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View Full Version : want +1.25" swingarm for 400ex

11-15-2005, 01:51 PM
just like it says, I would like to find a nice swinger in that length. I am not sure I want an Arens swinger, saw a broken one on this sight, but houser, roll, etc. Let me see a pic of what you got.

11-15-2005, 08:43 PM
i have this +1.25 laeger that i got on a trade...looks to be in very good condition, has the skid plate mounts....will take $375 shipped...

11-15-2005, 10:16 PM
lerch, you have PM. Send pics to rummerdc@comcast.net

11-17-2005, 11:09 AM
I am just waiting on better pics from the 3 of you that responded to this before I choose which one to get. Any other swingarms out there?

11-17-2005, 12:14 PM
here's the bottom...

11-18-2005, 11:56 PM
OK lerch, that swinger looks pretty good. I just want to make sure the threads for the skid plate are not stripped. Does that use a stock style chain buffer?

11-19-2005, 01:40 PM
couldn't say for sure about the chain "buffer" because i used an aftermarket. i gave that to my brother in law though. i would assume that you can use the stock parts on this like the carrier etc..though. laeger i'm sure doesn't assume that everyone who buys one of their swingers is gonna use aftermarket stuff on it...

11-19-2005, 07:23 PM
I currently have a Roll Design swinger with 250 carrier, axle and brakes. The Roll setup uses a Doug Roll roller, that only works with a R-D swingarm. I just need to know what to order for a chain buffer. I suppose I can email Laeger to find out. I think I have a TM Designworks one floating around in my shop somewhere. Have you checked the threads on the skid mounts?

11-19-2005, 08:09 PM
thats what was on it...

11-20-2005, 07:27 PM
Lerch, can you do 300 shipped? If so, you got a deal, I can paypal or send MO, whichever you perfer.

11-21-2005, 07:07 PM
:confused: you're kidding right? i think it's sold anyway....

11-21-2005, 08:16 PM
I am glad you sold it. I don't think I can offer more, the pics are not very clear and you never said if the threads for the skid plate mounts are good or not. I realize new this arm is upwards of 850 or more dollars, my Roll swinger was pricey new also. I do know that a Houser swingarm is 550, figure 25 bux for shipping and that is 575. The Brugard Swingarm is like 525. I think that those two swingarms are just as good as the Laegar one you have(correct me if I am wrong here). If I am missing something that makes the Laegar swingarm a lot better maybe I would go 375, if not I will probably get a Houser. I am going to be out of town starting tomorrow night, let me know if you want my money.

12-02-2005, 02:58 PM
I have a +1.25 Houser swingarm for a 400ex. Bolts are good, not stripped. Can have pics tonight, if interested.

Asking $350/shipped. Accept paypal.

Let me know.

12-03-2005, 07:33 PM
Dan, I have been on vacation snowmobiling so I just got this message. I am interested in your swingarm, I was just about to order a new houser swinger this week. Please send me some pics and maybe we can have this deal wrapped up quickly. If your swingarm looks good, the price sounds fair. Thanks.

12-04-2005, 10:44 AM
leager 1.25 $350 shipped
about 1year old
no stiped bolts
not painted just that factory paint of matieral they spary on it.
my part the whole bike out.

12-04-2005, 08:15 PM
throw in the skidplate and consider it sold. I can paypal you if you want.

12-05-2005, 08:46 PM
What gives? are you guys just teasin me about these swingarms or what? Let me know if you want to sell.

12-05-2005, 10:07 PM
i was serious, but i think you're just a tire kicker or you want something for nothing....

12-05-2005, 11:06 PM
well, you can think what you want, I made you an offer and you told me it was too low, its already sold, etc. Lerch, you did not ever tell me the condition of your skid plate mounts, which I asked about. Am I trying to get something for nothing? No, am I trying to get a great deal? Absolutely. Every time I am ready to order a new one another used one comes up here. I would rather pay 575 for a brand new swingarm than 375 for one I can't see with my own eyes. So, if you want to sell me your swingarm, you know what I will pay, if that is too low, good luck to ya.

