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View Full Version : Where to put the clip on the carb

09-19-2005, 04:32 PM
Hi my buddy just rebuilt a carb for a Odyssey and it is flodding out after about 15 minutes of use. When he pulls the plug it is all wet. After letting it sit for a period it starts without issue and runs fine for a bit. He put the clip in the middle slot and it has 5 clip spots. Will changing the position of the clip help with this problem and for the record it is a 250R engine but it is an Odyssey.

Any help you can give in this regard would be most helpful.

09-19-2005, 04:46 PM
Is there any fuel running out of the overflow hose? You may have a dirty (or bad) needle causing the carb to flood. If it's just too rich, you should really drop down a couple of sizes on the main jet. The needle should make a difference, though, everywhere but wide open. If the clip is at the bottom groove, move it to the middle or one up from the middle. If it's already in the middle or higher, you'll probably want to change the main jet before you mess with anything. I don't know what the stock main jet size is, but I'm sure you could google it. Stock size would be a good place to start.

09-20-2005, 10:07 AM
It is on the middle clip now...should he try moving it to the top clip in hopes to minimize it?

09-20-2005, 10:18 AM
Odyssey's are known for that. I cant give you any advice besides try on a cold start putting a little gas in the cylinder first before you try and start it. seemed to help for ours back in the day.