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11-13-2005, 02:17 PM
Is this guy nuts or what! (http://billstclair.com/ferran/atvtrespass.html)


11-13-2005, 02:32 PM
that stuff makes me really mad:mad:

11-13-2005, 02:57 PM
It's way too much to read but I did read through the first few paragraphs and that's exactly why we don't allow people on our land anymore. We had someone (not with permission) that shot holes all through our barn, shot holes in the oil drums that we used to keep the dust down on the road, destroyed a push mower, burned all of the gas out of our cans, burnt up all the cut and stacked firewood, broke windows, etc.

11-13-2005, 03:00 PM
Sporting model-names like Cannibal, Warrior and Scrambler, [and Predator ("The Baddest" ATV. ), Raptor etc. ], all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and trail bikes embrace a rough and rebellious image. Ads for the popular off-road vehicles depict gritty, go-anywhere machines aggressively piloted by riders who look fearsome in their helmets and face masks. As sales of the vehicles grow, an alarming number of riders appear to be taking the rebellious image too far.... Too many riders flout the law."


11-13-2005, 03:04 PM
While I think that paragraph is ridiculous there's some truth to it. Look how many threads we've had here over the last few years of people mad because they've been thrown off land they don't own but they feel that because they've ridden on it before that somehow they've got a right to continue to do it. It's real simple: you either own the land or you don't. If you don't own it than you're at the mercy of the person that does. I'm an ATV enthusiast but I'm a private property owner first.

11-13-2005, 03:06 PM
"A 15-year-old juvenile will be tried as an adult for charges that stemmed from an incident in which he struck Lieutenant Ron Henry, a game warden ... with an ATV."

And that was the ATV's fault?
You never hear anyone attempt to ban cars because someone was hit with one.

"By reputation, " 'ATV' stands for Automatic Trespass Vehicle!""

:rolleyes: Wow....

The Sierra Club is soo dumb it's not even funny. God-damn 60's wackjob hippies.

11-13-2005, 03:12 PM
In 1988, Time Magazine described how "roaring ATVs are shattering the peace" and introduced America to a lawless subculture whose members presume that by buying (or stealing) an "all terrain" vehicle, they are entitled to intrude upon "all terrain":

What did this guy do? Do a google search for atv's and death, and then write down every possible way someone on an atv could harm nature or people. Like the guy that stabbed his wife and then ran her over on his atv. Im sure he would have done it with a car if he didnt have an atv. I know there are stupid kids out there that disobey the law, but dont ruin the sport for every single person!!!

11-13-2005, 03:16 PM
i see a bunch of tree huggers got mad and wrote about it:rolleyes:

but some kids should derserve a quad but thats just very few and usally kids would beat a guy really servre for just saying get off my land he had to start with the kids but thats just my opinion

us atv riders are getting blamed on for everything like for example i was riding on a rode comming out of a trail on my way home with my brother and our friend and this lady steps into the middle of the rode and stops us and starts giving all of this crap like im going to call the cops on you guys this is a privite rode which it really isnt and other things like that so anywho i went to my girlfriends feild hockey game and guess who was there the same lady that stoped us on the rode and to make it even more akward she was my girlfriend's mom's friend so she was like our house just got robs by some people and blah blah blah i almost lost it im glad i didnt cause i would still have a girlfriend:scary: :macho

11-13-2005, 03:45 PM
They can b*tch and cry all they want but their gonna have to put a bullet in my head to get me to stop ridin. I dont trespass, i never have, and i never will. I think they need to calm the h^ll down before making these idiotic accusations.
They need to prosecute the individual people, and not ATV's, they are turning everything around and blaming it all on ATV's

"......They just don't want to pay their fair share for their own enjoyment! And if it is impossible or impractical to enforce the laws, then the sales of dirt bikes and quads [to landless people] should be banned in the state. "

"Of great concern is the fact that many irresponsible adults, (including parents who provide their children with ATVs without providing them with a legal place to ride them), actually encourage, or even show children how to use violence and threats against land-owners to take possession of their land."

11-13-2005, 04:58 PM
:( well i must admit i feel kinda bad about riding even on our land during this time of the year with deer season and all. we have 17 acres right in the dead enter of 7 deer camps there are thousands upon thousands of acres around here and we are friends with all the camps because if they have a problem or break something and might need to use our welder or somthing they come down to the house in exchange we can ride all we want on their leases except during season.... but the thing is my quad is pretty loud, its not an annoying loud just a rumble that carries, and i know that 2 of the camps can hear me very well when im out hitting my ramp so on weekends i try to ride between 11 and 3 you know jsut outta respect and that seems to be fine with all the hunters because nobody hunts during that part of the day. i dunno when i get my 450 im leaving the stock exhaust on there atleast till deer season is over that way i can ride any time i want.

it can simply be solved jsut give the landowners theyre respect from the get go, ask before you ride , trust me if you go to a house very politely and ask if you may ride on theyre land THAT day. 70% of the time youll get a yes and jsut dont tear the land up ride and have fun but dont do donuts in there pastures and stupid crap like that, then when you want to ride there agian dont just assume you can, go and ask if you may ride agian, RESPECT goes a LLLOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG ways with most people.

11-13-2005, 05:34 PM
Why? I don't get it. Its so dumb... Why do people hate quads? Cm on, this is friggin America, Land of the free...I forgot the other 2 natural laws, but one was the Pursuit of happiness. Well riding makes me happy. What do quads do that people hate them so much, its so stupid. I cant even explain it.

They complain about the noise level...Well don't build a house next to a friggin motocross track and drag strip( Raceway park in englishtown). Then the people up here by me complain about the quads and the bears etc...WELL DONT LIVE IN THE MOUNTAINS. Idiots.

Then these tree huggers complain about pollution. And then you see the same people complaining about the pollution driving home in the SUV's.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

11-13-2005, 05:59 PM
omg i am so mad now:mad:

wut really ticks me off is the snowmobile guys:grr:

11-13-2005, 06:01 PM
that guy is a a-hole, I like the part about how illegal drug growers use atvs to go from crop to crop, well, how does that have anything to do with atv's, if atv's weren't around, they would use trucks or maybe horses. give me a break, will this guy stop inventing stuff to make his case look better.

Schooled 416
11-13-2005, 07:10 PM
Its like the people that say "Guns kill people" the same could be said about cars.

11-13-2005, 10:39 PM
at my cabin where i ride somtimes, there are 3 other land owners down there that my dad and i ride on thier land. every year before we ride we go and talk to each one of the land owners to see if it is still ok to ride their property. each one always says yes because we never leave any trash, make any trouble, or ride without asking. we dont ride on thier land really late or during deer season just out of respect because its a privlege to ride on thier land, not a right. people that trespass(sp?) on other property really get what they deserve. the thing i dont understand is when thier riding somthing with 4 wheels it gets blamed on all the atvs out there. they need to get over thierselves and realize that its only a small fraction of the atv world that do stupid stuff like that.

11-14-2005, 06:26 AM
I think most can say that they have run across property at least once in there life that they knew they really shouldn't have been one, I know I'm one. I've been confronted, and I gracisiouly apologized and never came back. It's not fear of being prosecuted, good luck catching me. I just try to understand how these land owners worry about you getting hurt on their land and getting the crap sued out of them since the world is full of less than scrupulous people. Personally, it is ridiculous that these people acuse ATV's of being a problem, my atv is sitting in the garage right now and I really don't think it's threatening anything at the moment. People just want something to blame and their pee sized brains fault whatever they can.