View Full Version : axle nut problems

MX MadMann
06-12-2002, 09:14 PM
hey guys , i was oiling my chain today when i realized that my axle nut is really loose. you can slide it left and right about 1/2 of an inch. i think i need to take the big nut on the right , move it more to the right , toward the snap ring , and then tighten the lock nut on that is on the left. is this the correct way to do this???
plus , if which direction do i move the nut , i cant remember since i swapped my axles out. i can move the thin nut around , and i was wondering if the big nut moves the same way.

thanx, casey

MX MadMann
06-13-2002, 01:49 AM

06-13-2002, 06:01 AM
They are left handed threads, so turn it oppisite of what you would on a standard bolt. After you get it tight use some electrical tape and tape up all the treads and nut. This will help the nut from loosing up and keep the threads clean. ;)

MX MadMann
06-13-2002, 03:03 PM
ok i got nut to move toward the brake hub a little bit but it will not move toward where the snap ring groove is at all. i had my friend stand on the quad holding the brake pedal down and i just lift the quad completly off the ground. im using an 18" pipe wrench and a 3 foot cheater pipe and it WILL NOT budge to the right. if i push down on the nut , it moves to the left and if i push up it moves to the right. it will not , under any circumstances that i have tried move to the right. i even heated it up with a hair dryer to where i couldnt touch it. im gonna call my friend who has one of those portable torches and see what he thinks about it. post if you have any information that would be usefull. i need help guys.


06-13-2002, 07:17 PM
Well honda recomends you don't use heat because it could weeken the heat treated axle. I have had the same problem. if its not moving one way try the other way. It sounds crude but since theres two nuts it can get confusinf witch way is what. But your doing it right. just keep trying thats the way i did it. Keep tryin. if still no. take it in to a shop so if they break it they gotta fix it.

06-13-2002, 09:02 PM
Get rid of it and buy an aftermarket lock nut.

MX MadMann
06-13-2002, 10:45 PM
ok guys , i could only get it to move left. and only slightly at that. i moved it enough to get the snap ring off and get the nut off completly. im gonna go buy a new one tomorrow or orderone. my uncle said he could get it off no problem at BASF with this thing that shoots radio waves thru the metal and heats up just the outside but he wouldnt have a way to hold onto the inner part while he turned the nut off. oh well , its all god awfull torn up from that pipe wrench anyway.

06-14-2002, 07:31 AM
Pipe wrenches are designed to bite into pipes. Not really reccomended for use on nuts, unless you don't want them anymore...

MX MadMann
06-14-2002, 10:49 AM
well it was the only thing that would fit it.