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View Full Version : Pingry Oil tank/OMF scoup test...

06-22-2002, 01:32 PM
With the mods listed below, I decided it was time for lowing the temp on my thumper. The oil temp stays at a constant 185-195 degrees.

I purchased a Pingry Oil tank and Air Scoups. If you purchase the oil tank, best get your tool box out. I had to remove plastics, header pipe, clutch cable and oil cooler. The type of riding I do, which is mostly cruising out in the open, the air scoups seem to be ideal for me. The scoups actually strenghten the front fenders alot!

Air temp today was muggy and 90 degrees. I cruised the dirt roads for about two hours today. With my digital meat thermometer, the oil temp then read 218 degrees. Thats about a 20-25 degree hike from normal. I also switched oil, Im using Amsoil Synthetic instead of the Castrol I normally use.

Anyone out there have ever taken there oil temp, please share it with the rest of us.:D

06-22-2002, 03:39 PM
i've nver checked my operating temp. but, i've heard that the omf scoops can raise the operating temps. on a 400ex. has anyone else heard this or had it happen to them?

06-22-2002, 04:52 PM
Ok Im lost, whats the reason of this post. So you put the tank and scoops on and the temp went up :huh Isnt that the result you wouldnt want.

06-22-2002, 07:51 PM
the temp. is supossed to go down a couple of degrees.
i think you are jetted wrong or sumthing, becuase that anit right..

06-22-2002, 08:36 PM
I got the scoops and my engine temp has come down alot... I can tell alot of difference when I am riding in tight woods trail.... Plus I switched to a half synthetic oil....

06-22-2002, 11:11 PM
My bike runs a normal temp of 200, and after hard rides it 225-235.

06-27-2002, 10:16 PM
Nope, my jetting is spot on.

Nako, thanks for your reply and also, what fuel do you use?

06-30-2002, 04:47 PM
Just pump gas 94. I'm only 10:1

06-30-2002, 10:04 PM
could someone explain the whole purpose of the ofm scoops and what they do ive never heard of them till now since i just bought a 400ex 3 weeks ago thanks

07-01-2002, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by 99_400EX
could someone explain the whole purpose of the ofm scoops and what they do ive never heard of them till now since i just bought a 400ex 3 weeks ago thanks

The whole purpose of the scoops is basically, they look cool. You can say they force air over the engine and oil cooler, and cool the bike more and maybe it does. but its for looks mostly.

07-04-2002, 04:28 PM
My thought is the same is Nako's. Depending on the individual, the scoups can give your Thumper a pretty cool look. I found them to be a great place to put stickers as well.

According to the companies that produce the air scoups, the scoups are "suppose" to be functional as well. I personally havent seen them help my machine run cooler yet.

Ive had a thought on this, since the oil cooler is much larger than stock and it will abviously block more air from reaching the head....AND the header pipe is about a 1/8th of an inch from the oil tank. With the combination of less air and having the header closer to the tank, the bike will in turn run hotter. (took me a week to figure that out. duuuuu.)

Im gonna try wrapping the header pipe in exhaust wrap. Ill give a report in two weeks. (Im on Vacation) Ive been researching Mickey Dunlop's oil cooler. Hes slow to respond to my Emails, but hopefully I can get one on order in the next few weeks.