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11-03-2005, 06:47 PM
the money was sent the money out today so are you still going to press charges. this problem will be fix in the next couple of days, and you can take my name off the blacklist so i can buy some parts. even though i will probly get srewed over cause everyone reads this and they think i screw everyone over so thanks alot you a great help!

11-03-2005, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Stealth450r
the money was sent the money out today so are you still going to press charges. this problem will be fix in the next couple of days, and you can take my name off the blacklist so i can buy some parts. even though i will probly get srewed over cause everyone reads this and they think i screw everyone over so thanks alot you a great help!

Your welcome *******

11-03-2005, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Stealth450r
the money was sent the money out today so are you still going to press charges. this problem will be fix in the next couple of days, and you can take my name off the blacklist so i can buy some parts. even though i will probly get srewed over cause everyone reads this and they think i screw everyone over so thanks alot you a great help!

First off, you need to learn how to read. I was not pressing charges against you - I am providing ALL of the information needed to press charges against you. I spoke to my friend, who is a lawyer for advice to give to the people you screwed over.

If I hear that they got their money back and/or products, charges cannot be pressed against you. However, as I said, after monday the ball will start rolling.

I'm sick and tired of a-holes that ruin a good thing like our "For Sale/Wanted" sections. From this point on, pressure, strong pressure will be put on people who screw the other guy over.

Ask anyone that has been on here for awhile - I fold for no one. I will make sure everything can and will be done if you do not return the money or product.

Oh and BTW, you DID screw someone over. How many months have gone by without returning his money or shipping out the parts. There is NO excuse for this! You might consider this normal business ethics, but other people deserve to know!

One more thing - I've asked you once to remove Moto-X and the phone number from your sig. They DO NOT pay to advertise here. Remove it now.

This thread is being locked. If you wish to discuss this further - PM me.