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View Full Version : Cold weather is here=300ex hard to start, any suggestions

10-26-2005, 08:14 PM
whats the best way to start a 300ex in the cold, and get it up to warm ridin temparature.... i lose like 20 mins of my ridin time tryin to get the dam thing started..... all honda's are cold natured, my recon wus like that, all of my friends 400's are like that, so whats the best way?

10-26-2005, 08:27 PM
bring in inside:p

my 300ex should be fun to start up since the battery is dieing cause i havnt riddin it in like 2 weeks:(

10-26-2005, 09:46 PM
You can try adjusting the pilot screw(air/fuel screw) out about a 1/2 turn. If that doesn't fix it you can go to a 40 or 42 pilot jet. I put a 42 in mine and it starts easily now but you still have to let it idle for about 5 min. to warm it up before riding.

10-27-2005, 08:04 PM
thanks for the help, its just been really agravatin me i'll lose like 20 mins ridin time just tryin to get the dam thing to start and stay started and get warmed up

10-27-2005, 08:12 PM
where is the air fuel screw mine is also really hard to start cause once you get it up to riding temp ur to cold from sittin on it keeping it idled to ride.

10-27-2005, 09:12 PM
Pull the choke out ,on the carb,for just a little bit.:)

10-27-2005, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by 99_300ex
where is the air fuel screw mine is also really hard to start cause once you get it up to riding temp ur to cold from sittin on it keeping it idled to ride.

air/fule screw is the brass screw toward on the bottom of the carb near the front. It's really hard to get to unless you loosen the clamps on the carb and rotate it a bit.

10-28-2005, 05:18 AM
All I do is give it choke for a couple of minutes and she's fine. They are harder though in the cold.

10-28-2005, 05:54 AM
Usually before i go riding i throw a lil space heater on my nerfs in front of the engine to warm her up,because it will take me a good 15 mins to get dressed,and when i come out it will still take a couple of mins to warm up,but nothing compared to 20 mins.

10-28-2005, 09:20 AM
You can also put it on 1/4 choke while warming up, or even increase the idle rpms slightly in the winter.

10-29-2005, 09:33 AM
ok i will surely give these a try.

10-30-2005, 04:34 PM
mine fires right up in the cold, it is in a garage and it doens't get ignorant cold here in oklahoma.

10-31-2005, 08:58 AM
My 330 is stored out in a shed.. in the cold. When it's cold.. (like 10deg) I'll put it in 5th gear and turn roll it and turn the motor over like 10 times by hand to pump a lil oil, and get a decent coating on the walls before using the e-start. That usually helps it fire up easier.

10-31-2005, 11:13 AM
well i have owned 3 300exs over the years and there really isnt a way to help them with the cold.i have tried bigger pilots,fuel screws and even running the torpedo heater in the garage for a while but to no avail.mine always fired right up but i couldnt even think about riding it until it was warm.i think stock they arent as bad as one with a aftermarket exhaust on it.i think the restrictive stock system creates more more back pressure which in turn makes more heat which seems to bring the top end up to operating temp faster.thats my theory anyhow..:D but mine have been cold blooded though.even my yzf mx bike starts right up in cold:confused:

10-31-2005, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by 2muchquad
well i have owned 3 300exs over the years and there really isnt a way to help them with the cold.i have tried bigger pilots,fuel screws and even running the torpedo heater in the garage for a while but to no avail.mine always fired right up but i couldnt even think about riding it until it was warm.i think stock they arent as bad as one with a aftermarket exhaust on it.i think the restrictive stock system creates more more back pressure which in turn makes more heat which seems to bring the top end up to operating temp faster.thats my theory anyhow..:D but mine have been cold blooded though.even my yzf mx bike starts right up in cold:confused:

I thought the 300 started and warmed up a little easier in stock form. I thought it was the lean factory jetting that allowed it to warm up a bit faster. You are right though the aftermarket pipe does seem to make it even more cold blooded even after putting in a larger pilot. If it is below freezing I have to wait at least 10 min or she won't go. The best thing to do is fire up the quad and let it idle while you go back in and put on riding gear. Or you could even grab a cup of hot cocoa.:eek2:

10-31-2005, 11:35 AM
good point 300ex,the leaner stock jetting does come into play as well.but i dont think i have ever left one stock.lol even my 03 that i just recently picked up has a exhaust and airbox lid tossed already:D

10-31-2005, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by 2muchquad
good point 300ex,the leaner stock jetting does come into play as well.but i dont think i have ever left one stock.lol even my 03 that i just recently picked up has a exhaust and airbox lid tossed already:D

Yeah. I agree. I don't think I could deal with one in stock trim anymore. Although the only thing power wise I have is pipe filter jetting and a modded airbox lid. It definately makes a difference though.:devil:

10-31-2005, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by 2muchquad
well i have owned 3 300exs over the years and there really isnt a way to help them with the cold.i have tried bigger pilots,fuel screws and even running the torpedo heater in the garage for a while but to no avail.mine always fired right up but i couldnt even think about riding it until it was warm.i think stock they arent as bad as one with a aftermarket exhaust on it.i think the restrictive stock system creates more more back pressure which in turn makes more heat which seems to bring the top end up to operating temp faster.thats my theory anyhow..:D but mine have been cold blooded though.even my yzf mx bike starts right up in cold:confused:

I misread, I thought his problem was getting it to start.

If it's trying to run it cold.. I agree there's not much you can do. You just have to let it warm up for 5-10min before you give it any gas, or it will croak. Very cold blooded. Not as bad as the Banshee though.. lol.

Turnt up the idle a little bit, choke to start, let the choke out as soon as possible (rich will make it run cooler), then when it's warm.. turn the idle back down. Should take a few minutes off of the warmup.

Could also toss a thermal blanket (fire proof), over the seat/tank area that hangs down to the nerfs to help seal in some of the heat, while warming up.

Other than that.. you'll just have to be patient.

10-31-2005, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by bwamos
I misread, I thought his problem was getting it to start.

Other than that.. you'll just have to be patient.

thats very true, but u dont have time to be patient on this daylight savings time... hell i come home, eat, feed the dog, take a crap, and its dark....... so i prolly wont be doin much ridin anyways

but when you are startin it in the cold ur right u just have to be patient