad i dont have her now in a way but i miss the times we had and stuff

she said shes is going to somewhere for thanksgiving and had one person to bring and she choosed me instead of her boyfriend so do i go or no? you guys will probely say no lol

11-20-2005, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by bens250ex
smoke some, drink some, screw some!!!!!!!!!!!
Phucks yeah!

11-20-2005, 05:06 PM
If she cheated on you twice why give her the time of day:confused: ? Tell her to **** off. You don't need her there are plenty of other women out there. You are still young and shouldn't be tied down with one girl anyway. Get out there and **** everything you can:devil:

11-20-2005, 05:48 PM
only go if you can get some, otherwise no

11-20-2005, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Honestly, this whole "still be friends" crap is doing a lot more harm than good.

Forget the long emails, and the painful explanations. Any emails from you shouldn't contain more than 20 words.

Your email SHOULD have been:

I really don't think a friendship is going to work at this point. We've been through too much together, it's impossible to go back to "friends".

So this is goodbye.

he put it very well

11-20-2005, 08:56 PM
i basically told her that were not ever going to go back out she said she still loves me she just confused about what to do and shes just not commited to a long term relationship

i said that were just going to be friends and nothing more i still have feelings for her like i still do love her but im just going to move on with my life without her in it

11-21-2005, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
i just got dumped and we were going out for almost 9 months its been really hard on me and shocked me really bad

i dont know how to get over her

any suggestions?

dont laugh either she was my first love and first girlfriend!

Don't ever talk to her again. Find a new girl, women get very jealous. So it will probrably make the old one mad too.:D

If you really wanted to be mean, have sex with her best friend.

11-21-2005, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by bens250ex
smoke some, drink some, screw some!!!!!!!!!!!

thats what i did when my g\f of 3 years banged my buddy while i was away on a riding trip. give it about 6 months and dont even talk to her then call her up at about 2am and be like"yo baby ive been thinking about you alot lately and i miss you" works everytime(even better when your a lil drunk)

11-21-2005, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
i basically told her that were not ever going to go back out she said she still loves me she just confused about what to do and shes just not commited to a long term relationship

i said that were just going to be friends and nothing more i still have feelings for her like i still do love her but im just going to move on with my life without her in it

didnt read this one before my last post.
she's obviously got another dude in mind so 86350x is right, get a new girl. the old one will get jelious real quickly, i have 3 sisters and no brothers so ive seen this situation alot

11-21-2005, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Honestly, this whole "still be friends" crap is doing a lot more harm than good.

Forget the long emails, and the painful explanations. Any emails from you shouldn't contain more than 20 words.

Your email SHOULD have been:

I really don't think a friendship is going to work at this point. We've been through too much together, it's impossible to go back to "friends".

So this is goodbye.

Thats exactly what I did.

11-21-2005, 12:17 PM
As long as she knows she's still got you hanging on, she will use you and abuse your feelings for her.......you gotta be the one to be in control of this situation and just cut the cord. You are the only one who should be in control of your feelings......so get that power away from her and do your own thing. These feelings will go away, it may take awhile, but they WONT go away if you keep seeing/talking to her. Or until you actually start to like someone else..........

Best advice I can give it make a clean break.......and move on.

11-21-2005, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by 400grl
As long as she knows she's still got you hanging on, she will use you and abuse your feelings for her.......you gotta be the one to be in control of this situation and just cut the cord. You are the only one who should be in control of your feelings......so get that power away from her and do your own thing. These feelings will go away, it may take awhile, but they WONT go away if you keep seeing/talking to her. Or until you actually start to like someone else..........

Best advice I can give it make a clean break.......and move on.


11-21-2005, 01:46 PM
i really dont know what to do i know you guys want me to go with the suggestions you posted but i dont want to loose her as a friend cause i still love her and everything and i dont think i could just ingore her but im not like i love you still and everything and she knows we will probely not go back out and everything

i dont really know what to do:confused:

11-21-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
i really dont know what to do i know you guys want me to go with the suggestions you posted but i dont want to loose her as a friend cause i still love her and everything and i dont think i could just ingore her but im not like i love you still and everything and she knows we will probely not go back out and everything

i dont really know what to do:confused:

dude you deserve everything you get if you don't tell her to piss off.

11-21-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
i really dont know what to do i know you guys want me to go with the suggestions you posted but i dont want to loose her as a friend cause i still love her and everything and i dont think i could just ingore her but im not like i love you still and everything and she knows we will probely not go back out and everything

i dont really know what to do:confused:

Originally posted by 400grl
......Best advice I can give it make a clean break.......and move on.

11-21-2005, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by 400grl
As long as she knows she's still got you hanging on, she will use you and abuse your feelings for her.......you gotta be the one to be in control of this situation and just cut the cord. You are the only one who should be in control of your feelings......so get that power away from her and do your own thing. These feelings will go away, it may take awhile, but they WONT go away if you keep seeing/talking to her. Or until you actually start to like someone else..........

