View Full Version : ahh hurricane again

10-19-2005, 01:08 PM
wow just when i thought florida was gona be spared this year we have a storm coming for us the surpassed katrina and rita in strenght and became the storngest hurricane ever in the atlantic(altoh its not anymore) but damn its alittle strange for mid october.. oh well, it shouldnt be to bad down here alot more ppl are not dependant on the gov't so even if we get wiped out no one will care about us until we start complaining about non-sense and stealing nesessities like T.V's and beer

10-19-2005, 01:31 PM
yea last night at 11 when i went to bed the gusts were 98.. and when i got up at 6 it was a ctegory 5...:macho Its insane how they strengthin so fast.