View Full Version : bad luck...

10-26-2005, 05:05 PM
just a story i thought id share cause im not too happy,
sorry its soo long....

ok i bought my yfz in march. it wasnt long before my coolant seal thing leaked, soo i bought a new seal for that and it worked great. not long after that i had oil leaking somewhere out of my engine, but i couldnt find the leak but also check the oil often. so i wasnt too happy at how things are going so far... then i went out riding it one day and it kept seizing up. i stoped riding it and brang it to the dealer (who i knew had no idea what they are doing). well, it was the crankshaft bearings that had went to heck. the only reason they could think of that happening is my air filter was slightly dirty, but that was because i was just at the local track. because it was under warranty, it was up to yamaha to tell them howhat to replace. they installed a new crankshaft, bearings, and piston. it took them 6.5 hours to fix it and they had it for 2 1/2 weeks, i was really mad. i got it back and it ran fine and the oil leak was gone. i was confident that all the possible problems have been solved. well when i went for the first ride, i noticed the engine ticking louder than normal, so i figured it was just the timing. got a little farther down the trail and it was so loud my friend could hear it riding behind me. i stoped riding it and brang it into the dealer again about 2 1/2 weeks ago. it turned out they didnt put the piston in right the last time they had it and so the wristpin came loose and "destroyed the piston". the cylinder was probably damaged as well i would think. so last week i called cause they had it for over a week. they said they had everything except the oil pump because it was on backorder. (im not all sure what exactly they replaced and did)..so i called again today to see whats up and they said theres still parts to the oil pump that are missing, so they should be in by friday. (its wed. 2day) so i should have it back by saturday. i think this is rediculous. i also think i got a lemon yfz cause i take it really easy and dont race. i still refuse to get a 450r tho:macho

i just thought i would share that and see what u guys think.