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View Full Version : Somebody robbed my uncle

11-03-2005, 06:32 PM
Well sunday night, some low life got into my uncles house and stole his wallet, my aunts purse, and any money they could find.

They think thier son has somthing to do with it because he is a little punk. hes stolen my aunts car at night and gone out with it, gotten caught drunk, stolen things from so many places, ect. and hes in 8th grade:rolleyes:

Well the back door was unlocked which the detectives said its a really slim chance that they unlocked it from outside. so either sombody mistakenly left it open or thier son did it on purpose.

The thing that really spooks me is that my uncles wallet is on his night stand a few inches from his face. the thought of some stranger robbing you, inches from your face is spooky to me.

and to top it all off, monday night some kid got stabbed 3 times in my neighborhood and then i guess while the guy that stabbed him was driving away, he hit my dads work van and sped off. dont know who it was or anything and the cop said we are pretty much screwed on finding him.

11-03-2005, 06:35 PM
I bet he wont steal one thing else if his dad gives him a **** kicken.

11-03-2005, 08:03 PM
Thats crazy man.. that happend to me and my mom when we were at my aunts.. Some idiot walked in and took my moms purse. I cant believe some people:rolleyes:

11-03-2005, 08:39 PM
Wow, that is nuts James, and Randy you too? Is that your uncle that lives by Donalson cyles?

I didn't see anything on the news about it, the stabbing, wow, I really wanna go to your house now. LoL

11-03-2005, 08:45 PM
a crap load of beer got stolen out of the refrigerator, so who eltse to blame but the 16 year old kid (me).. I have no way of proving it wasent me. which it wasn't because I dont drink. but they stole the damb crisper drawer out of the refrigerator full of beer.:mad:

I have a friend that kept having beer stole out of his barn. That is where his dad kept it. I think this kid got a pretty good beating out of it too. But the beer kept getting stolen after that. So the dad bought a deer cam and set it up in the barn, shure enough it was some dumbass from doun the road sneeking in and steelin beer.