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View Full Version : quiet exhaust systems

09-20-2005, 07:53 PM
im itching to put an exhaust on my girlfriend's stock 400ex. she finally gave me the approvable but hates how loud the full Trinity system is on my 400ex. i was thinking about either the fmf-Q or the pro circuit 496. slip ons. does anyone have any experiences with either of these?

09-22-2005, 05:41 AM
i have the procircuit slip on , on one of my 400's and it realy isn't that loud. i have a sparks on my other one. night and day for sound. but you won't be very loud with the procircuit.

09-23-2005, 11:11 AM
your not really going to find a "quiet" aftermarket exhaust. You can buy quiet cores and what not, but than again that resricts flow. I'm not going to recommend it, but the White Brothers e-series is probably one of the quieter exhausts, as long as you run the disks and not an open end cap. If I were you though, I would purchase the HMF with a quiet core. MUCH better than the WB imo:o

09-23-2005, 01:15 PM
Look into Vicius Cycle Performance Pulse Charger. http:\\www.StealthCharger.com