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View Full Version : anyone ever have kidney stones?? OUCH!

10-14-2005, 01:34 PM
Well, wednesday night I had unbearable pain all night and got very little sleep, And then Thurs. morning when I woke up it was worse and I kept triyng to throw up and go to the bathroom but nothing would happen. So finallly I went to the hospital to see what was up. On the way there the pain was getting so severe I was hunched over in my seat driving there.

When I got their they have me several strong pain killers so the pain subdued quickly. They then told me I had kidney stones and that they were passing for the kidney to the bladder now and that is why I am having so much pain. They said you feel pain when it goes from the kidney to the bladder, and then from the bladder out the "little solider". They said that that is quit a painful expierence to :rolleyes:. I thought great news since that is the next step that Iam going into.

I am going back tommorrow to see if they can give me some kind of shock that sents alot of volts through your body and break up the stones. So they pass easier.

The doctor told me that I got them from drinking ice tea to heavily.

10-14-2005, 01:36 PM
Oh man i feel for you, i cant imagine the pain of passin stones. I hope i never do. What other kind of drinks cause this? Ive heard stuff like coke, pepsi, and dr. pepper do......what about Sprite? Cuz i drink the sh*t outta sprite

Only advice i can give you is to remember that pain is only temporary........good luck with it

10-14-2005, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
Oh man i feel for you, i cant imagine the pain of passin stones. I hope i never do. What other kind of drinks cause this? Ive heard stuff like coke, pepsi, and dr. pepper do......what about Sprite? Cuz i drink the sh*t outta sprite

Only advice i can give you is to remember that pain is only temporary........good luck with it

Doctor told me the #1 things that cause them are tea, coffee, and cola.

he said the best thing for you to drink to avoid them is water, since water helps flush things out of tract.

10-14-2005, 01:44 PM
Supposedly its like 10 times worse than pregnancy. Good luck man. Sometimes morphine isnt enough and they pu you on something way stronger...and morphine is crazy strong as it is.

10-14-2005, 01:47 PM
i drink ice tea often,but not too much,how about gatorade?i have about 6-7 a day sometimes more

10-14-2005, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Atkins
Supposedly its like 10 times worse than pregnancy. Good luck man. Sometimes morphine isnt enough and they pu you on something way stronger...and morphine is crazy strong as it is.

Ha funny you say that.

Thats the same thing the doctor said, he said now you are going to get to be able to feel what a women goes through.

10-14-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by 300exrida
i drink ice tea often,but not too much,how about gatorade?i have about 6-7 a day sometimes more

The doctor used that as an example...:o

He said gatorade is high in something causing kidney stones.

But the doctor said that 85% of the time you get kidney stones they pass through un felt. So you probably had them at one time, and did not know it.

10-14-2005, 01:53 PM
omfg i better not have that i drink gatorade nonstop,i bet you sucrose syrup is a key,i have drank seriously about 3000 gallons of gatorade since i was little,most liekyl more

10-14-2005, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
Oh man i feel for you, i cant imagine the pain of passin stones. I hope i never do. What other kind of drinks cause this? Ive heard stuff like coke, pepsi, and dr. pepper do......what about Sprite? Cuz i drink the sh*t outta sprite

Only advice i can give you is to remember that pain is only temporary........good luck with it

lol yea i also drink sprite like none other cause its the best iv never had nething to drink at a resruant in 5 years prolly more:blah: but yea that sux dude my dad bought a bike from a guy he knows from work who gets them and is afraid he is gonna get them when riding n wipe out (that would suck) and if its around im known to chug bottles of arazonia ice tea if its around:ermm: .......i ruptred a vein in my kidney b4 and pissed tons of blood for a while so uh... yea ...i got an ultra sound !!! warm jel allways warm jel on kidney n bladder:D ...but yea it sucked n so would kidney stones that cold jel would b freakin bad lol itd b 2 cold but yea sorry for long post

10-14-2005, 02:18 PM
what exactly are in kidney stones? like a build up of junk from drinkin stuff, and it just clumps together in your kidneys until it desides to come out? Is it caused over a long period of time, from slowly collecting particles that clump together, or does it happen all the sudden?

i think im gonna go drink some water now:o

10-14-2005, 02:22 PM
My dad used to get them. He used to drink a lot of tea. There is a chemical in tea that the body can not break down easily I believe:confused:

10-14-2005, 02:32 PM
You know , if you were to drink the 8 glasses of water a day that the doctors always tell you to drink , the risk of getting stones is very low . Best of luck to you ... it's gunna be quite painful .

Ask the doc for stronger meds ... morphine isn't all it's cracked up to be . Morphine doesn't do chit for me anymore . :ermm:

10-14-2005, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
what exactly are in kidney stones? like a build up of junk from drinkin stuff, and it just clumps together in your kidneys until it desides to come out? Is it caused over a long period of time, from slowly collecting particles that clump together, or does it happen all the sudden?

i think im gonna go drink some water now:o

Yes, before the waste you don't need in your body goes to the bladder is goes through the kidney, And kidney stones are caused by things the kidney cannot break down for what ever reason. So they build up and up, but most of the time they just pass through. The problem is if they get to big they clog the urinare tract that go from the kidney to the bladder, so when you urinate it is quit painful. A larger stone may get stuck in a ureter, the bladder, or the urethra.

Lets hope I get through this okay! From everyone I have talked to that has had them, say they are quit painful.

