View Full Version : Sheldon Riggs Injury

T Creech
09-27-2005, 02:06 PM
Last week our friend Sheldon Riggs was severely injured while working on a BackFlip.

Sheldon is a very talented rider who had practiced extensively with the best protective gear that money can buy and in a foam pit before attempting this elite stunt.

Sheldon's injuries included a fractured right scapula (shoulder blade), minor fractures to his spine and ribs, and some pretty extensive facial fractures. His broken jaw is wired shut at this time, so he can't speak at all right now but according to his doctors, he is progressing on schedule. He should be transferred from intensive care this week and remain in the hospital for another two weeks or so.

He doesn't have a laptop, but his mom is helping him out by printing off any emails and taking dictation from Sheldon on what to answer back. Please direct all of your good wishes for a speedy recovery to:


You may also send a card or letter to:

Sheldon Riggs
5091 S. Gilbert Road
Chandler, AZ 85219

At times like this, we all are reminded of the incredible risk that the riders take when they are trying new tricks, I would caution everyone who has the desire to attempt these type of tricks to remember that the people you see on videos doing these aerial stunts are professionals who have spent years growing through the stages of progressively harder tricks. There are extreme risks associated with the tricks you see. Please keep this in mind before attempting any skill.

09-27-2005, 02:42 PM
thank u for the information. i hope sheldon has a speedy recovery. get well sheldon ur the man.

09-27-2005, 02:44 PM
Thanks for the update, its been on my mind if he was ok or not! good to know hes pulling strong. :)

09-27-2005, 05:29 PM
Thanks for keeping us posted on his condition.I am sure he'll come through stronger than ever.Get well soon Sheldon :macho

09-27-2005, 06:03 PM
hey momma! tell sheldon get well soon so he can get back on that horse!