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View Full Version : the mid south harescrambles

10-01-2005, 08:10 PM
any one going to white plains sunday for the mid south

I finaly got mine ready ill be there . Any one els going ?

10-01-2005, 09:20 PM
good luck, i got a friend in that and he's pretty good on his built 440ex

10-02-2005, 07:44 PM
the first race of the seson was today . in KY

Cant beleve it but I got 3rd place :confused: .

i got a few pics that i'ed like to share ill post as soon as i can . one of the holeshot and a couple others.

the guy that goes buy quadcutom on here got first place, i forget what class and all but he it pretty dam good rider, best i've seen.:macho

10-03-2005, 06:35 AM
I got 5th in 30b.

I loved the course...all but the last two miles.

10-03-2005, 06:54 AM
That was a rough course, anyone get stuck in teh mudholes?

10-03-2005, 11:58 AM
I did good in the mud holes. That field almost killed me.

Man I glad miller lite makes a good pain killer.

10-04-2005, 08:19 PM
Me on the SE yfz.
I hit a tree coming out of the woods.
at the end of the clip you can see me pulling over to the side .
only to get passed by another rider:mad: .