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View Full Version : Bow season is underway

10-12-2005, 09:09 PM
I know theres a lot of bowhunters/deer hunters on the site. Season kicked off last week here in ohio, anyone got any stories or had any luck yet? i cant wait to get home this weekend from college and go, after i go pick up my new 450r that is. :D

10-12-2005, 09:14 PM
it started here in Mich on the 1st and so far no luck

10-12-2005, 09:15 PM
Wellll my mom had luck on the first day of bow season down here in kansas. cept it wasn't with a bow. it was with a 2005 dodge ram hemi 1500. at 75 mph lol.

10-13-2005, 08:01 AM
Yeah I got one w/ my bow last Wednesday. Little yearling button buck. He came in behind me w/two bigger does but the cover was so thick that only the little guy gave me the good shot.
12yds. slightly quartering. 64lb. draw Hoyt w/ Easton 2117's. Complete double-lung pass through.
The fun part is tracking. Ended up going 200yds. into a swamp that fortunately was pretty dry. I waited fully 45 min. before tracking, found the arrow which was covered in pinkish (lung of course) blood.The best sight was seeing bubbly blood sprayed on ferns about 75yds. where the deer had stopped and turned. Sucka was still alive but had no spunk when I found him so I slit his throat. Kinda surprising it took almost 1.5 hrs. for the deer to expire. Usually takes 25-45 minutes w/ a good lung shot, but each case is different.
Sure makes for some good steaks and jerky!:macho

10-13-2005, 01:52 PM
Bow season has been open here since Sept. 15th but it has been to warm for me. I'm heading out this weekend though. Maryland allows a few Sunday hunts a year so I'll be able to get 2 days in this weekend.

10-13-2005, 02:24 PM
havent had a chance to go in MD yet, and WV starts saturday.

10-13-2005, 02:43 PM
I been out a few times, absalutly horrible luck !! last saturday i had to work 7 am -1 pm... my dad went out while i was at work and said a 6 or 8 point walked with in 10 yd's of where my spot is at so i went out sat evning and saw nothing. last thursday i was behind my house till 7.. started getting preety dark and i saw 2 doe that my dog was bigger then :grr: walking home i jumped a buck, big 4 or average 6 point for up here, it was to dark to see and he was moving. But i'm waiting for Rut to come in my area. then i'll practicly be living in the woods. I'v never gotten a buck with my bow but i herd its an amazing fealing. plus i'm nearly out of meat from last year ! :devil: ....speaking of meet, any one ever get deer jerky made ? i'm thinking about some for this year. we'll i'm off. GOOD LUCK TO EVERY ONE ! STAY SAFE TOO.

10-13-2005, 05:10 PM
well here it started oct 1 n no luck n weekend b4 that i took my mossberg (shotgun) out for the youth hunt n no luck so havent seen crap yet.....o yea n then was shootin birds with pellet gun n 2 HUGE does come running out in from of me from my baitpile:cuss: ...:huh :scary: ...yea i was made so i chsed them down to my pond n then they ran into swamp i was like god friggin &^$^%%&^$$###@##$%^^%$$#%##^%^#$#^$#$...y didnt i have bow n the day before i was huntin.....yea it sucked but then when out there found a massive buck rub n so ima get me a buck n they tore up ground n stuff

10-13-2005, 09:42 PM
My 2nd day hunting EVER got a buck. My buddies are in their tree stand 15 feet up, and I'm in a stand 2 feet up. Their trying to be quiet and I'm sitting there coughing up a lung because I was sick. I've seen 5 deer so far, they've only seen squirrels :)

10-13-2005, 10:05 PM
been 2 times, missed 2 deer :grr: from 12yds both times I shot over their backs. Looks like I need a crossbow since their legal for anybody now in TN. But for longrange I'd still rather have the bow