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View Full Version : nerfs?

06-19-2002, 07:56 PM
always seen em but never had them on any of my bikes. my question is are they worth it? i ride trails all of em and pits n' dunes.

06-19-2002, 09:37 PM
yea there worth it in most cases well in all the cases i can think of.
it keeps your foot from being run over
it will help fend off stuff on trails
most race places require it but u said u dont race so that dosent apply
they look cool
another thing to make your signature longer

06-19-2002, 09:54 PM
Check out the new graydon stainless nerfs with built in pegs. I run regular graydons and like them alot. The nets don't get in your way like other nerfs. A lot of ppl rave about ac pro-pegs but I don't like them. TRy a set before you buy if you can.

06-20-2002, 10:44 PM
Ive got a set of the DG alloy series, I love them. My friend has the AC and I dont like them at all because your foot can still come off the back.
Hope I helped!

06-21-2002, 12:05 PM
get the AC pro pegs and go with the heel protector right away and you'll love em!!!