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View Full Version : In the Mod's defence

09-14-2005, 10:13 AM
Well i know i'll probably get flamed for this but wtf.

anyways i look and see in a matter of 24 hours 3 threads questioning the Mod's and saying they are taking things to far.
i wont say that maybe some threads get shut down where rules havent really been broken, but when i look at most of the locked ones, they sure have the potential of getting out of hand, so if i were a mod i would probably lock it if i knew i wasnt going to have the time to montior it steadily. But i'm pretty sure no one is stopping you from re wording it and reposting, and maybe it will head in a different direction. sometimes i figure maybe its locked as a precausion so it doesnt get out of hand and someone have to get banned over it or someone who comes here for the convo. to not have to read BS in every thread

and i mean ya know this is just the internet guys, if your thread gets locked, move on, make a new one, dont start attackin a Mod, cause then your making it worse than it was.

freedom of speach absolutely BUT, the mod provide people the freedom to come here and post something WITH OUT GETTING BASHED for everything you say

i'm not saying you guys dont have a point i'm just saying before you bash the mods think about how many damn threads they are monitoring and having to watch, to keep this a FAMILY site. and doing it all for free

09-14-2005, 10:16 AM
Well I guess were lucky your aren't a mod, booty kisser! hehe

09-14-2005, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Alberta_Qaudin
Well i know i'll probably get flamed for this but wtf.

anyways i look and see in a matter of 24 hours 3 threads questioning the Mod's and saying they are taking things to far.
i wont say that maybe some threads get shut down where rules havent really been broken, but when i look at most of the locked ones, they sure have the potential of getting out of hand, so if i were a mod i would probably lock it if i knew i wasnt going to have the time to montior it steadily. But i'm pretty sure no one is stopping you from re wording it and reposting, and maybe it will head in a different direction. sometimes i figure maybe its locked as a precausion so it doesnt get out of hand and someone have to get banned over it or someone who comes here for the convo. to not have to read BS in every thread

and i mean ya know this is just the internet guys, if your thread gets locked, move on, make a new one, dont start attackin a Mod, cause then your making it worse than it was.

freedom of speach absolutely BUT, the mod provide people the freedom to come here and post something WITH OUT GETTING BASHED for everything you say

i'm not saying you guys dont have a point i'm just saying before you bash the mods think about how many damn threads they are monitoring and having to watch, to keep this a FAMILY site. and doing it all for free

Well put.
That line about "this is just the internet guys" cracked me up.
I can picture youngin's now loosing sleep because their thread on atvriders got locked. haha

09-14-2005, 10:19 AM
knew that was comin

09-14-2005, 10:23 AM
I agree with you alberta. It seems like people come here and expect to be able to go by there OWN set of rules. People can't just go to school, work or another persons home and make their own rules based on freedom of speech. What makes them think it's okay here? I guess what I'm saying is that there are set rules here and either some people need to follow them or get the heck out.:scary:

09-14-2005, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by 300exOH
I agree with you alberta. It seems like people come here and expect to be able to go by there OWN set of rules. People can't just go to school, work or another persons home and make their own rules based on freedom of speech. What makes them think it's okay here? I guess what I'm saying is that there are set rules here and either some people need to follow them or get the heck out.:scary:

Agreed !!!

This website is free for all of us to visit ... Harlen doesn't make us pay to come here . Money used to run this site comes from his own pocket , a handful of members that donate to this site and many hard hours that Harlen puts in to go and find website sponsors . Rules are layed out and either you follow them and your thread remains opened , or you break the rules and it gets shut down . There are also "unwritten" rules . Most of us on here know that when you start a thread about running from the cops , having cops show up cuz your doing burnouts to piss off your neighbour or anything along those lines ... the thread will get shut down . It's plain and simple . Use common sense . If you're lacking that bit of common sense and you get pissed off that your thread gets locked ... I'll just say like others have said before ... Don't let the door hit you on the way out !!!

09-14-2005, 10:43 AM
Greg, you mean that doing dounuts in the neighbors landscaped yard and then running from the cops is not cool?:confused:

I guess I have a lot to learn on this forum...:ermm:

And in the words of ICP: "Don't let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya...peace!"