Best advice I can give it make a clean break.......and move on.

God I love this woman;)

11-21-2005, 02:09 PM
Do you honestly think you're the first person in history to ever have these feelings, to be faced with this dilema?

Look at the responses, and then look who the responses are coming from. Although QJ and Corry still look 22, we are all years and years past our teens. We're not talking out of our ***, we've lived this very same thing, over and over.

As proof, I will tell you what you are GOING to do, rather than what you SHOULD do.

You're not going to listen. You're going to still try to be "friends". You'll even sleep with her a couple more times, and each time will be a glitter of hope in your eyes. But in the end, she'll rip your heart out again, and stomp on it again. And you'll pick up the pieces, again, and say "Gosh, I should have listened to them". This will happen at least two more times, each time it gets a little easier to pick up the pieces, because each time makes you a little more numb.

And years down the road, you'll meet some teenager in the exact same boat, who is heartbroken over his girl, and wants to desparately cling to any shred of contact he has with her. And you'll tell that kid to make a clean break, because you know from experience. But that kid won't listen...

11-21-2005, 02:20 PM
First off don't worry about pissing her off, if you do who cares. Tell her you have met someone else and play that game she will come running back to you. If she cheated on you twice she will do it again, once a cheat always a cheat remember that.

11-21-2005, 04:06 PM
You broke the friends rule, bro. Would you have written a letter like that to one of your workmates? ;) Sorry I didn't catch it in time.

It's all a game.
I know it sounds shallow and harsh, but it's true.

It's like a game of "tug-of-war".

The harder you hang on the harder she will pull away. But she will not pull so hard that she will fall in the mud. Just stop hangin on, and she will stop pulling away. In fact, once you ever so slightly start pulling away, she will start hanging on.

I know it's hard to do.. but treat her no different than a casual aquaintenance.

Remember this is just high school, your practicing for the college chicks, lol.

11-21-2005, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r

You're not going to listen. You're going to still try to be "friends". You'll even sleep with her a couple more times, and each time will be a glitter of hope in your eyes. But in the end, she'll rip your heart out again, and stomp on it again. And you'll pick up the pieces, again, and say "Gosh, I should have listened to them". This will happen at least two more times, each time it gets a little easier to pick up the pieces, because each time makes you a little more numb.

I knew this by page two, just didnt feel like saying it because hes not going to listen anyway.

11-21-2005, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by SGA
hes not going to listen anyway.

11-21-2005, 04:58 PM
It's funny. Every generation thinks they invented drinking, sex, and believe they are the first to ever feel this way, and we old-timers just don't understand.

11-21-2005, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
It's funny. Every generation thinks they invented drinking, sex, and believe they are the first to ever feel this way, and we old-times just don't understand.

Who you calling old:grr: ?

11-21-2005, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by SGA
I knew this by page two, just didnt feel like saying it because hes not going to listen anyway.

11-21-2005, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by bwamos
You broke the friends rule, bro. Would you have written a letter like that to one of your workmates? ;) Sorry I didn't catch it in time.

It's all a game.
I know it sounds shallow and harsh, but it's true.

It's like a game of "tug-of-war".

The harder you hang on the harder she will pull away. But she will not pull so hard that she will fall in the mud. Just stop hangin on, and she will stop pulling away. In fact, once you ever so slightly start pulling away, she will start hanging on.

I know it's hard to do.. but treat her no different than a casual aquaintenance.

Remember this is just high school, your practicing for the college chicks, lol.

i am treating her aquaintenance if she says hi to me i say hi and just go back to what i was doing and i see her i just walk past her with out reconizing her ect ect

11-21-2005, 05:44 PM
Smells like BS? No, trust me, he knew it.

We ALL knew it.

11-21-2005, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Smells like BS? No, trust me, he knew it.

We ALL knew it.

11-21-2005, 08:02 PM
OH!!! hahahahah - I love the pics!!! LOL!!!

Yeah....he's going to have to learn the hard way - I think that's how we all learned anyway..........;)

11-22-2005, 07:32 AM
You want her to come back to you! Blow her off when she calls you don't call her back, don't tell her how miserable you are without her. Right now she nows she can treat you like crap because she has you wrapped around her finger. If you start acting like you don't care anymore she will cling to you. It's all a game time to play.

11-22-2005, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by MR.BIG
You want her to come back to you! Blow her off when she calls you don't call her back, don't tell her how miserable you are without her. Right now she nows she can treat you like crap because she has you wrapped around her finger. If you start acting like you don't care anymore she will cling to you. It's all a game time to play.

i am doing it im just treating her like a regular person with no speical attention and she sees that and shes kinda getting sad i think but it dosnt make me feel any different if shes sad or happy

11-22-2005, 10:54 AM
Time brother Time..And before you know it ull have a better girl an wonder why you hurt so much over the last one.Thats just how it goes...

