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View Full Version : 87 Trx 125 No Spark Help

10-06-2005, 03:26 PM
I have an 87 Honda TRX 125 that won't run. When I take the spark plug out and hold it to the block and pull the pull starter real slowly it will spark once, but if I use the electric starter or pull the cord to fast I don't even get one spark. I've replaced the on/off switch, the pulse coil, the main coil, the spark plug, and got a used CDI off ebay (which I was told was good) and still the same thing. Except when I plug the used CDI in I get absolutely no spark. I even bought a Clymer manual, but it doesn't tell me how to test any of the electrical components on an 87. I've checked all my grounds and all my wires and found nothing wrong. Can anybody help me figure out why I can't get continuous spark or where I can find information on how to test the electrical components?