View Full Version : Podium One in Charlestown IN

06-19-2002, 12:59 PM
This is for those people who were wondering when they were going to have quad races this year. I spoke with Bruce up at the pro shop and he was saying that because of the poor turn out last year (3 race dates, 2 canceled by down pours the before the race and 1 canceled just after the first round due to monsoonal down pour) that they were not going to have any races this year. I asked them about thier race up at Paoli this fall and they are not going to race quads up there because of the increased dust the quads make and thier limited water supply to water the track for the bikes.

So if you might be interested in racing there you can leave a message at their site and maybe get them to schedule some races .


06-19-2002, 01:36 PM
Ya know last time they advertised it for like 2 months,,,um sorry but ya need ta do it alot sooner than that. Same guys just rebuilt a track called rosewood down past ceasers river boat,,and now the track is dirtbikes only no quads...the fact of the matter is podium 1 doesn't like quads...bunch a chumps..:mad: