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View Full Version : uni filter problems

06-20-2002, 10:03 PM
I just got a uni-filter for the first time to try....I have previously always used twin-air on my bikes but they were back ordered so I thought I would try a UNI.

Well this thing is a pain in the *** to mount...it seems as if there is a molding imperfection in the inner body and when tightening the clamp it pushes itself off. I have talked to uni and they dont believe there can be any imperfection and have asked me to send it back to them to look at.

They said they would refund me or send me another......
should I try another UNI or take the refund and get a twin air or k&n

06-22-2002, 07:28 AM
are you making sure that you're pushing the metal cage towards the boot when you're tightening the filter? cause if the metal cage wasn't in it would push itself away. Stick with uni! best filters for dirty conditions .. i personally don't trust k&n

06-22-2002, 06:24 PM
I just put my new UNI filter in today after reading your post. The first time I tightened it, then wiggled it around to test everything, the metal cage inside popped off. Dont' forget to clean the oil off the rubber clamping and wire cage mounting surfaces like the instructions say (you need to use something that gets rid of the oil, not just a rag). The second time, I kept my right hand pushing against the end of the filter and the wire cage inside while I tightened the clamp. This time everything was fine...

Good luck,

06-22-2002, 07:16 PM
what they said

06-23-2002, 10:01 PM
yea...instead of building a product that works better than the stock filter UNI builds something where all elements of the equation have to be perfect in order to work with no improvement over the stock filter.

SO what is going to happen when I am racing and facing muddy and hardcore conditions and this thing falls off!!!!

The UNI is going back and the stock filter is going back on until I get a K&N....I know the stock wont come off and I cant afford the risk.

06-24-2002, 06:50 AM
EXCEPT that K&N filters are known for letting fine dirt through into your engine. I put UNI filters on all my quads and dirt bikes, and never had one come off...

Good luck,

06-24-2002, 06:59 AM
how do you figure uni doesn't have an improvement over stock? just compare the foam, you'd be an idiot to not notice that the uni has bigger pores which allows more air flow then stock, while still keeping more protection then the k&n

06-24-2002, 10:30 AM
Sounds like operator error to me. I know a handful of guys that use a UNI airfilter, including myself. Never had a problem mounting if you are doing it correctly. As stated above, you probably have oil all over the place and its sliding off....I've also seen cases where people are trying to tighten the airfilter and knock it off because they try to crank the thing on there. I bet this is what you are doing wrong. It always amazes me how people think..."The harder you crank it on, the better it will be"....well thats not the case...

As for it not being superior to a stock airfilter...I have no idea where you pulled this one from....its superior in every way possible!


06-24-2002, 10:39 AM
I have a UNI on my Rancher and Big Red. I never had a problem with either. Most of the other guys that I ride with have UNI's on their 400ex's and they swear by them. I have a K&N on my 440 because that is what my engine builder recommended and I have had little trouble with it. The only reason I say little trouble is the wires started to fray, so I called K&N and they sent me new one right away no questions asked! :D
The only reason I have a UNI on my Rancher is we play in the water and it is easier to dry out a foam filter than the K&N.

06-24-2002, 01:19 PM
VWVr6...Hmmm Ive been a mechanic my entire life...In fact 6 years in Winston Cup and 2 years with the North American based BMW motorsports team....and beleive me I have a pretty good idea of what Im doing
So keep your flaming a.. remarks to yourself until you are positive of who you are directing them to.
As I have said before I have been riding and racing bikes for many years and have used UNI in the past with no problems...they make a good STOCK replacement....this one happens to have a taper in the inner body that seems to be a manufacturing flaw and I was trying to find out if anyone else had a problem.
And as far as where I pulled the performance gain from...hmmm could be just seat of the pants feel or could be dyno runs, but really I dont need either because the gain from a filter is insignificant and they all work the same on filtration as long as they are properly maintained and oiled....and a k&n gets an outerwear.......but they arent going to do crap if they fall off...in which there is no way around that with the filter I received.

06-24-2002, 01:30 PM
and by the way...i just posted a question for a reasonable answer.

Not for the insulting response in which you guys seem to get such a kick out of. There is hardly a question asked on this forum that dosent get some kind of lame *** response.

Make an intelligent statement or just dont bother responding.

06-25-2002, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by 12gofast
VWVr6...Hmmm Ive been a mechanic my entire life...In fact 6 years in Winston Cup and 2 years with the North American based BMW motorsports team....and beleive me I have a pretty good idea of what Im doing

....Well this thing was a pain in the *** to mount...

...then I guess you should be able to figure out what the problem is...eh? I've never seen a Winston Cup mechanic have problems mounting an airfilter before....sounds a bit fishy to me.... :huh

Anyways, I'm done with this...respond as you wish. I gave you two reasons WHY you would be having problems with the air filter. You need to toughen up a bit around the edges.... life can be a bit rough sometimes....

06-25-2002, 07:23 AM
I got tired of messing with my air filter so I just took the stupid thing off..:eek: Just thought I'd try and brighten up this thread.:D sounds like an defective uni filter to me..:confused:

Tommy 17
06-25-2002, 08:21 AM
if it was me i would get my money back and order a K&N.... u don't have to worry about putttin it on wrong all it does is slide into the airboot and a clamp tightens it down around the outside...

and for the people that say the k&n is junk and leaks thats bull... i have had mine with no airbox cover in the wet muddy terraine(sp?) of pennsylvania.... my airbox on the inside is brown and full of water all the time... but my k&n never leaked one time... the outwears and the k&n together are one awesome setup....

06-25-2002, 11:22 AM
thanx 400ex21 thats the kind of response i was looking for.

and thanx rico for the brightness! i just cant go filterless running gncc and other cross country races
just ran a race a little over a month ago that started out running down a creek for about 3 football fields!! that is in the creek w/ water sometimes up to the fenders....the airbox gets a lot of dirt in it in 2 hours