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View Full Version : RAD H-10 Bearing Carrier Problems HELP ASAP

09-09-2005, 06:54 AM
For my birthday I got a RAD H-10 bearing carrier since I blew up my stock! In the process of assembling this one I cant slide in my disk Rotor... theres about 1/4 on an inch still needing to be sliden in.. is this the way its supposed to be!?!? ( i doubt)
HELP SOON please, I gotta race soon!

09-09-2005, 12:15 PM
Probably wiggle the axle around and tap on it with a piece of wood, the brake hub can sometimes be a little reluctant to slip into the hub.

09-09-2005, 02:00 PM
well seems that isnt the problem i got it in but when i adjust my chain and tighting my swingarm bolts (to tighting my chain) i ride it and my chain gets loose and back tight.. without my bearing carrier moving....

09-11-2005, 11:34 AM
So the carrier is moving around inside the swingarm, I would take it apart and clean the outside of the bearing carrier and the place where it goes in the swingarm, it's possible you have the locknut way too tight so it's pinching the bearing carrier.

09-18-2005, 09:18 AM
Hey Thanks for the advice.... I'll go try that out and see how it works.. So far I pulled it back out cleaned the grease off.. thinking maybe i put too much or something..but still .. anyways Ill give it a try.. thanks!