12-06-2005, 07:54 AM
i suggest you buy a new one then....because unless you have the hubble space telescope at your house you're not gonna be able to see anything you buy on the interenet with your "own eyes"...i'm looking over this post and my offer was only $25 more than everyone else's....but i notice mine is a little newer so that would make sense, and i had no problem showing a pic, in fact i went and took a special pic of the bottom to SHOW you that my skid-plate holes are perfect. i could tell you anything, but i took the pic and you still throw out some lowball price....i don't think anyone is "teasing" you...i just think they don't want their time wasted with "lowballers"......:rolleyes: look thru the posts maybe someone is having their house forclosed on... and they have a "new" swinger for $300....of course you'd offer $250 and tell them "if they include the skidplate you got a deal".... 'nuff said...:ermm:

12-06-2005, 09:41 AM
Its called haggling, if you would have come back and said 350 shipped, you would have money right now. I don't know if you realize this, but the pics you posted SUCK! If someone had a "new" swinger for 300 I would buy it, 300 happens to be the price I would pay for a used swingarm. And if your house is being foreclosed on I really have no sympothy for you. People who are financially irresponsible are the reason why interest rates are higher than they should be. Just like auto insurance is expensive, because I have to pay for the A-hole who doesn't have it.

For a guy who doesn't want to waste your time with a lowball offer, you sure spend a lot of time posting about how cheap I am.

12-06-2005, 03:00 PM
rummerd, check your PM.

12-06-2005, 03:35 PM
what you are doing is not called haggling...it's called insulting and/or annoying! and to some people, obviously the ones that have not re-contacted you, this would be a waste of time, but i on the other hand feel the necessity to tell it like it is...and the example i gave you was not of first hand knowledge...no actually i'm quite well off(i own a restaurant in harrisburg,pa), that example was used to explain to you that you're a cheapskate!

here's a question for you? if you knew you were only willing to spend $300 on a used swingarm why didn't you post that? that way everyone would have known you were a "tire kicker"......and the appropriate people would have responded..i.e. people with offbrand swingers or with cracked/repaired swingers...thats the price range you're in...the people that responded have had good well known products...your trying to buy champagne with beer money...
...and by the way i'm not falling for the"if i counter offered $350"..bull...

also if the pics were so bad why'd you offer me the "maximum" you were willing to pay?

your right i am a guy who doesn't like his time wasted...but when i see someone needs a little teaching, i like to make time to do it.....consider yourself educated!........;)

12-06-2005, 04:30 PM
i have a laegers +1.25 swingarm. excellent condition. skid plate mounts good. red powdercoat. 350 shipped

12-06-2005, 07:56 PM
Well, I guess you showed me. Another internet tough guy. I guess I am lucky the whole country is between us our you might just have to "teach me lesson" for real, huh? If your so well off, why is the 75 bux such a big deal for ya? Anyhow, I just got one from Dr Rags, he seems like a pretty reasonable guy. Since this is a family site with young impressionable minds I will just tell you to _____ off. You can fill in the blank tough guy.

12-07-2005, 08:18 AM
i never said i was a tough guy, nor did i threaten you in any way, also i don't remember using foul language...you obviously missed the point though if you think this was about the $75, though you are right i wipe my butt with that kind of pocket change. it's about you "bating and switching" you seemed like a ligitemate buyer, but then when people responded to your post you switched to a cheapskate.....as far as "the dr." i'm glad someone got you to open that death grip you have on those pennies in your hand...i'm sure he is a reasonable guy. i have no reason to think other wise...of course i don't know the logistics of the deal, but i would be willing to bet that the "education" i have given you has made you realize the err of your ways and made it easier to deal with you, or maybe he just really needed to get rid of his part and succumb to your "cheapness". of course it could just be he had a part that was of substandard quality to mine...oh well it's of no consequence to me...i guess my work here is done....well actually i had 10 mins. to waste before i get into the restaurant so i thought i'd respond one last time.....ta ta....:cool:

12-07-2005, 12:44 PM
Since your on the way to the "resturant" I will take a burger and fries...SUPERSIZE IT loser.

12-07-2005, 07:58 PM
good one "room-terd".....i figured that's the maturity level you'd understand....:blah:

12-07-2005, 09:44 PM
skid plate included
pay pal is bigbraxx81@yahoo.com
email me for more pics of the swinger.
its still on the bike.

12-07-2005, 09:49 PM
Braxton, your just about a day late, sorry, I got Dr. Rags's Houser. He did have to use a 6 ft. Snap-On pry bar to get the money from me, I don't wipe my *** with 20's like you know who!

By the way big shot, haven't you heard? The customer is ALWAYS right! So make yourself useful and go make us up a batch of curly fries!

12-07-2005, 11:10 PM