09-14-2005, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by zephead400ex
Greg, you mean that doing dounuts in the neighbors landscaped yard and then running from the cops is not cool?:confused:

I guess I have a lot to learn on this forum...:ermm:

Even cooler when you come on the net to brag to people you dont know about it...... :devil:

09-14-2005, 10:49 AM
just post stuff about quads, racing, and girls and theres nothing else to worry about :)

09-14-2005, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Alberta_Qaudin
Even cooler when you come on the net to brag to people you dont know about it...... :devil:

Oh, ok. I get it now! I have to brag about it next time! Gotcha!:devil:

09-14-2005, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by zephead400ex
Oh, ok. I get it now! I have to brag about it next time! Gotcha!:devil:

haha all right. you know it :eek:

09-14-2005, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Agreed !!!

This website is free for all of us to visit ... Harlen doesn't make us pay to come here . Money used to run this site comes from his own pocket , a handful of members that donate to this site and many hard hours that Harlen puts in to go and find website sponsors . Rules are layed out and either you follow them and your thread remains opened , or you break the rules and it gets shut down . There are also "unwritten" rules . Most of us on here know that when you start a thread about running from the cops , having cops show up cuz your doing burnouts to piss off your neighbour or anything along those lines ... the thread will get shut down . It's plain and simple . Use common sense . If you're lacking that bit of common sense and you get pissed off that your thread gets locked ... I'll just say like others have said before ... Don't let the door hit you on the way out !!!


09-14-2005, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Well put.
That line about "this is just the internet guys" cracked me up.
I can picture youngin's now loosing sleep because their thread on atvriders got locked. haha


09-14-2005, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by zephead400ex
Greg, you mean that doing dounuts in the neighbors landscaped yard and then running from the cops is not cool?:confused:

I guess I have a lot to learn on this forum...:ermm:

And in the words of ICP: "Don't let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya...peace!"

Preston , it's only cool if the neighbour is an old man like in his late 80's ... and when you're done you go and kick his cane out from him . Then , and only then , is it acceptable to post it on here ... cuz 13 year olds will think you're GOD !!!! :rolleyes:

It's too bad there's few cry babies on this site ... but I'm sure with time , Harlen with the help of the Mods, will weed them all out . Most every thread that I've seen be shut down , was for the best of this website .


09-14-2005, 03:58 PM
[i] It's too bad there's few cry babies on this site ... but I'm sure with time , Harlen with the help of the Mods, will weed them all out . Most every thread that I've seen be shut down , was for the best of this website .


09-14-2005, 04:01 PM
just stop with the mod threads really,if it bothers you that much just be gone,it really doesnt bother me that much,i usually just laugh about it,idk how others go about

09-14-2005, 04:04 PM
Thanks guys... its nice to hear some positive things when a few trouble makers try to make themselves seem like a much larger number.

Dont worry... the bad apples will be removed soon enough.

I've been around this site longer than 99% of the people on here. I can honestly say, I've seen it all. This is just a cycle... probably the 4th or 5th since the site started.... funny, each time everyone claims the site is going down the tubes, it seems to grow each and every day. :confused:

09-14-2005, 04:06 PM
i can say for the other mods..thanks for your support.

however, leaving this thread up will surely add fuel to a fire that a handful of disgruntled members feel they must burn. so to be fair, its going to be locked...lol

and yes, people do loose sleep after a thread is locked or if they happen to get the boot. i can see thier side and usually they are allowed back on. banning is our only way of making someone see we are serious and our only avenue after warning them to stop. it isnt our fault of they dont listen.

ive heard it all...power hungry, control freak, azzhole (and worse) etc. i stopped caring about pissed off people along time ago. the members that understand what the deal is continue to support us and the site. and there even have been a few members that decided to leave BECAUSE of the very things we are trying to stomp out. id rather have those members back or knowing that we are atleast making attempts to close the playground as it were.

so for those that support us...thanks

for those that dont, find another place to call home because your being evicted.

09-14-2005, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
Thanks guys... its nice to hear some positive things when a few trouble makers try to make themselves seem like a much larger number.

Dont worry... the bad apples will be removed soon enough.

I've been around this site longer than 99% of the people on here. I can honestly say, I've seen it all. This is just a cycle... probably the 4th or 5th since the site started.... funny, each time everyone claims the site is going down the tubes, it seems to grow and grow by the day. :confused: No, they're serious this time. The 5 man band of troublemakers really are going to unionize and take all the remaining 41,236 members with them:D