10-14-2005, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Ghost-Rider
lol yea i also drink sprite like none other cause its the best iv never had nething to drink at a resruant in 5 years prolly more:blah: but yea that sux dude my dad bought a bike from a guy he knows from work who gets them and is afraid he is gonna get them when riding n wipe out (that would suck) and if its around im known to chug bottles of arazonia ice tea if its around:ermm: .......i ruptred a vein in my kidney b4 and pissed tons of blood for a while so uh... yea ...i got an ultra sound !!! warm jel allways warm jel on kidney n bladder:D ...but yea it sucked n so would kidney stones that cold jel would b freakin bad lol itd b 2 cold but yea sorry for long post

could you repeat that in english please?:huh

10-14-2005, 02:49 PM
pfff, I drink about 7 Dr.Peppers everyday for about 2 years now. Nothing has ever happend to me from it. So I think you can cancel out Dr.Pepper giving you kidny stones. ;)

10-14-2005, 03:24 PM
I had one last Christmas that was the size of a pea !!!!!!! I couldn't pass it so they had to go in and get it !!! And you can imagine where they went in to get it. Yeah..ouch !!! I was put to sleep though. The whole ordel cost $12,500 and all I paid was a $3.00 prescription thanks to the good 'ole Carpenters Union ins. Gotta love the Union !!!!!!!!!!!! I drink a s!*tload of Pepsi and Sprite. Too much milk will do it too.....

10-14-2005, 04:09 PM
Dood your stone was the size of a 250r trike?? That had to hurt comming out!


10-14-2005, 04:23 PM
I passed one when I was 18 years old that looked like a cockelburr(sp) and it cut me all the way out. It was very painful to say the least.

10-14-2005, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by JATV250


10-14-2005, 04:55 PM
Im probably the only one to say this. But stone hurt way more before I passed it. I was ready to rip the Oh ***** handle off the car on the way to E.R. When I pissed it out it wasnt so bad. But the 90 pills of Vicoden where great. It was scary to see blood in the toilet though.

10-14-2005, 06:50 PM
yea when i ruptred my vein in kidney n pi$$ed blood a lot my mind was naturally freakin out like HOLY $HIT BLOOD AINT SPOUSE TO COME OUT THERE!!!!!:eek2: :huh :huh . but yea it sucked kinda freaky seeing blood though.

10-14-2005, 08:44 PM
I had gall stones. turned me as yellow as a rain coat and damn near had me sucking on my pistol:ermm:

A buddy of mine a few years back, took off to go to his hunting camp in PA. About an hour from his camp he developed pains. he made it to the cabin and thats where he stayed hunched over for almost a week. A local hunter saw his truck and stopped in to see how he was doing and found him. He weighed 300lbs before that. After the kidney stones he went on a massive campaign to get in better health and now weighs 180 and drinks water like a fish.

I wish i could follow my own advice, but drink plenty of water.

10-14-2005, 09:53 PM
Ive had to get a cathider twice in the last 2 weeks n i thought it was horrible..

Water is my new best friend i think ill have a glass right now

10-15-2005, 05:27 AM
Well, this thread has given me the extra "kick in the arse" to drink way more water!

Hammer trx450r
10-15-2005, 05:45 AM
PAIN!!! I had 2 blood supplys cut off the ureter and clogged my kidney from draining. My right kidney was twice the size of my left when they figured it out. Emergency surgery,opened up like a pez despencer, reposition lines, install stent, don't know # of staples. THEN have the stent removed IN CHAIR at Dr office out of u know where:scary: But thats a story in its self...

10-15-2005, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by MOFO
Well, this thread has given me the extra "kick in the arse" to drink way more water!

Agreed. I think I'll have a glass right now.

Is it all pops? Like Diet and Regular? Or just the stuff with a ton of sugar and stuff?

10-15-2005, 11:16 AM

nice big one

10-15-2005, 11:16 AM
if u wanna know:)

10-15-2005, 12:35 PM
ive got an ice cold glass of water im sippin on now lol

i drink like 2-3 sprites at home and 1 gatorade(lunch at school) everyday. Is that bad??? Im gonna try to drink more water from now on

10-15-2005, 03:01 PM
two people i know had 'em, on of 'em got sick out of town so he went to the hospital. they told him he had kidney stones and that they could get them out right away. when he woke up the next morning, he was looking for a place where he was cut open. they ended going up through the "purple helmeted warrior" to get them. he still doesn't like to talk about
that. the other guy i know had to have his kidney stones passed through with his urine. he looked like he was in pain a lot and he walked like a penguin because it hurt so bad.

10-15-2005, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Atkins
Supposedly its like 10 times worse than pregnancy. Im guessing your Dr. wasnt a female or I bet she wouldnt say that :o :p

I have a few freinds that had those and I remember how much pain one guy was in, he had passed 6 of them in two weeks.. :(

10-15-2005, 04:53 PM
Where do you feel the pain,i've had this pain every now and then and i had it alot today,is it if your looking down,the lower left side of your upper waist area?hurts every time you breaht sorta

10-15-2005, 08:42 PM
How long do you pass stones for? where does it hurt when passing stones and when not passing. How can i prevent it. Im about to cry thinking about it.

10-15-2005, 08:58 PM
Im not sure on all that can be done to STOP sotnes or if you can do that, but I do know drinking ALOT of water helps and cutting back on Caffeine is suppose to help.

10-16-2005, 07:38 AM
Well, I just got back from the doctor. And first thing Monday morning they are going to do the shock thing. They are going to put me to sleep are shock the hell out of me and break all the stones up so I can pass them easier.
The doc said that they are to big to pass on their own, So I am probably going to be in a lot of pain untill I get to the doctors tomorrow. I could not even sleep last night the pain was so bad.