11-22-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
i am doing it im just treating her like a regular person with no speical attention and she sees that and shes kinda getting sad i think but it dosnt make me feel any different if shes sad or happy

Are you calling her because that is a big no-no. If she asks you to do something tell her you can't because you already have plans and leave it at that, no details. It is hard to do but she will start trying to get your attention all the time if she feels like you are moving on then pump her and dump her.

11-23-2005, 01:20 AM
Wow, I can't believe this sucker is still going.

Ok, then tell her that her crotch stinks. Then STOP talking to her. Too bad you don't have a local cat house handy. Just think the occasional stop there, and all of your frustrations and worry's would be gone.

Hell, it would be cheaper then dating too. What the heck, mine as well add some humor to the thread I guess.:confused: :ermm:

11-23-2005, 05:13 AM
Stop talking to her .. stop crying about it .. and go do someone else.

11-23-2005, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
Stop talking to her .. stop crying about it .. and go do someone else.

i am and i dont cry im a man! :p

11-23-2005, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by tp300ex
i was daten a girl for bout 2 years then out of no where she dumped me and u just got to go hang out with the guys with a 24 pack of beer!!! but just dont talk to her for a good bit of time....mine was easy when she started to mess with black guys:eek2:

dude, amen:eek:

11-23-2005, 01:48 PM
I swear this thread is bad luck - after checking it out, thinking how bad it would suck and worrying myself sick of what I would do if my girl left me... :(

My now EX girlfriend told me she didnt want to go out and thats about as far as the convo went. I said ok and then hung up and that was basically it. I didnt care at all for the first few hours but then thats all I could think about. I went and helped my buddy work on his bike and the whole time I was dead silent wondering why. After she acted like she loved me, and telling me that she did, talking about us being together as adults... this is what I get. I dont get it. We were pefrect together. I called her to find out the real reason and she said she likes another guy. It makes you feel like you the lowest form of life when you find out how replacable you are. She came up to me and I couldnt force myself to talk to her other than telling her I'd be over to give her stuff back.

I always used to think everyone overplayed the whole being depressed after breaking up... wow was I ever wrong. I have no drive or motivation to do anything anymore. Stuff I would beg to get to do before I dont care for now. I had a lump in my throat and was chocking back tears for quite a while and I didnt care what anyone thought about it. Another really bad part is that we had a lot of songs we both liked and listened to everyday. Well, wouldnt you know thats all I hear now. This one song - one of our all time favorites Eve 6 - think twice has been playing over and over in my head for 2 days straight. This is not the way to lose the first real love of my life.

Sorry, I know no one likes to hear about everyone elses problems but I thought this was very relavant and appropriate to this thread.

Stop talking to her .. stop crying about it .. and go do someone else.

and no, it isnt really that easy. I dont know whether you were joking or if this really is your way of coping with it but it sure dont work for me. Once you start living and spending all my time with someone you develop a huge bond... when its gone you just feel empty and depressed

11-23-2005, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
I swear this thread is bad luck - after checking it out, thinking how bad it would suck and worrying myself sick of what I would do if my girl left me... :(

My now EX girlfriend told me she didnt want to go out and thats about as far as the convo went. I said ok and then hung up and that was basically it. I didnt care at all for the first few hours but then thats all I could think about. I went and helped my buddy work on his bike and the whole time I was dead silent wondering why. After she acted like she loved me, and telling me that she did, talking about us being together as adults... this is what I get. I dont get it. We were pefrect together. I called her to find out the real reason and she said she likes another guy. It makes you feel like you the lowest form of life when you find out how replacable you are. She came up to me and I couldnt force myself to talk to her other than telling her I'd be over to give her stuff back.

I always used to think everyone overplayed the whole being depressed after breaking up... wow was I ever wrong. I have no drive or motivation to do anything anymore. Stuff I would beg to get to do before I dont care for now. I had a lump in my throat and was chocking back tears for quite a while and I didnt care what anyone thought about it. Another really bad part is that we had a lot of songs we both liked and listened to everyday. Well, wouldnt you know thats all I hear now. This one song - one of our all time favorites Eve 6 - think twice has been playing over and over in my head for 2 days straight. This is not the way to lose the first real love of my life.

Sorry, I know no one likes to hear about everyone elses problems but I thought this was very relavant and appropriate to this thread.

and no, it isnt really that easy. I dont know whether you were joking or if this really is your way of coping with it but it sure dont work for me. Once you start living and spending all my time with someone you develop a huge bond... when its gone you just feel empty and depressed

i had the exact same relationship we did everything like you and your ex did :ermm:

11-23-2005, 02:55 PM
Damn you guys act like you were married for years, You are 15 yrs old it is not the end of the world life will go on. Hell when I was 15 I was ****ing anything I could get my hands on:devil:

11-23-2005, 03:01 PM
i think the girl on the corner may only charge you $25...just a cheap as a real date and you get guaranteed results

11-23-2005, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
Stop talking to her .. stop crying about it .. and go do someone else.

:cool: Exactly..

Ive been in a relationship for three years now and whenever she does something stupid..(like cheat or break up with me) I give it some time and then gnarfle the garthlack..call me scum or whatever but I dont get many opportunities and im still young..

11-23-2005, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by speedyquad
i think the girl on the corner may only charge you $25...just a cheap as a real date and you get guaranteed results

And you can tell her to STFU

11-23-2005, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
and no, it isnt really that easy. I dont know whether you were joking or if this really is your way of coping with it but it sure dont work for me. Once you start living and spending all my time with someone you develop a huge bond... when its gone you just feel empty and depressed

No, actually, it really IS that easy.

He's not saying "get over it". We all know that is easier said then done. But to stop talking to her, and stop crying about it, really IS that easy. You gotta start living the rest of your life sometime, might as well be now.

Even if you can't get over her right away, you can start ACTING like you're over her. And before you know it, it's not an act any more.

Tom TRX250R
11-23-2005, 05:52 PM
Do you honestly think you're the first person in history to ever have these feelings, to be faced with this dilema?

Look at the responses, and then look who the responses are coming from. Although QJ and Corry still look 22, we are all years and years past our teens. We're not talking out of our ***, we've lived this very same thing, over and over.

As proof, I will tell you what you are GOING to do, rather than what you SHOULD do.

You're not going to listen. You're going to still try to be "friends". You'll even sleep with her a couple more times, and each time will be a glitter of hope in your eyes. But in the end, she'll rip your heart out again, and stomp on it again. And you'll pick up the pieces, again, and say "Gosh, I should have listened to them". This will happen at least two more times, each time it gets a little easier to pick up the pieces, because each time makes you a little more numb.

And years down the road, you'll meet some teenager in the exact same boat, who is heartbroken over his girl, and wants to desparately cling to any shred of contact he has with her. And you'll tell that kid to make a clean break, because you know from experience. But that kid won't listen...

Perfectly put Wilkin, I think you need to be a relationship therapist. I went through the same shiit of giving a girl another chance and being burned. Excellent post man! Now that I have grown up, honestly the girls I have dated tell me I am almost numb to emotion which is right, I really don't get too emotional or even care any more after dealing with that crap in the past.

Honestly man, the best thing is to cut it off for good, it will only get harder by continuing to talk to her in hopes of that one glimmer of hope that you will get back together again to get heartbroken again. There are TONS of girls out there that will treat you right and not cheat on you, so move on with your life and time will show, you'll get over it.

11-23-2005, 06:09 PM
The ***** can't be that good:ermm:

11-23-2005, 11:00 PM
well, I suppose your right but no one can automatically break up with someone and not be hurt at all from it unless they absolutely hated the girl.

anyways, I got my whinin out about missing her so what does she do now? I am working on my buddies quad and she calls him (one of my best friends) and asks him to come over. I was so mad I couldnt see straight, but this is the reason he is one of my best buddies. He replies - "no, you know thats wrong and your just trying to rub it in jakes face. its pretty screwed up you would even ask me that". After that she calls another one of my buddies and tells him about how I didnt have the balls to sleep with her when all she did was tell me not to rush things and asks him to come over too... :ermm:

Anyway although I am still not completely over it I have learned alot from it.

1) teenage girls are as fickle as any life form can get. you will be the absolute center of attentin one day and a distant memory the next.
2) you gotta make her friends like you as much as if not more that you do to her herself, cause they are gonna talk about you behind your back the second you walk out the door (this played a role in our break up)
3) the dirty games are on once you break up (assuming it goes sour)
4) don't invite your guy friends to come over with you and your girlfriend

about all the post break up stuff... I'm just gonna play it cool and see where it goes. I called her once for closure and to get a real reason out of her and I feel alot better out of it and she asked me if I wanted her back. I told that I did love her but I wouldnt after what she did to me. I think within a couple weeks this will all be a silly faint memory and I will have gained some knowledge and experince for the REAL girl I will eventually find.

11-24-2005, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by Jake250ex

I think within a couple weeks this will all be a silly faint memory and I will have gained some knowledge and experince for the REAL girl I will eventually find.

Hammer trx450r
11-24-2005, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Damn you guys act like you were married for years, You are 15 yrs old it is not the end of the world life will go on. Hell when I was 15 I was ****ing anything I could get my hands on:devil:

Well put